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27171613 No.27171613 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I fall for every FOMO bait?

>> No.27171735

Because you're a retard.

>> No.27171762

You have to use the Sugon trading method to avoid FOMO and panic selling

>> No.27171811

midwits like us are the prime target for get rich quick schemes

>> No.27171838

who's the tranny?

>> No.27171867

pretty girl

>> No.27171925

me too, but i'm only spending fun money i had earmarked for other stuff. In the end I will just have lots of various coin and hold them until one shoots up. I hope XLM is due.

>> No.27171971
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Nice digits fren

>> No.27172026

because you don’t DYOR

>> No.27172071

What's the sugon method? I'm not finding anything about it on google.

>> No.27172087
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What's the Sugon trading method, anon?

>> No.27172159

I have fallen for non and I have been holding LINK for 3 years.
My pain far outweights your pain.

>> No.27172195

The trick is to get in early.
If you see something that might actually have a chance, put a suicide stack in.

If you're feeling the FOMO, it's probably already too late - the people who got in early are already thinking of dumping before it crashes

>> No.27172375
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>> No.27172481

u are psychologically unstable so you are easily affected by your environment. if u were a chad u wouldnt give a fuck and u wouldnt get fomod

>> No.27172848

Simplest way to explain would be that you masturbate too much and you have no control over your dopamine levels.

>> No.27172918
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You're still too weak op. You haven't suffered enough and your hatred isin't strong enough.

>> No.27172972


>> No.27173066

I laugh every time LUL

>> No.27173154

How do you find stuff anon?

>> No.27173228

cause you dont stick around long enough to learn.

you are supposed to invest pennies and pretend its millions while you watch and learn what stuff does

so far I have learned this

buy low, sell high and look at the graphs.

>> No.27173290


>> No.27173854

Stop fomo'ing and panicing lik a retard. Find good coins and research them, then buy and HOLD til your goals.
>3 months old
>2 former 15year+ Microsoft Devs
>Will be a coinbases biggest on-ramp competitor
>Normies need a way to buy with fiat easily, especially with the flux of incensed, disillusioned RH traders.
>Working product
>Professional looking marketing
>18mil MC
Easiest 10x/15x ever, this is a top-100 coin any day of the week.