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27162557 No.27162557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

$GME >$1000 confirmed

>> No.27162666


literally who.

>> No.27162733

fuck off satan you know who it is

>> No.27163041

no really, I have no fucking clue

>> No.27163245

Yesterday most of us said 4k is the minimum they will wait for. But if we all just keep calm and hodl, we can probably push this past 10k, we just need to let the hedgies bleed long enough.

Friendly reminder, the hedgies only begin to bleed on Tuesday. A lot of people here misunderstood and thought yesterday we should have all been rich, but we just expected their final push yesterday and the war to be decided. Unexpectedly, they are waiting for Monday for their final push. Guess that gives them more time to prepare.

>> No.27163275

michael j burry
protagonist of the big short
told everyone to buy gamestop last year

>> No.27163319

That's the guy from the Big Short.
I don't know why his name's Cassandra now, guess he became a troon.

>> No.27163401

He's back on Twitter already?

>> No.27163577

you mean the dubs guy?

>> No.27163711


>> No.27163713

We can only do this if they open up trading, otherwise shits fucked

>> No.27163863

Referencing greek mythology I believe

>> No.27164054


>> No.27164284
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I suspect it goes far, far beyond this. Here's a point I haven't seen anyone raise yet, but is probably the critical factor: Even now hedge funds are shorting GME due to (correctly) identifying it as overvalued, and then (incorrectly possibly) predicting it will quickly go back to normal levels. But there's so many perma-holders now that may not actually happen - and these shorters HAVE to buy back at some point. If the price stays higher than it 'should' be for an extended period, then all these new shorts will also have to be fulfilled at market prices, driving the price back up again in a feedback loop. GME could theoretically continue eating shorts for years to come.

>> No.27164582

this is not defi, this is not a smart contract, gamestop can just make a backroom deal with hedge funds and print them more stock for them to return,

>> No.27165539
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These things take time you know

>> No.27165610


>> No.27165687


>> No.27165860

1 GME = 1 ETH

>> No.27165956

actually this one is better

sorry just posted the first one ecosia gave me figured they would all be the same but that first one left out the part that no one listened. If you have ever seen 12 monkeys they reference the cassandra complex: knowing a future disaster and no one heeding your warnings

>> No.27165988

it will be true

>> No.27166073

Rent free

>> No.27166104

Anon, this is gonna crash on monday. It might recover a little by tuesday but the buy limits since thursday coupled with general scare tactics and the monday effect are gonna give them a lot of outs to cover their shorts by mid next week.

If it climbs to 500 on monday, which it might, I'm out.

>> No.27166111


>> No.27166171

Yeah he’s a tranny

>> No.27166210

10k a share would legitimately crash the economy. No one would actually get paid 10k a share, you realize that right?

>> No.27166238


>> No.27166277

ah yes, like they predicted >1000 on Friday?
fuck outta here, we got played by the jews yet again

>> No.27166327
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>> No.27166345

People holding GME are setting high sell limits with the assumption that hedgefunds will just have to buy no matter what the cost. Why is this the case? This seems far too easy of a setup that just doesn't add up to me. Wouldn't they just buy back little by little until prices drop? So the people with $1,000+ sell limits get screwed?

>> No.27166368

shill me on defi. i've used uniswap a few times, but don't really understand this defi/nft shit.

>> No.27166371
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>literal who
One of the most based autists ever produced by Western Civilization.

>> No.27166388


>> No.27166450

cassandra is a greek myth of some girl who was cursed to utter true prophecies but never be believed
i guess you can say he was right about the housing market and GME, it remains to be seen whether he's right about tsla too

>> No.27166484

stop using zoomer meme brokers

>> No.27166516

Shit I guess I messed up by selling

>> No.27166580
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That dude from big short.

>> No.27166605

I want to perma-hold but Schwab won't cancel my sell limit order. Why is this happening.

>> No.27166695


>> No.27166735

Michael didn't predicted >1000 on Friday, shill
>we got played by the jews yet again
>gamestop at fucking 320+

>> No.27166773

presumably because it's saturday

>> No.27166788

how do you expect them to cover their short positions until the due date little by little?

>> No.27166826

praise kek

>> No.27166832


>> No.27166835

>GME could theoretically continue eating shorts for years to come.
maybe not years but a month or two I agree with you.

GME no has legit 40 to 50 million micro share holders each holding onto 500 to 2000 dollars worth of GME stock. its no sweat for them to hold and let it chill. and becuase the blood sucking Hedgies have only doubled down on their short WE have to double down on our HODL and buy if we can. under NO circumstances do we sell unless we see clear proof of Melvin settling the majority of their shorts and we shold be prepared to hold for WEEKS esp. if the stock goes down a little.

im holding strong and you should too. I believe in GameStonk and there is a high probability 400 will be GameStock's new normal at which case hedgies will be OMEGA fucked

>> No.27166841

But that's Bruce Wayne

>> No.27166851

They have to buy back the float stock to cover their short positions, the longer it takes them the more interest they pay.

>> No.27166917

if you can buy in under 350 I would do that bro I got in at 340 and i dont regret

>> No.27166993

I would only buy back in under my sell

>> No.27167026

That's what I'm asking. So then the person who set a sell limit to, let's say, $10,000, will end up selling for that price just because the hedgefunds HAVE TO cover no matter what the cost?

>> No.27167081

thanks anon

>> No.27167083

How do you know the due date? I and many others have open shorts for january NEXT year. There's no way the stock price will remain at this level for an entire year. A month, two, MAYBE.

>> No.27167095

I’ll buy back in Monday...already did one round 240 to 320

>> No.27167185

Can they just buy and sell one stock 70 million times to cover the float?

>> No.27167191

He shorted his penis

>> No.27167212

Literally Michael Burry you nigger

>> No.27167271
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Suit yourself. I'll call you from the moon

Theoretically yes. They need to close out 140% of shorts so they could buy 1% of the shorts and sell and rebuy the same shorts 140x thereby cutting out the 99% of faggots who are expecting a 10k payday. But this extends their days to close and they are paying 30% interest on their entire outstanding loan for every day they don't close. They are mega fucked

>> No.27167273

Correct, if not interest rate rapes them and they eventually get liquidated, or more accurately they go bankrupt.

>> No.27167299

This is something I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of.
When is the literal final hour for them?

>> No.27167347
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give it to me straight bros
should I liquidate all my positions and buy GME on monday before US exchanges open?

>> No.27167371

Theoretically I believe yes but it would take dozens of days to close and they are paying 30% interest for each day they fail to close

>> No.27167389

yep. They're gonna liquidate all of nasdaq and all the banks to pay your tendies money. Sure thing.

>> No.27167417

If no one is willing to pay 10k a share then it won't reach 10k to begin with. A stock is worth what the market decides, regardless if you believe the market is reasonable or not.

>> No.27167441


>> No.27167445
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You guys are really hard to shill.

I don't think the hedgies have hired the right PR people for this.

>> No.27167504

short positions are on lease, so they naturally have to return them to the loaner

presumably no one is selling it may very well stay that way, also see: https://isthesqueezesquoze.com/

>> No.27167614

this guy was buying gamestop like a year or two ago tbf

>> No.27167616

He said tesla is a bubble and gonna crash soon, right? I believe that, it is overpriced because musk get memed every second (admit that musk has been good to me with btc and gme, respect.)

>> No.27167643
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>> No.27167651

>I don't know why his name's Cassandra now
he's a literal autist. no different than reluctant kneepad girl

>> No.27167679

Forgot to add: The only winning move for hedgies at this point is to get Reddit to shut down the sub. Surely that can't be that difficult, right?

>> No.27167686

Ya’ll niggas the reason why I love this place.

>> No.27167706

Did they put a gun to his head?

>> No.27167742

nah, he looks more like batman. Bruce Wayne is just some drunken billionaire whos emo just his parents got murked

>> No.27167820

So is $100k a good price to sell it at?

>> No.27167826
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>> No.27167864
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It never ceases to amuse me how you guys can be so individually dumb, yet so collectively on point. It makes this really difficult to explain at work.

>> No.27167890

but im not shilling against GME

>> No.27167923

But they cancel buy orders immediately over the weekend? I'm a bit worried they execute the sale before it's cancelled. But I guess I could always just buy another share if it really skyrockets. Risky though.

>> No.27167926

Why would gamestop bother doing that for the hedgefund that wanted to bankrupt them and then theyd be on the firing line with the hedgies? Instead they can sit back do nothing survive

>> No.27167946

He already sold though

>> No.27167954

They've underwater right now, they can't exit at these prices and stay an ongoing concern, their bankers would be on the hook if that happens, banks don't want to hold these bags and so would force the shorters to close (buy) to minimize the banks loses. Their playing for time because it's their only play, the higher it climbs and the longer it stays elevated the more likely the banks are to pull the plug on the hedgies

>> No.27167956
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>> No.27167957

someone posted yesterday that GME could literally become like the next bitcoin, with people just buying and holding it as a store of value forever. it'll reach levels of $35k+, be completely divorced from the gamestop store itself, and just be supported by an army of autists who "love the stock". what a timeline that would be