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27121228 No.27121228 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone here not get rich cause they’re too poor? I guessed everything right but TOO POOR didn’t matter

>bought gme early
>barely got anything cause poor
>bought tqqq and up like 70%
>bought fantom and wanted to buy more at .015 too poor
>barely got anything off it
>wanted to buy ada before the pump
>wanted to buy gme calls before the pump

I cant fucking win!!!!! I’m getting a fucking mask and a gun

>> No.27121285

Use debt, nigga

>> No.27121464

If you don't have a SPARE $10000 to invest, you are not going to make it.
I am sorry, anon, but x10000 opportunities just do not exist.

What you need is to get that initial capital, and I don't care if you need to sell your hairy ass to perverts for that.

>> No.27121596

How poor are we talking?

>> No.27121646


It's the ones not being shilled here that are gonna pump HARD and catch everyone off guard

>> No.27121659

Thousands of dollars poor. I keep doing everything right and walking away with nothing

>> No.27121663

can I make it with $150

>> No.27121665

too late to stick 2k into gme? same boat as OP (faggot) but i wanna make it not put a gun in my mouth

>> No.27121713

the dump bobos predicted since 13k pushed us down from 34 to 32k
don’t run for this ass be a cool guy
now the best conditions is staking, high-liquidity tools, nft and multi-level pools
that’s why join top poolz finance, you will like it rofl

>> No.27121753

buy vidya and hold for a year 50x guarenteed

>> No.27121764

I turned $50 into 40k since March, you’re not too poor you’re just not smart enough. Sorry anon, the truth hurts.

>> No.27121802

When you're poor if you fuck up it usually means game over.
If you're rich you can try dozens of times or an unlimited amount of times until you succeed.

>> No.27121803

> (((borrowing money)))

>> No.27121830

>doing everything right
>walking away with nothing
Anon I

>> No.27121832

Yes go ahead retard do it

>> No.27121836

>Thousands of dollars poor.
>bought gme early
>barely got anything cause poor

What the fuck are you talking about then, you should have fucking made x10.

>> No.27121891

Oh no, the solution to my problem exists but alas I remain a faggot with a victim complex

>> No.27121895

$10000 is the "I'm a fucking genius" floor for being able to make it.
$20000 is the "I'm gonna make it by 40 in VTI" floor
$40000 is the "I'm gonna make it by 35 in VTI/VOO" floor
$100000 is the "I'm gonna make it by 30 in VTI/VOO" floor
$1mil is the "I'm gonna make it by 25 in VTI/VOO" floor.
$2mil makes it. with this your average income is $200k/annum. You may now consider yourself officially permanently retired.
This is the truth.

>> No.27121897

Yeah well I’m not lying incel virgin at least. God I fucking hate this place

>> No.27121900

Well, if OP is so sure that he does everything right, he can borrow $10000 to prove it.

>> No.27121911

Yeah. Borrowed 100k to buy btc at 10k

>> No.27121936

how can I fix my stupidity and properly invest?

>> No.27121972

>I’m not lying incel virgin
You need to go back.

>> No.27122106

lol I made money but now I have to report it to unemployment. meaning my allowance will be subtracted from my profits. So I didn't really make anything at all.

>> No.27122160

this is the first thing you need to understand. There is no "proper" way to invest. There are methods/strategies of investment.

The one you're asking about is conservative investment. That would be, and I'm not a financial advisor, this is for entertainment purposes only, go see a fucking financial advisor, VTI in a Roth IRA at max contribution. It averages about 10% a year. The "rule of 72" is to take your rate of return over a given time period (let's say, a year), and divide 72 by it.

So, with VTI, an average return of 10%, 72/10= 7.2, so if you invested 6k today, it would be 12k in 2028, 24k in 2035, 48k in 2042. If you do this every year, you will become an "almost made it," where that is good enough to have "made it" in some third world country like the philippines, where you'll get better freedoms to fuck hookers or live well.

Up to you.

>> No.27122196

I think you made a big mistake by cashing out.
The retirement means reinvesting, not wasting money.

>> No.27122213

interesting take
will the IRS fuck my asshole raw if i fail to report capital gain earnings made from this gme meme

thinking about using all my unemployment into gme

>> No.27122326

How old are you?
Just keep doing it man.
Third worldie here started in 2013 with $200 I made from freelancing and now turned it into a six figure portfolio.

>> No.27122333

I am not a tax professional. This is not tax advice. Go see an accountant.

Yes if your exchange has verified you in any meaningful way.

>> No.27122511

Put it in a safe stock like moon and arkk until the year is up and use those gains to pay taxes. Fucking sucks but fucking Jews. As soon as I get a house with legit income I’m never paying a dime unless I’m a millionaire

>> No.27122586

Put $100 into MUSE dude. Just look at the chart.

>> No.27122737

I'm gonna be trading on unemployment too.
As far as I know you don't need to report income until you cash out so just keep buying/selling until you have a substantial amount

>> No.27122750

wait so if I don't cash out I don't have to report it? source?

>> No.27122757

To add onto this example, and describe a not-so-typical "winning" situation...

Let's say you owned a small business doing something very small, like trading candy. You open up a Roth IRA, a self employed, self-managed 401k, and were employed by the military and police part time, and worked for another employer at the same time.

You could put almost always put away all of your discretionary spending into these retirement accounts, and in-kind many of them (such as your 402 from the military, 401k from your employer, etc) to a Roth IRA. This would be an ideal situation, where you could eventually create enough wealth to secure your 2 million in a few decades. Thereby "making it" well before 70, 60, 50, and maybe well before 40, as young as 32 if you started at 17 entering into all of these things.

Of course, there's nothing stopping you from doing this. You could do this today.

Or you could day trade, learn gamma, learn investing from a degree in finance, and trade your way to the top. This is also possible.

It's what you want to do in life, anon. There is no simple "do x to make it" button I can press to help you. Sorry.

Look into options trading.

>> No.27122810

um you shouldn't take that risk. you should know first.

>> No.27122910

dude i flipped 3k into 20k get good shitty

>> No.27122933

stupid fucking faggot

>> No.27123611

So would I have if Jews didn’t halt trading. I’m better than you. I’m better than Jews

>> No.27124007
File: 247 KB, 1536x800, 79 stingray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your second income stream?
Oh don't have one?
Oh, to lazy to make bullshit trinket garbage women buy and jack the price up on etsy or learn to draw sell designs on merch, or play music and market that?

Go make some extra cash, lazy ass hole.

>> No.27124015

Learn about realized and unrealized capital gains

>> No.27124064
File: 55 KB, 479x640, 1588752767819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stingray, brah. '79 was a good vintage.

>> No.27124140

You fit right in here

>> No.27124325

I literally turned $100 into $1000 on DOGE in one day. Fucking DOGE. All I did was buy low sell high. If you're as smart as you claim to be, you can figure it out. I, on the other hand, do not claim to be some Uber genius. I literally 10x my stack in one day. I can easily put that into ETH and print $20 bills on every swing. And ETH isn't even the best coin to trade. Dunno what to tell you anon. Sounds like you're larping or taking the piss. Maybe you're autistic but not the good, useful kind

>> No.27124762

>as soon as I get a house with legit income I won't pay taxes
Lol ok kiddo.

>> No.27125548

You can't be an investor if you don't have shit to invest. Just accept your place at the bottom of the pyramid pleb

>> No.27125936

Get a job? You should be proud to contribute to your fellow. Countrymen

>> No.27126751

the economy is rigged so I'm going to game it just like everyone else

>> No.27127090

What'd you start with? Any tips? Poorfag here as well.

>> No.27127247

It's probably your fault you stupid millenial (I'm a millenial too before boomer shit)

Stop buying the newest iphone
Stop going out to eat 5 times a week
Stop paying for 17 entertainment subscriptions from spotify to disney plus to amazon prime, to netflix, etc.
Stop buying movies and video games every week, there's plenty of dirt cheap and free entertainment.

>> No.27127608

Get in BAO (1k or even 500 bucks) before is too late. I wont suggest staking unless you have 1200 extra more. But is worth it if you can.

>> No.27127865

You're not smart for making money off of crypto. Did you solve a long mathematical equation to figure out exactly when to buy/sell? No, you got lucky.

>> No.27128265

>bought GME at around 100 bucks
>bought every dip
>double down around 2 something
>Thursday comes
>can’t buy, see dip down to low 100s
>seething cause I can’t buy more
>shit pumps
>sell at a reasonable 380 at opening today
>leave some shares still in the game
Fuck robinhood dude.

>> No.27128360

I’m thinking of it

I sleep on a floor and poor as fuck I spent $40 on a video game and the first money I’ve spent in months and have been sweating about it constantly

>> No.27129127

>Not maxxing out credit cards and loans and pawning shit off for a quick Pump and Dump and then repaying before any interest is applied

Even if you fail, just don't pay anything back anyways and eat the bankruptcy or flee to another country.

>> No.27129386

>Thousands of dollars poor.

>bought gme early
>barely got anything cause poor

Yeah you are bullshitting. GME rose over 100x. Even just the last few weeks it rose over 30x. If you bought it early with like $1k, you would have made tens of thousands of dollars. If your return was less than this, the problem wasn't your wealth starting point, but that your timing and choices isn't as good as you think they are.

>> No.27129501

I averaged up... and now I’m scared of a drop

>> No.27129667

I only have 500 LINK and I paid $100 for them.