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File: 26 KB, 1126x456, jewttrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2711751 No.2711751 [Reply] [Original]

>want to trade on bittrex
>can't because you need to give them all of your details and they must be real because they check against public records
>if i enter my phone its the same
>if i enter the details then you are at risk of getting reported to taxfags and you no longer have privacy
>if you dont enter your real data, when you want to cash out you can't prove that it was you operating the account
>inb4 i have a legacy account so i didnt need to put my real data
Even if you didn't put your real data, how will you prove to authorities that it was you operating the account under a fake name?
>inb4 I will just cash out for cash
Doesn't matter faggot, if you want to buy a house you can't hide from the taxman

fuck this desu

>> No.2711763

abloobloobloo I can't launder money everybody pity me

>> No.2711785

It's not about laundering money you dumb cuck. I just want to stay off the radar as long as I want to. Once im rich from my 21 BTC I will buy a house and pay taxes. I just don't want the taxman to know I have any bitcoins because they will do experiments with the first idiots that cash out until it gets perfected and I dont want to be the idiot used in their experiments.

In case their laws suck, I want to be able to cash out in any country I want.

>> No.2711800

not having a legacy account. kek. all you needed was an email address.

>> No.2711816


Fuck you OP for being too late. If you believed in this shit and wanted to trade, you should have committed before.

Now fuck off, the big boys have business to discuss.

>> No.2711834

why is 21 BTC the price for being "rich"?

>> No.2711856

oh boo fucking hooo. so you want to buy a house in a 1st world nation but you have to pay taxes on your income. your life is so fucking shit anon.

>> No.2711982
File: 315 KB, 632x546, legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again dumbasses. How will you prove to ((authorities)) that you owned that account if you just used some fake name etc?

Also, legacy accounts are being randomly deleted anyway.


>> No.2711991

>How will you prove to ((authorities)) that you owned that account if you just used some fake name etc?
You don't fucking get it. There is NO SECURITY in this market. That's the whole goddamn point. You don't prove shit to anyone. You are responsible and you are trusting an exchange to hold your money. They may very well steal it from you and there's nothing you can do about it.

We all fucking know that already.

Now FUCK OFF you fucking newfag.

You're so obviously new it hurts. FUCKING NEWFAGS GET THE FUCK OUT OF CRYPTO.

>> No.2712039

Stop acting like you know shit you 2016 faggot. I've been here since day 1.

You still don't get it you low IQ mong.

If you want to buy a house with your bitcoins, you will need to prove that you made your money legally. This means if you bought coin X for coin Y in an exchange, you must prove that it was you that made that trade.

Your dumb ass thinks he can cash out 1 million worth of BTC without any proof that the BTC has legitimate origin LOL.

>> No.2712078

Are you dumb?
> It's some bitcoins someone gave me.
> I asked in 4chan for someone to help me, I posted my BTC address
> this new BTC address I just created for that moment
> suddenly somebody gave me 1000 BTC
> what am I supposed to do? not cash out?

> Well, I stopped listening when you said Bitgroin because I don't know what that is, but you're sure you didn't sell drugs right?
> right

>> No.2712092

don't 'cash out' from bittrex . use a mixer and send it to a random address then do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.2712109

>I've been here since day 1
>Doesn't have a working Bittrex account
Get the fuck out lol
>If you want to buy a house with your bitcoins, you will need to prove that you made your money legally
You are so goddamn new it's laughable.

>> No.2712119
File: 243 KB, 430x430, 1497566724868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a first world nation
It's like you DON'T want to be a feudal lord with 10 waifus in Laos

>> No.2712340

Bittrex is a newfag exchange. If you have a bittrex account it just means you are a poorfag trying to make more BTC by buying into pump and dump shitcoins.

>> No.2712347 [DELETED] 

>then do whatever the fuck you want.
If you want to buy a house, they will ask where the money came from. By using a mixer you can't no longer prove that the bitcoins have a legitimate origin, so no house for you.

>> No.2712369 [DELETED] 

>then do whatever the fuck you want.
If you want to buy a house, they will ask where the money came from. By using a mixer you can't no longer prove that the bitcoins have a legitimate origin, so no house for you.

Not to mention that if you use a mixer, you have no idea where the addresses you are getting are coming form. You could be getting bitcoins that have been blacklisted and have been used in the darknets for drugs and cp, if you are unlucky enough you could end up in deep trouble.

This is the problem of bitcoin, lack of fungibility.

>> No.2712374

>>then do whatever the fuck you want.
>If you want to buy a house, they will ask where the money came from. By using a mixer you can't no longer prove that the bitcoins have a legitimate origin, so no house for you.
>Not to mention that if you use a mixer, you have no idea where the addresses you are getting are coming form. You could be getting bitcoins that have been blacklisted and have been used in the darknets for drugs and cp, if you are unlucky enough you could end up in deep trouble.
This is the problem of bitcoin, lack of fungibility.

>> No.2712392

>You are so goddamn new it's laughable.
He is right.

>> No.2712566

>be some NEET
>cash out 1 million worth of BTC
>suddendly 1 million appears in your bank account
>"how did you get this anon?"
>"just bought some bitcoin"
>"great :)"
>thinks they will not look further to see if you made it selling drugs and CP on the darknet
Are you this delusional?

>> No.2713300
File: 610 KB, 488x646, galia trump lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2713310

it's just a dumb meme

>> No.2713326

>cash out 1 million worth of BTC
Are you fucking retarded?

I send it to a trusted relative as a gift, he sells it at a high premium, sends me the cash, and I spend the cash while letting my income from my real job accumulate untouched so it looks like I only spend $5 from my bank a month and nobody gives a shit. Then I slowly put in like 10% of that money back into my bank account in deposits of like $400 every few days via an ATM. Very slowly and over the course of a year.

This is unironically how I avoid paying taxes on BTC because the money is a "gift" from my relative and nobody throws a fit over $400 every few days.

>> No.2713339

Crypto is not for you.

>> No.2713437


> What is addition

wow, you are pulling an exit strategy out of your ass that is beyond stupid. I bet you never even thought it through to the point of checking the legal ramifications of all you are planning to do.

And to top it all off there are many systems in place on bank accounts to detect exactly what you are describing.

So they won't fine you for not knowing what the fuck you were doing, they are going to charge your ass with tax fraud, you get a nice prison sentence and gone is your anal virg... nvm...

>> No.2713470

>What is structuring

>> No.2713561


>> No.2714754

What you're doing is called structuring, and banks look for this type of activity all the time when performing AML/BSA activity.

Do you really think you're the first one to think of using gift tax exclusions and "keeping deposits low" when trying to evade taxes? Banks track not only deposit amounts, but patterns, timing of payments, and customer type.

You'd be way better off working with an accountant and tax attorney to set up a foreign shell Corp, then pay yourself a salary like a normal wagecuck.

>> No.2714823


>> No.2715742


What the fuck are you talking about dude, tax law for cryptocurrency is already VERY clear, when you cash out you have to pay capital gains, just like in stocks. This is all it will ever be, why some nutters think they're going to start taxing crypto gains at 100% or something I'll never understand, it's too small a market and it makes no economic sense, there's a reason they don't do that for any other assets.