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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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270143 No.270143 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>266767

>> No.270144

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 98 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.270146

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy votethread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.270151
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>> No.270152

Has the Doge wallet recieved an update for hearbleed exploit?

>> No.270157
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1 Doge still 1 Doge, it doesn't matter you get robbed or they become worthless.

>> No.270158

This is why starting a multipool to pump the price of a coin that has no value and then offering people the option of using to ignore that coin that has no value and instead mine a coin that has value on it like DOGE is a bad idea.

>> No.270161

If that option was removed the pool would be left with 30 MH/s. Would it make any difference?

>> No.270164

It's good to crack blocks from coins with high difficulty.

>> No.270163

why hasn't hash been siphoned off of DOGE to pump PND as a pool 'fee'?

>> No.270165
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also, shilling for Isracoin

>> No.270166

Furthermore, the more people mining on the pool, disregarding which coin, means less people potentially dumping pnd through other multipools.

>> No.270171

I bet the pool would have many more MH/s than that that because the people who were going to use it wouldn't automatically decide to be paid in DOGE.

>> No.270168

Servers don't pay for themselves.

>> No.270173

You cut the payout to 50k a block. No one is going to be dumping PND from a multipool.

>> No.270175
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You're forgetting the difficulty.

>> No.270178


only clients using bitcoin >0.9 need to

>> No.270182

The fuck are you even on about? Are you actually saying that if DOGE was removed a large portion of DOGE miners would be mining PND?
The one real negative effect is that the multipool is ultimately destroying profitability of the coins available and the more users are using it for DOGE the less the value of a day's mining is assuming the DOGE miners would be using a regular pool instead and thus you get to buy up less PND but this effect is minor and you're not talking about this since you're talking about MH/s.

>> No.270181
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Isn't really that bad the fact that most people on the multi are mining DOGE? The only PND account you can see on the top 10 list it's not even the #1, and I'm assuming that is from amDOGE's rig

>> No.270190

well i was waiting for doge multipool and pnd multipool that is not mining doge, so fuck you Sir.

>> No.270192

>DOGE staying below 100

well, this time it IS dead

>> No.270194
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>> No.270201

I'm saying that if DOGE was removed, all people with marginal interest in PND would mine PND on the multipool instead of mining DOGE. As it stands, if you aren't completely committed to raising the price of PND back into the satoshi range, you're going to choose to mine DOGE instead of PND when presented with that choice by the multipool because that's where the hype lies.

>> No.270207

PND could be huge if you had the right... I don't want to say marketing... "message" to the crypto community. All it really needs right now is hashing power and there is plenty of it out there, looking for an opportunity.

Tell people what they already know; that most coins are in the shitter and new coins aren't profitable. If you're going to mine a stagnated coin,you should mine PND because of the active dev work on the multipool. Basic economics, etc. etc. Just fucking spread that shit. Now that the multipool is up, your job is to tell people about your work and get the ball rolling. 4chan /biz threads aren't enough, put PND everywhere you possibly can and fuck the hates. We'll help you do it, just do more of it.

>> No.270212


>> No.270218

I think you're completely right. It's also worth mentioning that is everyone one the multipool was mining PND it would pump the price to 18 litoshi even if 100% of PND miners were dumping everything they mined.

>> No.270222

...within 48 hours. 1 satoshi would be reached within a week even if half the multipool miners were dumping their huge profits

>> No.270223

So what is needed are places to advertise the coin but I'm out of ideas regarding that.

>> No.270229

1dash will be ready soon(tm)
>tfw not soon enough

>> No.270231
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>> No.270232

Alright, Debian is on 1.0.1g-1

recompiled wallets, updating, changing passwords and making new wallet backups

>> No.270236
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*coins lower than version 0.9 were only having the issue when used with the -rpcssl flag.

>> No.270238

fuck it, after seeing dumps and a guy on /g/ having 897GB of harvested passwords it's all getting nuked

>> No.270240

litecoin is fusing with DOGE

>> No.270241

Where did you get that idea from?

>> No.270245


You've been in all of the right places, in my opnion, you just aren't compelling enough and your messages don't have the conviction that is required to really start something. Your idea and the work you've done on it is brilliant - that alone got me back to mining PND, but most miner/speculators don't think for themselves, they do what they're TOLD. Remember Zoolander and the male models? Your message isn't "Hey guys, check out the Malaysian Prime Minister, he should probably be assassinated" it's "Get on board right now, the more hashes, the more profit you make". You need a CALL TO ACTION, not just a limp wristed suggestion.

Like I said, there's people who will back you up on it, just let us know when and where you post the call. This IS a good idea and the foundation is already built. Hashing power is all that's left, stop being so nice about it.

>> No.270246


>The founder of litecoin Charlie Lee has proposed merging the mining capabilities of the litecoin and dogecoin communities.
Dogecoin Proves its Worth with Generosity and Kindness

>Lee believes that both litecoin and dogecoin swill become increasingly open to cyber attacks as and when it become unprofitable to mine these coins and miners move on to the next cryptocurrency.

>And so, to avoid this, Lee things they should join forces. In a post on the dogecoin subreddit, Lee said:

> I won't lie. This move will help out Litecoin also. Given my limited resources, I wouldn't waste my time on this if it didn't help Litecoin. Right now, every miner mining Dogecoin (or any other Scrypt coin) is a miner that is not mining Litecoin. So Litecoin's security is a lot less than it could be. So merging mining with Dogecoin would make both Litecoin/Dogecoin almost impossible to 51%.

>> No.270256
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>> No.270257

Is it viable to get a small 4chan gaming tournament sponsored with dogecoins?
How many dogecoins would be about 100 Euros and is it possible to get that community funded

>> No.270262

just dump now and go, dick moves against doge will not be tolerated

>> No.270266

When I'm passing down information I'm trying to be as objective as possible, as I prefer reading it that way myself. Inform yourself, not be informed by someone else. Maybe that's holding me back in a marketing perspective.
If someone can come up with something fitting for new OPs in various forums, please go ahead.

You're probably about merged mining which isn't a fusion of the coins.

>> No.270268

We also need people on the irc. It is basically dead.

>> No.270271


fits the coin

>> No.270273


in other news...
added to swisskeks

>> No.270286

Because I'm in the PND one and yeah, it's like a desert

>> No.270289

#officialpandacoin on freenode.

>> No.270294

op still has cryptorush and kryptokursy listed for pnd, when they in fact no longer have a pnd exchange
also add xnigma to that list

>> No.270299


That's definitely what's holding you back. It's clear as day. I can't tell if you're serious about getting this coin back on the ground. For someone who has put so much work into it, you are a huge disappointment on the marketing side.

When I think of you, this is literally what I think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KkIlfhHcEg#t=26

>> No.270310
File: 339 KB, 1407x1080, 1dashupdate24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1dash.net just got an important update: multicharts.
If the data is available, you'll get the plots for both MintPal (light green) and Swisscex (aqua).
Keep in mind that Swisscex data is much more coarse than MintPal.

I'll add some usability features along the way (like the option to remove exchanges you're not interested in).

Also, some caching is happening at the back end, so the long load times will happen only once per coin (most probably when you open the page, somebody will have already cached the data for you).

I'll try to add the PND voting system for features this weekend. And the faucet.

>> No.270320


Sounds about right.

Thanks for the update.

>> No.270330

is it worth it for gpu miners to change to an alternate algorithm yet?

>> No.270331

Every coin is down at the moment if you mean that.

>> No.270332

not so much that as the algorithms that are less heavy on the power consumption, seeing how important that is right now

>> No.270335

Entirely your call then.

>> No.270336

thanks for the insight

>> No.270337

amDOGE are you interested in football? are you going to follow the World Cup?

>> No.270338

I'm sorry but you are welcome either well.

Not at all.

>> No.270345


>> No.270347
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With an awesome buy support as well.

>> No.270346

>implying Isracoin isn't up over 300% and has a higher market cap than doge
shiggle diggles


>> No.270348
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Now wait, those are the buyers.

>> No.270349

>amDOGE pls

>> No.270353
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all aboard this new gravy train!!

>> No.270370

if you want to participate in these schemes, you need to have pointed a powerful mining rig to it before the 300% increase and selling your coins now, otherwise you are doing it wrong as is going to complain about holding a bag later

>> No.270372

difference is, it is now hitting other & bigger exchanges (Swisskeks for one)

>> No.270374

and, check your market cap filtering by available supply rather than the future total supply

and the option to filter premined coins is there because when those holding their premine dump it your price is going down
it has been done over and over again...

>> No.270386
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Threads like this: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563790.0 are a great opportunity to show PND isn't just another shitcoin.

Get in there and shill fuckos.

>> No.270399
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>they listed it as Panda

>> No.270412




>> No.270418

crypto is kill
bitcoin is very unlikely to rise again unless some country (like ukraine) makes it a 2nd official currency.

>> No.270417


>> No.270421

>implying that institutional investors don't want to invest
crypto-ETFs soon

>> No.270424



>> No.270433
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Got all of the shekels I need right here.

>> No.270438

also since when has there been a doge to USD market on cryptsy

i bet the value will go up by at least 30% once that is fully functional

>> No.270458
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please dont lie

>> No.270461


Why do you bet that

>> No.270462
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>> No.270477

How in hell did this coin achieve such solid price at 100ish satoshi? feels like trading an actual currency. You could make easily 100 USD a day if you are a big holder right now just by making small safe 2-3 satoshi buys/sells throught the day which will go throught stadistically. Of course you can fuck up and lose a lot of money (or win if you are caught in a bump)
Too bad I dont own any otherwise I would give it a try for fun.

>> No.270489


>> No.270485
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>> No.270518

>not isracoin
goyim pls

>> No.270525

because doge has a larger trading volume to BTC then any other coin by a massive margin

i am honestly stupified that none of you are buying while the market is low, in a year or 2 doge is going to be next to impossible to buy

>> No.270538


Under what metric?

Yes, it is going to be next to impossible to buy, because the dogeconomy is going to be dead and dried up

I've been following Dogecoin since day 2 and unless something radical happens to the adoptance rate or price (I'm talking increases of 2500%) before the year is over) there's no continuing success for Doge.


>> No.270541


had an extra parenthesis there

>> No.270544
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>> No.270554


Scrypt-ASICs are going to change the game, just like they did with BTC.

What do you think they'll mine?

Right now what your seeing is institutional investment taking DOGE out of the hands of teenagers with remarkable and calculated ease.

>> No.270568

>more like JIDFcoin

>> No.270567


They're going to mine whatever is most profitable.

Who do you think is more likely to drop thousands of dollars on ASICs, Joe Shibe who got tipped 20 doge on reddit or Litecoin Joe who has been mining for years?

The biggest problem Doge is facing is that there are too many halvenings taking place in too short a period of time and the price isn't rising enough to keep miners.

Right now you're seeing nothing of the sort, what the hell would "institutional investors" want with an altcoin that offers nothing new, no high levels of adoption, and that has a 30m market cap?

>> No.270574
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Hai amDoge.


It's taking it's place up there with BTC and LTC...as far as porn, sex toys, hosting, and some hardware sites are concerned at least. That's good news to me.

>> No.270581


its* on the second one there

>> No.270583


Even if that were true it doesn't change the multiple issues facing doge.

>> No.270615
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>> No.270624

Fuck off. You bring shit to DOGE name.

>> No.270625

oh you're here. i sent you a donation sometime back
>you know who

>> No.270632
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That's not nice.

>> No.270641


The guy with the sweet mustache?

How are you man?


Night. I always get on when you are going to sleep.


haha, no. He is consistently helpful and answers any questions people have, while keeping more up to date with crypto events than most people by far. If that's not helpful, I don't know what is.

>> No.270642

And you bring...?

>> No.270658
File: 28 KB, 282x270, not_sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it normal that the pool output in doge of the pnd-multipool varies like fuck?

sunday, when I mined at 740kh/s = ~200 doges / h
monday and tuesday, mined at 280kh/s = ~50 kh/h

today I mined for 10 hours at 740kh/s and got 190 doges for these 10h.

there were interruptions today but there were some also on the days when I got more doges, so I don't think it's because of that. when mining somewhere else, interruptions don't do shit either

>> No.270662

wait what?
doing fine

>> No.270666

I stopped mining doge long ago. diff isn't worth it

>> No.270672

>And you bring...?

judging by his ID he brought us a link to cryptoshekels 2.0 >>270544

sure is credit to the community

>> No.270674


Maybe I am confusing you with someone else. My most recent donation was from a guy I implemented plain-text pricing for. I thought you were him.

If not, jar my memory a bit. I do remember someone from here saying "cool site" and giving me some dog, but unfortunately, I just remember that person as anon.

>> No.270677
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I didn't mine for weeks, since everything wents down the shitter but currently it's quite cold in my location and I'm heating my room with my computer.
way cheaper than heating with a traditional heater and also I get coins

>> No.270681


>> No.270687

Good goy though.

>> No.270692

conversely here it's hot so i have to leave my a/c on. the fall in doge value hasn't eased the diff any

>> No.270696
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OH! I didn't even realize you gave me a donation. I don't check my wallet, since generally people just pay me to implement specific shit they need / help them program their trading bots.

Thanks man! Opening wallet now. Much excite. Wow.

>> No.270699


Or maybe I did get it on the 1st, now that I have my wallet open. Well, thanks either way. Really do appreciate it.

>> No.270716

np m8

i'm wondering if i could mine with some servers at work that aren't in use

>> No.270724


>"Local man is the latest in a string of firings that have occurred from workers mining on their company's computers"

>> No.270731

>ISR up over 666%

>> No.270732


No reason you wouldn't be able to if you have full access to said servers. It might take some time to set up though. Some people even mine on free hosting, but it's horribly slow. Might be worth it if they are just idling and you aren't paying for electricity.

>> No.270741

i've already mined off company computers when doge started. plus i'm in charge of everything it related so that helps

there are a few servers we have that aren't being used at all. just a fleeting thought

>> No.270745
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If they are good enough to make a decent profit and there is absolutely no one else who checks, why not. It just becomes a matter of whether or not it's worth the bother. I am guessing they aren't huge enough for anyone to notice a spike in the electricity bill?

>> No.270746

that's what i figured. we got them new, installed and they haven't been used for anything at all

>> No.270747

guys... what if Wolong is pumping Isracoin?
watch the orders on bittrex. they get cancelled and put up on progressively higher prices

>> No.270748

Anybody can pump isracoin
Not just Wolong

>> No.270751

but the buy/sell walls are huge

>> No.270754

by huge, I mean numerous and big enough to warrant investigation

>> No.270755

they're oracle iirc

>> No.270762
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case & point

>> No.270765


If it's worth risking your job over a few dollars, by all means mine away.



>> No.270767
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look at the numerous ones for like 4-10btc each

>> No.270770
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>yfw fontas is back

>> No.270772

i'm leaving in some months anyway
if i made any profit off a coin it's mona

more interested in where pnd can end up right now

>> No.270778
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>mfw i've always wanted to use this mfw for a mfw post

>> No.270782
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>where pnd can end up right now

anon please

you're better than that


I like your style anon

>> No.270794

i just think we can do more with it, we managed to get some vendors to try and we dropped the ball there imo. i just think it has potential

>i'm probably a bag holder

>> No.270805
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Fair enough

Good luck, anon, i hope you become super rich and then come back here and laugh at me for ever doubting PND

>> No.270811
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>mfw ISR is dropping

>> No.270824

Shaking off weak hands

>> No.270826

at least swisskeks is seeing some action. I've turned a 0.07 btc investment into a 0.21 btc return
>t-thanks wolong/fontas

>> No.270827
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honestly, i don't have much faith in cryptos right now. as a currency they're a failure and bitcoin is essentially just speculated to shit and it being the only crypto you can actually use for things

the rest are just shitty pumps or fail after a week

>> No.270832

i mean really, I could sell everything I had in IRS right now and have a 400% return with just the current buy orders

>> No.270834
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ISR* goddamnit

>> No.270835

Damn this pump on bittrex is breddy gud
I might pull out soon and buy some more black coin

>> No.270836


LTC has a lot of smart people supporting it, and Doge has publicity I guess

Most things fail though, cryptos aren't an exception


I've heard some about black coin but don't know any details

What's the deal?

>> No.270838

I figure since the premine is split between a fuckton of wallets, there are a bunch of people working together to pump it

>> No.270840

Blackcoin is POS and has a huge multipool of around 2-3 gh/s that constantly fills buy orders
It's also starting to get a lot of attention

>> No.270847

i'm holding some ltc and doge. don't really keep up with cryptos that much so the pump and dump coins are beyond much

>> No.270854


Who owns the PoW coins?


I don't have any cryptos right now, I sold all of my Doge about 2 months ago and spend all of my BTC.

>> No.270858

nah, i am pretty much a fucking genius so i can predict how this is all going to play out

bitcoin is great. it has infrastructure in place and is growing every single day. it will be a part of our future without a doubt. it wont be as much a currency as it will be a commodity or store of value. think of it like gold. it will work as a currency but an alt-coin like Litecoin or Dogecoin which have significantly faster transaction times are obviously far more practical as a currency.

there really isn't much another coin can bring to the table which is why all these alt coins are fucking scams or retarded. proof of stake is cool in theory but i don't know how necessary it is. if you believe in it, just go with PeerCoin. anything else is a waste of time

>> No.270861

What do you mean by that?

>> No.270871


Proof of Stake is way of seeing who signs transactions, it's different from Proof of Work in that it is determined by how many coins you own, not your hash rate/how much work you do

It only works when people already own coins though, so I was wondering what happened to the coins that were mined originally so that now it can work as a PoS coin

>> No.270874
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looks like that glorious pump is over
I walk away a richer man

>> No.270876

I think it works like Mintcoin. It begins as POW and transitions into POS after a certain amount is mined.

>> No.270882



So who mined the PoW coins? Was it open since the beginning?

>> No.270886

Yeah it was open to anybody. The people who first mined it got really lucky since block rewards were 10k.

>> No.270890

PandaCoin PoS when?

>> No.270888


Oh, okay.

>> No.270889
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You've obviously never used BTC. Enjoy your half-hour confirmation times.

Do you even crypto bro?

Blockchain security is another feature of import. Hrmm... maybe that's why merging Doge and LTC is such a good idea.

You know what else is a good idea? Buying coins that have interesting strategies to deal with blockchain security. Such as CGA, any one of the MYRIAD PoS coins, or something mined out with stability, development, and PoS such as CGB.

And PND 'cause it's die-hard and will give you the most gains.

>> No.270896
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Okay, so I had a look at my paypal and there is this.

Never liked cryptocurrencies, but since I can't see much more use for this money. Enlighten me crypto fags. Where do I start and what do I do.

>> No.270898
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Speaking of sweet gainz, I gotta run for an hour or two but any poster after this that is intelligent enough to use the tipbot gets a PNDout.

>> No.270900

If you want to buy into cryptos with paypal go to /r/dogemarket and buy some DOGE
Either sell it for other cryptos or hold the DOGE
Your best bet for truly getting into crypto though is by building a rig

>> No.270902

yeah nah fuck rigs. Doge coin it is.

So...where do I buy my doge?

>> No.270904

Go to leddit and search for the dogemarket subreddit
Be careful of scammers on there though
I learned the hard way

>> No.270910

Can't I just buy off some market site?

>> No.270912

With paypal?
I don't think so

>> No.270921

Okay I just set up my wallet.

plz send doge

>> No.270923

ur gna get banned mate

>> No.270927

pls use the tipbot

>> No.270939

Guys which 2chan board is the game show one

>> No.270945
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>> No.270955 [DELETED] 
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i found a dog board and was going to post a picture of a shiba and greentext some guys post

>> No.270986
File: 140 KB, 782x866, kekk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doge is even dead in japan

>> No.271029
File: 117 KB, 625x629, 1392715605394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back around.


Hrm.. you have a handsome amount of PND. Sent ;)



>> No.271149


what exactly are these ugly mugshots supposed to show?

>> No.271179

is litoshi correct or liteoshi correct?

>> No.271218
File: 149 KB, 1834x936, itshappening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on to your butts!

>> No.271231
File: 31 KB, 869x487, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>see this

ok, what did china do this time. can't find any recent news

>> No.271281


Speaking of merging, the LTC founder did a thing on leddit about the value and benefit to both LTC and DOGE. Could have used a publicist though.

>> No.271299

This chart looks like the opposite of butt holding.

>> No.271305

>ok, what did china do this time.


I'm so fucking sick of this shit. you're right. if bitcoin dives even further suddenly, it's most likely related with china again.

just let bitcoin fall to $1 already. it's like a really bad movie where you know that at one point everything goes down the shitter but they're artificially keeping up the tension just so people don't just leave the cinema in the middle of the movie.

let it crash and start anew. hopefully this will also end this fucking ridiculous altcoin creation hype.
they even create coins for fucking villages now.

>> No.271309
File: 103 KB, 190x167, mjpopcorn.gif.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just let bitcoin fall to $1 already
That would be glorious.

>> No.271324
File: 972 KB, 800x1065, 1390594669802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

received ;)

Thanks a lot, my numbers became considerably bigger.

>> No.271363

I just can't stand you people ranting all the time.

If BTC is falling now it's because it was too. fucking. inflated. before.
The price was higher than value.


The price will settle at value, then continue to rise slowly.

Expecially if a major player pulls out.

>> No.271385

>tfw doge is kill
>tfw pnd was never alive
>tfw btc is going down and entire crypto world with it
>tfw it all ogre
enjoy your worthless coins losers! ill be fapping to my single 100$ bill that i got after only a month of mining! hahahha

>> No.271418

>100$ bill for a month of mining
Man, your rig is sucks that much watts?

>> No.271485

>wake up
>see Isracoin prices
>dropped back to 0.0007
making 0.25btc off a night of trading is fucking awesome

>> No.271543
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>> No.271555
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>> No.271569
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>> No.271572


>not .webm

i am disappoint

>> No.271575
File: 285 KB, 480x480, video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry.

>> No.271578

So I get that we're in a depressive phase right now, how low should I watch it go before I buy back in? Is 70 satoshi optimistic?

>> No.271580

meanwhile dokdocoin diff jumped to 1.8
you lost another train /biz/g/

>> No.271588

you are VERY optimistic

i put my buy orders at -10

>> No.271593

That's no train.

>> No.271607


so wtf are you doing still shoving PND crap in here

>> No.271613


stop with PND, we are tired of it.

>> No.271609


>> No.271616

So filter PND

>> No.271617

Ok. Let me shut down everything.

>> No.271620



>> No.271624
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>> No.271625


Dafuck. I'm not! I've got like thirty vajillion Pandapoints and I needs me a new pair of shoes main.

>> No.271633
File: 60 KB, 470x707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such things need time anon. It might take a few weeks.

>> No.271629


I see your site still running, why are you taking solong

>> No.271635
File: 34 KB, 448x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. That's not a very nice thing to do.

>> No.271634
File: 67 KB, 711x405, 12298595081b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm messing with you amDOGE

>> No.271653

I told you guys so many times to get out. Most of you respond by pointing out that you're still up since you mined/bought in when it was worth almost nothing... Okay sure; but when the fuck are you going to get out? WHEN WILL YOU GET OUT OF THIS SINKING SHIP?

I look forward to buying muh bitcoins though.

>> No.271661
File: 49 KB, 689x128, 1397142786116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.271663



oh yeah, sell and rebuy

>> No.271666


market is too stagnant to trade for margins

>> No.271669

there was just a nice 17M dump, good enough to get some gain out of it

>> No.271679

who is the girl?

>> No.271678



i only trade in swisscex and mintpal

>> No.271684
File: 40 KB, 500x331, J8WQuZ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw !amDOGE reposts you every thread

>> No.271694
File: 7 KB, 111x804, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on cryptsy, bout 20 mins ago

>> No.271705


this kills the doge

>> No.271708 [DELETED] 


>> No.271714

i could have made 2 BTC off faircoin if I cashed my doge but I didnt have the balls to invest. Still considering getting in.

>> No.271718 [DELETED] 

DO YOU WANT MONEY, LOVE AND HAPPINESS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2p3Ck_JaKs&feature=youtu.be

>> No.271722
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>> No.271734
File: 108 KB, 560x321, 1374979599505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zacdaniels@outlook.com please stop spamming the PNDOGE thread

>> No.271746

thats nothing i could have made 10M btc if i knew how much i can make and when
be sure to warn us when youre going out of doge so i could go all in

>> No.271800

Who the hell has made any decent money off of this?

>> No.271803
File: 125 KB, 714x719, 1397146956335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.271817


that site is hsit for me

>> No.271846


1000 or so ppl

>> No.271857

So is doge still a thing? Seems 100% dead to me.

>> No.271861

Any of the early adopters probably made a shit ton

>> No.271868

name a coin that is alive
i suspect you might have autism and have no idea what is going on, no offence

>> No.271872

I have stopped following this in early February. I know that gox is kill and that the Chinese are cracking down on bitcoin, but not much else.

>> No.271876



>> No.271879

amDOGE you here?

>> No.271885

pff still doge and pnd? why don't you try something stable™?

>> No.271888


amDOGE I need your wisdom as well. should I spend money on a VPS to mine BCN or buy the BCN with BTC right now?

>> No.271886

http://simplemona.com/pool_stats click day

>> No.271894

so you have no idea what is going on and you come here and state that nothing is going on?

>> No.271896

I was asking a question.

>> No.271973


as long as people are mining/trading/using doge it aint dead

>> No.271982

Wow so true. As long as 1 DOGE = 1 DOGE we are set for the moon
+/u/dogetipbot 1 doge verify

>> No.272047

>bitcoin is at $400
crypto is kill

>> No.272072
File: 70 KB, 251x186, lol (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's actually underpriced, this is doge at 20 toshiros


>> No.272074

>at 20 toshiros

whats a toshiro?

>> No.272091


1 toshiro = 1 satoshi

>> No.272095


why call it toshiro then?

why not just satoshi

>> No.272098


idk, blame him >>271663

>> No.272109


Bloody hell, just how MANY bitcoin clones are there? It feels like everyone and their granny is starting a cryptocurrency.

>> No.272111

Why didn't you start slowpokecoin yet anon?

>> No.272115


Partly because I'm too lazy and partly because I don't like scamming people.

>> No.272118


you dont have to scam people with a crypto

>> No.272136

>all those people amdoge told to hold probably have killed themselves by now

amdoge, you know you're going to a special kind of hell right? I don't know how I would feel if I told somebody to hold and they end up in a situation such as now, the obvious excuse of "shouldn't have listened to strangers" just wouldn't be enough to clear my conscience, because like it or not some people do take your advice more than the grain of salt that it is.

But that is nothing compared to all the people that invested in your now dead PND scam coin. Boy oh boy.

>> No.272144
File: 105 KB, 1315x740, 1397157295037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, i'm telling people to get out of dodge and move to greener pastures (mona) since quite some time, yet i'm the villain.

>> No.272174

fud, fud, fud.
everywhere fud.

>Ask dev advice for his money
>dev gives advice
>you gave me advice, you are responsible

Just in case you're not just a troll, and just a vulture, can I ask just how much have you "lost"?

>> No.272184

DOGE just hit 94 takeshis

what a slow and painful death

>> No.272188

>buying coins on sites with no english version
yeah that will end well

>> No.272187

What do you need?


>> No.272192

>teh drama
it's just the vultures pulling out. It's the objective of the whole 100sat thing. Speculation was only hurting the coin, so let them flee for themselves. Pure genius if you ask me.

>> No.272193

Stop responding to flamebait.

>> No.272201

Yeah, sorry, I get carried away.
I just hate them shitting in the thread.

>> No.272203

i wonder what kind of people do that... i mean i wouldnt go to any coin thread with no interest in selling or buying it
also doge volume is too high for small players to matter, so they are just wasting their time?

>> No.272210
File: 152 KB, 640x480, if only i knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.272226


I need you to wake up amDOGE, this is a nightmare you created and we are stuck in it.

>> No.272231


It seems you don't want to listen.

>> No.272240


let me ask, are you ones of the late out puller or just speculating that doge death is not real, because its in a constant state of dying.


>> No.272266


>> No.272272

AmGet strikes again.

Also I think he means something like, to quote Tobbias Sammet:
>Will you all die if I stopped believing?

>> No.272291
File: 84 KB, 639x409, i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.272331 [DELETED] 



buy before it hits 0.0001 totoro

>> No.272334



buy before it hits 0.001 totoshiros

>> No.272347

any other exchanges?

>> No.272356


are you even trying https://monatr.jp/

>> No.272357

Wow, for all the shilling over the past two months, it's still a worthless coin and in no way comparable to a Japanese bitcoin. Japan really doesn't want to use this as a currency after all.

>> No.272360
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>> No.272362
File: 4 KB, 268x186, lol (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who said its a japanese bitcoin, its the japanese dogecoin done right and not undone by evil socialist developers
on the side, top profitability akin to doge good old days and plenty of online merchants and friendly weaboos accepting it.

>> No.272365
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>> No.272367
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>> No.272370
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btw i know you a trolling pixel faggot


>> No.272372

i told you retarded ponyfags that not capping the coin at 100b was a bad idea, i cant believe i wasted so much time on the coin for it to go down the shitter so fast

enjoy your socialism coin faggots

and dont forget to merge with litecoin i want to see this coin crash to 20 satoshi

>> No.272373
File: 65 KB, 615x654, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My MONA wallet won't sync.

What gives?

>> No.272377

kill yourself

>> No.272378
File: 98 KB, 1671x684, 1397164965754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin has a hardcap afaik. What gives?

>> No.272383

>a trolling pixel faggot

>> No.272388
File: 87 KB, 1638x746, 1397165065179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litecoin had one as well, or am I wrong?

>> No.272389

monacoin will slowly keep rising
the only reason it keeps going down is because people who mined it on day 1 (jan 1st 2014) and know nothing about the monacoin community are dumping their coins. lol rip idiots
This can only keep going to so long before all of them dump their coins at low prices. From there for profit miners will come and sell monacoin but that will increase the difficulty very easily as we are only at difficulty 20. It is really easy to spike the difficulty to 200 and maintain prices there. 10x spike. not buying into mona is like not buying into doge when it was 25 satoshi.

>> No.272391
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>> No.272392
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 91 yoshis

>> No.272393
File: 105 KB, 1661x742, 1397165127567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe peercoin had a hardcap too.

>> No.272398
File: 81 KB, 1639x729, 1397165189705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about namecoin?

>> No.272399
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holy satoshiro, someone can see what i see, tell these faggots the opportunity being missed, and the jerk faggot amDOGE is by not promoting mona while holding thousands of it and pushing PND.

>> No.272404

I don't get why not marketing a coin makes you a jerk faggot.

>> No.272407

I guess it's like a japanese dogecoin, in that less than 10000 of either is completely worthless, except doge comes in 250k blocks and Mona only comes in blocks of 50.

>> No.272408
File: 91 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to use any coins you like. Make your own threads if you need to advertise it.

>> No.272410


i lost 1m at that gayass dice casino in january

now that dogecoin is pretty much worthless again i dont feel that bad about it anymore

>> No.272411

we can't be much help if we can't translate japanese with actual know how and not google translates shitty messed up 10% accurate service.

>> No.272412

stable-kun is that you? :3

>> No.272413

Great response. Would read again.

>> No.272419

theres nothing to respond?

bitcoin/ltc will overtime always go up

dogecoin will remain stagnant and cheap forever that last wolong/hype bubble was pretty much all she had in her

google inflation faggot

>> No.272422

>will remain
Right of course.

>> No.272423

amdodge are you still hodling dodges?

>> No.272424
File: 46 KB, 322x218, 1393021956499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because he is not telling you about mona and is making everybody hold PND dead corpse.


and mona only halves in ~3 years


no, you have a moral obligation to redeem your PND past


no, stable-kun killed himself

>> No.272427

>only clients using bitcoin >0.9 need to
no risk to any altcoins?

>> No.272429

why would you buy a coin with a community that they cant understand and be a part of?
japanese hate you, and we hate you for shitting on doge.
holy shill, how deep are you in bro?

>> No.272431


>> No.272433

I never shitted on doge you dense nigger
I'm doge supporter

>> No.272435

>that slaughter on cryptsy

oh my, have mercy with that poor doge

>> No.272440


1 MONA = 1 モナ

>> No.272453

When are you fuckers gonna quit this dogecoin shit? We had fun, we made money, but now it's over. DOGE marketcap is 1/3 of what it was just over a month ago.

>> No.272455

Santa what is happening?

>> No.272457
File: 27 KB, 641x601, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have fun watching this massacre

>> No.272458


santa is dumping all his doge right now

>> No.272459
File: 10 KB, 318x159, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.272472

and go where bitcoin? which is down just as much

this is just a total collapse of crypto right now

you can go to cash then get fucked with 35% tax rates if u want

>> No.272476

oh boy it's going up again

never would have expected that after such a *cough* legit *cough* dump

>> No.272477

You're an idiot. Bitcoin constantly bubbles.

>total collapse

Jesus christ

>> No.272481

every coin constantly bubbles autistic fuck

there are no regulations

like i said it sucks all coins suck right now

cash out and get fucked by taxes if u want idc

>> No.272483

Yes but Dogecoin will of course prevail and bubble once again right?

>> No.272484

my wallet is ready to buy at $100 per bitcoin

>> No.272486
File: 104 KB, 1249x1080, Labrador-Retriever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To people in irc, sorry I timeout'd. Been fun, tho. And Good luck.

Goodnight all.

>> No.272487
File: 153 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though. It won't sync. Anybody have a suggestion?

Pls respond ;_;

>> No.272488


you are not japanese enough
or try updating the client

>> No.272489

there was a hard fork at 80k block
make sure you have most current wallet

>> No.272494

Go to Bytecoin. Apparently its already in the top 10 market caps.

>> No.272496

i though dogecoin was supposed to be a "short" on bitcoin and go up when btc crashes?

i guess that theory was thrown out the window

>> No.272498

I couldn't find it on Bitcoin talk.

Senpai Desu~ I no read japanesey

>> No.272501


>> No.272502



>> No.272526

go vote to get josh wise in another race

>> No.272533

done :^)

>> No.272588

Gonna dump all my doge and buy LTC with it if it keeps sinking, come at me.

>> No.272608
