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26997175 No.26997175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26997319

>tries to meme a low energy great reset
>gets hedge fund liquidity reset due to bunch of faggot-niggers which collapses Wall Street
you VILL own no GameStop shares and you VILL be happy

>> No.26998406

What people don't understand is that nobody owns anything.

You don't own your body, you don't own your house or your possessions.

Your body will dwindle away, your house will be decay and become demolished at worst, your possessions will be sold or decay at a landfill.

Ownership is a lie, it's literally an approval slip that recognizes your ownership of something by a recognized authority figure. But who gives the authority its power? You do.

You are all brainlets, it was always about human happiness and progress, not material possessions.

>> No.26998592
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Fuck off klaus.

>> No.26998761

It was never about that you fucking NCP
It was about them owning everything and enslaving us with debt.
They just want us to work, consume and die.

>> No.26999148

Yes goy you own nothing while we own everything.

>> No.26999385

It hurts, doesn't it? The fact that we were all advertised love by various marketing agencies "Buy this, you will feel recognized and happy!", "Everyone will see how special you are and how much love you deserve"...

We must stop feeding off each other and destroying our Mother Earth before it's too late.

Crypto and the 4th Industrial revolution will solve this by moving us closer to singularity.

>> No.26999595

That's how the pyramid works you dumb ass. You'd do the same if you were in their position.

The only way out is to transcend it and make a better model.

>> No.26999696

Only thing that hurts is that kikes and idiot useful goyim have made it difficult to buy a house to fuck off in, I never gave a shit about status or any of that bullshit. I've only ever wanted a place to call my own and take ugly whores to fuck them in, I've also only ever wanted to make art, blow borosilicate glass and carve jade stones, fuck off stupid kike nigger dick sucker.

>> No.26999714
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>> No.26999859

Blind you are Morgoth Bauglir, and blind shall ever be, seeing only the dark. You know not what rules the hearts of Men, and if you knew you could not give it.

>> No.26999948


>> No.26999949

No, that's how Neo Feudalism works.
Some of us aren't brainless NPC's like you and don't want to live like tagged livestock.

>> No.27000055
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You WILL wear the mask.
You WILL surrender your privacy.
You WILL get sterilized.
You WILL stay in lockdowns.
You WILL sell your business to megacorporations.
You WILL eat the bugs.
You WILL eat the shit.
You WILL live in a pod.
You WILL own nothing.

And you WILL be happy.

>> No.27000064

Nobody owns anything you dumbo, it only exists on paper and only if people are there to recognize it and approve it, in other words, an agreed-upon authority figure.

>> No.27000261

In a spiritual way, yes, we can take nothing with us. But I can still burn everything I have or lock it into crypto so they can't take it when I'm gone.

>> No.27000421
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Is dressing like a Sith Lord part of his plan to make people trust him?

>> No.27000555

It doesn't matter what people think when you're rich and powerful enough.

>> No.27000786
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Corbett Report YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/corbettreport/videos

>> No.27000931
File: 3 KB, 131x168, 1013672_594256297271382_85246386_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you WILL est the bugs
>you WILL own nothing
>you WILL use public transportation
>you WILL pay your taxes until you're dead
>you WILL wageslave until you're dead
>you WILL live alone in a 1 bedromm apartment
>you WILL consume the media
>you WILL pay for companionship
>you WILL rent women
>you WILL give out your crypto to the elites
>you WILL spend everything in your savings account
whatever im tired.

>> No.27001118

The renting woman part doesn't sound too bad, I hope they're as cheap as their onlyfans

>> No.27001212

If I had enough monetary gain that I could live comfortably riding on society's back I'd make art relating to the current zeitgeist too.

>> No.27001362
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Literally the opposite. Also, why does this dude dress like he's Shang Tsung?

>> No.27001432
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in a spiritual way nobody can ever own you though if you are with God. I can never understand how anarchists/libertarians can be atheists. God is the most freeing thing there is in the universe, even for just practical reasons. If you posit an allmighty entity above all worldly affairs and power structures, they can never intimidate you anymore.

>> No.27001458
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Did the World Economic Forum meet recently? I'd read that they were scheduled to, with the theme of "The Great Reset", but I just looked it up and read that they rescheduled their annual meeting to this Summer in Singapore instead of Davos.

>> No.27001556
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You will take the vaccine every six months.

>> No.27001615


>> No.27001721

Based and Hurinpilled

>> No.27001761

You say that yet you are exactly living like a tagged livestock rn.

If you want to be "free" go live in a forest far away from the comforts of society.

>> No.27002776

Existence of private propert ensures autonomy and privacy you retard. Its the basis of civilization, not everybody is oversocialized fag who would like to live in a commune

>> No.27002816

They meet virtually now ever so often:


>> No.27002913


>> No.27002930

Lol what the fuck why is he wearing a samurai, sith lord cosplay? what timeline is this?

>> No.27003164
File: 23 KB, 272x268, Yellow Eyes - Azeazel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must have been living on the eastern side of Berlin when Germany was divided. F Communist

>> No.27003313

Well, God is always something greater than once can ever imagine. It is infinity.

If one can recognize infinity internally and externally then you are with God.

Truth is, we are always with God, but we stray away from recognizing it because we are too preoccupied with playing this game, this story of our lives and our character, our ego. But who wouldn't be? We are all just trying to survive.

God is Love.

>> No.27003548

they rescheduled to later this year iirc reading about that a month ago

>> No.27003636

The concept of "civilization" is changing every day.