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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26927015 No.26927015 [Reply] [Original]

On their grand day of BSC swap integration, they failed to procure their moon. Now they're scared. Coin is worthless.

>> No.26927349

Reminder that Rubic is a PnD for a discord group, with a top shill leaderboard. You can tell cause it’s the one guy making the retarded memes

>> No.26927525

It’s going to be obsolete when zkswap comes out Feb 8th, I dumped my bags on the pump to .2, fuck this pointless exchange

>> No.26927739

see you next week you paper handed faggots

>> No.26927824

How is the Weather in Mumbai?
Do you get paid in curry?

>> No.26928009

Not happening pajeet

>> No.26928347
File: 69 KB, 680x654, 3E50B521-14B1-4F09-910E-7B90F9DB0B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn’t fall for rushit

>> No.26928500

yeah, no one cares about BSC. literally no one was asking for this.

>> No.26928505
File: 559 KB, 1905x1044, 1611339534366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26930150

>No one was asking for this.
BEP20 tokens total market cap reaches $1.271B USD with BTokens $659M USD and native tokens $611M USD on BSC
All big tokens increase a lot from the token canal daily report which includes BETH 51.1% , BTCB 24.1% , LTC 61.9% , DOT 34% and BNB 19.2%

Now we know you're a liar.

>> No.26930317

Reminder a bunch of pajeets are spamming every thread with FUD to accumulate more, what are reason is there for being this obsessed?

>> No.26930446


>> No.26931963

Reminder that this is a fud and their screenshots were proven fake days ago. Trying to get you to sell so price dips to buy in. hodl and fuck this losers.

>> No.26932119

Lol pajeet, you didn't get the memo that this screenshot is fake. You guys have to try harder.

>> No.26932135

buy the rumor sell the news. havent ya heard?