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26796077 No.26796077 [Reply] [Original]

Before you scream WSB, I know that at this point it is an organic mania that is mainly started by them. The point I want to make is that for the mania to start, you only would have needed to pumped it a little and shill the information about short squeezes enough to get the ball rolling. Now that the next meme is precious metals, it became clearer to me.


This is a Chinese play to destroy the American economy AND start a class war (literally). I'm not talking down the squeeze. It's funny and all of you deserved it. Good for you if you are making bank. Good job. I'm just saying that the whole situation seems a little weird, ESPECIALLY since they are now focussing on silver and gold, which could easily wreck the economy and create MASSIVE distrust in the already weakened government.
What are your thoughts on the situation? Is it 100% organic? Is it purely forced? In between?if so, who did it? Why did they do it?

>> No.26796246

I agree. The "funny" thing is that Biden can only loose now. If he let's the party going on he will risk popping the "everything bubble" and if he intervenes, he'll be enrage the population even further.

>> No.26796342

100% organic. This is once in a lifetime.

>> No.26796478

PMs you say? Which mining companies would an anon look at for research purposes?

>> No.26797125

Its organic, but others are taking advantage of the scenario obviously

>> No.26797175

Based chinks

>> No.26797185

I think they were talking about buying backed papers and then demanding the silver they apparently own to be handed out. Pro tip: there is more paper silver than actual silver. That's why that would create a chain reaction. Similar to a bank run.

>> No.26797238

And they’re shilling AMC which is owned by Dalian Wanda Group

>> No.26797324

Who cares. We need a revolution anyway. China has already infiltrated our government through all the commie politicians. We will restart our economy, close our borders, kick out the foreign scum, and create our own national economy detached from international affairs

>> No.26797383

Why are they allowed to sell, on paper, more silver than they actually have?

>> No.26797455

Same reason why banks are allowed to lend more money than they have or hedgehogs to short more stocks than exist.

>> No.26797471
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>> No.26797562
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Fuck, sorry bros m I forgot to do the needful so that no spy is posting disinfo here...ahem...

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>> No.26798269


>> No.26798410
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don't let discord yakuza take those linkies

>> No.26798829

Keep in mind that the US still has by far the greatest gold reserves (officially at least).
Central banks and big banks like JP Morgan hold a LOT of PMs.
I wonder how the PM holdings of Blackrock look, considering they are the greatest beneficiary of the Gamestop squeeze.