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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 189 KB, 528x528, rubic1603811774641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26784273 No.26784273 [Reply] [Original]

give me one good reason to invest in this shitcoin, it's being shilled so hard i feel like its death is near

>> No.26785088

Hello sirs

As you can see the great coin of rubic is currently mooning. This may grant you many fortune. Please kindly have a look.

>> No.26785094

Binance listing and cross chain swaps coming TODAY. As in, within the next 12 hours! We'll likely touch $1 around then

>> No.26785248

DON'T invest right now, prepped for a new whale dump. The project seems promising but DO NOT buy in now.

>> No.26785378

Its a decentralized exchange that solves the problem of high gas prices for ETH. Trust me, if you've tried to swap ETH for other tokens, only to have to pay $7 for a single fucking transaction, you understand the importance of this thing.
I spent $7 to get $9 worth of USDC, leaving me with $2 profit the other day, for instance. Small transactions in ETH are nearly impossible because of this.

>> No.26785477


>> No.26785498

dextools is down, (((they))) don't want you to buy it

>> No.26785572

Uniswap, or better yet, use Rubik itself. https://rubic.exchange/

>> No.26785594

stfu retard rubic will never dump below 20 cents ever again.

>> No.26785614
File: 70 KB, 400x711, naga4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a scam

>open source
github only has fronend code, top kek
not even a single solidity developer. not a single contract. I don't think they know what defi means
>cross-chain swap
this is the most stupid part, they haven't presented any contract or descentralized way to do this. they just have a database of swaps (handled in python), neither uniswap or 1inch do this.

>> No.26785631


>> No.26785657



>> No.26785661

enjoy paying fees out the ass

>> No.26785670

uniswap for poorfags, unironic good idea

>> No.26785678

Simply do the needful

>> No.26785738

Its logo looks like something we love >:)

>> No.26785743

its basically the dollar store of exchanges lol

>> No.26785846
File: 1.63 MB, 500x281, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your centralized scam faggot

>> No.26785883

My rubec

>> No.26786001 [DELETED] 

Uniswap wasn’t built off poor gags scamming each other but the high gas fees are now pricing all the poorfags out. The poorfags will immigrate to rubic for the low gas fees and the sharks will follow.

>> No.26786121

Why would they open source their back end code especially so early in the project? No one else is working on cross-chain to the same extent. You'd be a moron to make your code public especially for a potentially groundbreaking project like this in it's infancy.
>No solidity dev
prove it?
>database of swaps handled in python
again prove it?

>> No.26786123

Uniswap was built off poorfags scamming each other but the high gas fees are now pricing all the poorfags out. Now the poorfags will immigrate to rubic for the low gas fees and the sharks will follow.

>> No.26786150

Basically yeah, I can see rubic being a good normie exchange

>> No.26786227
File: 200 KB, 361x363, 1611094375903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming for some of that sweet moon rock

>> No.26786289

Fuck off with your cringe anime attachments.

>> No.26786297
File: 17 KB, 320x321, yeyaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


groundbreaking strides of pure idiocy

fudding for lower entry point is so needful

>> No.26786374

i remember when RSR was shilled this hard.. and well.. every other shit coin

>> No.26786910

To be fair, this has more room to moon than xbillions supply RSR or link, however in link's case it was a necessary thing.

>> No.26787759

rubic site says: with the assistance of 1 inch, so what is rubic doing to save fees

>> No.26788539

>You'd be a moron to make your code public
How am I supposed to know what are their doing? That's the point of defi. In Uniswap I can read the code of the contract I'm sending my crypto to.

>> No.26788753
File: 39 KB, 448x252, kia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about anime in an anime site
fuck off to reddit

>> No.26788764

Wait so it's closed-source but you know they are just using a database of swaps? How is that possible? Pretty shit fud

>> No.26788851


>> No.26788941

yeah, fuck this shit. just sold my bags that i got at the former top.
previously sold at 2x and then FOMO'd back in.

I'm not saying this is a scam, but it's simply underwhelming compared to a lot of other projects. Good for everyone who managed to get out on top still though, honestly didn't expect I would still go out with a small profit still

there is no binance listing coming, theyre claiming to apply in february and march for that

>> No.26789163

>i am retardad

>> No.26789169

>No solidity dev

>> No.26789295
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>> No.26789378

.0005 to .20 is nice, I wonder how much they pay for the shill campaign

>> No.26789405
File: 29 KB, 660x574, feelsweird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always need to store that data somewhere.
If you're using a contract I'd know it because I interact with it. If you're not then you still have to have it somewhere in a database.
I don't care if it's centralized or not, but don't call it defi because it's not

>> No.26789430


kek, don’t believe in this trash
my portfolio is safe with xsn on it
46mil market cap, Layer2 DEX, top staking and top options without fees

>> No.26789492

pajeet detected

>> No.26789715

You claimed to know how the exchange works and then immediately said "How am I supposed to know what they're doing?" You have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt you've gone on the site once or read the whitepaper.
>I can read the code of the contract I'm sending my crypto to
You can literally do this exact thing, there's an order book on the site tracking every contract. I was talking about their back end code which I reiterate, would be dumb to release at this point in the project, I'm not sure what you're referencing here.

>> No.26789802

and this proves what?

>> No.26789843

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags.

>Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

>Do not take their bags.

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags

>> No.26789896


>> No.26789945

god I hope a few more people do this and realise the whole fucking thing is a scam
the exchange is a fraud

>> No.26789965

this is bullshit too, Jesus the fud is low tier

>> No.26790136
File: 118 KB, 1910x1000, only up.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26790220

>chose the wrong coin
>legit project with potential
>also up 1500x
yeah man we're really gonna be selling at a loss if we cash out now

>> No.26790336
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 1513947362935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this nigger is on crack, we're @ ATH after ATH

he definitely missed this easy 100x
I'm in at $0.04 and cozy as can be.

>> No.26790446

RBC is going to tank hard when people realize Binance Smart Chain doesn't actually mean anything. Call me when they're actually getting listed there.

>> No.26790483

they are

>> No.26790502
File: 505 KB, 2048x1350, 5C3164DA-80B5-4EBD-B71A-07DD67D3B0E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is uniswap warning you the t9ken May be counterfeit and you may not be able to cash out
They will tell you that every coin says that, but you can try as many coins as you like and they won’t.

This is all you need to know, but you can also look at then volume they are holding against the price and available shares for sale.

They can’t exit.

>> No.26790504
File: 42 KB, 517x508, 53351513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your number? I'll set a reminder to gloat

>> No.26790533

yes it matters, doing transactions on binance smart chain is way cheaper than on ethereum

>> No.26790591
File: 36 KB, 529x624, Screenshot_2021-01-27 Uniswap Interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're telling us that vechain is a big scam too? you're just straight up lying

>> No.26790596
File: 771 KB, 1420x2659, 954DF982-300F-41B0-924C-D18CA2FD0C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I wonder how the stock got so high?
Might have something to do with your boy REPEATEDLY buying the all time high and selling it at a loss moments later.
If you look at an hourly chart it is clearly “chunky” horizontal>vertical>horizontal>vertical

The action in the market being wrong is what alerted me to investigate more

>> No.26790636

I’m telling you vechain can be spoofed and you might not be able to cash out of it.

As I said before, YOU are scammers, I don’t know or care if the coin itself is a scam

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags.

>Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

>Do not take their bags.

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags

>> No.26790657

Trip to the Moon

>> No.26790717

You just need to check the contract address to see that that's bullshit, uniswap hosts a plethora of under the radar coins try rfuel for instance and you'll get the same message.

>> No.26790828

pomp it up please kek

>> No.26790927
File: 10 KB, 289x277, rigelrubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont buy it.
invest in rigel.
alientech vs pajeet scamcoin

>> No.26790985

You are stupid and will miss out. I'm not even selling until at least 1 dollar and prob not even until 10. This is a competitor to uniswap with superior features.

>> No.26791114
File: 83 KB, 1457x1080, pux8zs6zsfh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that the ERC20 token contract
It's just an ERC20 token (with pausable, freezable, burnable) just check the code
>contract MainToken is Consts, FreezableMintableToken, BurnableToken, Pausable

>> No.26791143
File: 162 KB, 2021x269, 4284F79C-6F4D-46D7-A8D6-890F9852115F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are manipulating the price by shuffling around coins. One of your boys gave me his logs.

Actually, I never could have figured any of this out if y’all weren’t so dim-wittedly helpful in exposing yourselves at every convenience.

>> No.26791250
File: 75 KB, 541x853, 1611795858834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, buy this coin that was shilled for 3 days max, already had a dump despite professing a ridiculous amount of biz ownership that you have to go into rubic threads to beg people to buy.
Copy that big shoots.
Also, some of your chart info is wrong.

>> No.26791327

fud harder yo, i want to pack more cubes

>> No.26791333

you think LINK just sky-rocketed on day one?

>> No.26791371
File: 1 KB, 73x77, soyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26791493

That news has already pumped the price today, you're looking at a correction afterward.

>> No.26791557

>rubic is an erc-20 token
How dumb can you actually be dude? You just need to go to the tracker to see that it's a legit token. You still haven't answered my other points.
ok pajeet

>> No.26791576

Exactly. This is something you keep in your portfolio in terms of year(s).

>> No.26791669

no; rubic hasnt released news of it being implemented yet

>> No.26791821

Is vechain not a scam?

>> No.26791866
File: 1.31 MB, 4500x4334, A8127AD1-0C37-4BB8-A160-9863B510003D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all’d’vn’t made fun of my dialect if you knew what was good for you

>> No.26791949

The erc20 doesn't prove anything you idiot, of course it's a token
have you actually done a successfull trade from ETH to RLC in their platform? where is the hash of that trade? all I see are uniswap trades

>> No.26792013

jesus I hope you retards get priced out soon so we don't have to deal with this anymore

>> No.26792166


>> No.26792250

>You still haven't answered my other points
sorry I forgot about that but if you check on the whitepaper, they say "Rubic’s smart contracts can be found here:" and they give the github link but there's no contracts there
they also talk about "relayers" (which are the part that supposedly with DEXes) but there's no information about how they work or how are they not centralized

>> No.26792422

mm yesh, the swastika. Sieg heil brother

>> No.26792480
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>> No.26792491

you're a faggot it's not a swastika neck yourself retard

>> No.26792572
File: 121 KB, 1200x649, 1589973953746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26792702

Just look at my ID Color

>> No.26792768

also, check em

>> No.26792842


>> No.26792879

What the fuck. I just wrote a fucking essay but my post isn't showing up. Am I shadowbanned or something?

>> No.26792929

project got exposed as a scam.
dont touch it.

>> No.26792945

Are you that guy who kept spamming the FUD?

>> No.26793192

I had the same problem sometimes, it's because it's too long or has links
you can separate it in many parts or just make a screenshot and upload it

>> No.26793212

Literally just did without any trouble whatsoever, and yeah nowhere does it say that they won't utilize uniswap initially, in fact I see a logo that says ""with the assistance of uniswap".
check assets
>"which are the part that supposedly with DEXes"
I don't know what that means. But there are plenty of crypto transaction relayers out there which you're free to research.

>> No.26793661

>Call me when they're actually getting listed there.
Post your number so I can spam call you in 2 weeks

>> No.26793794


>> No.26794090

Huh, this is really aesthetic

>> No.26794481

the dips are being brought instantly lmao - some by me

>> No.26795767

It's going to dump to 0.12, buy in for a quick 2x when it gets pumped later when everyone wakes up. Going to dump soon!
I'm dumping 100k at 20 and then going in with half at 12.

>> No.26795880

Some anon made a similar post 12 hours ago. He got fucked hard.

You have a near perfect long term hold on your hands. Why risk losing 30% of your stack?