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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26738781 No.26738781 [Reply] [Original]

This place was completely unreadable outside of /smg

>> No.26738945

I'm still here

>> No.26739014


We are just in happening mode nigger, just like in the march market crash and negative oil futures day

>> No.26739628

other way around
this place is only worth it for crypto discussions and announcement threads, with the pajeet shills as antibodies against newfag invaders
/biz/ was always the natural evolution of /pol/ and /v/, that is, the realisation the system is rigged and that our best hope for progress is a silent revolution through the trojan horse of permissionless money and smart contracts, in which we can enlist normalfags thanks to their short term greed, ultimately for the common good
current r/wsb developments aren't so bad. even though plebbit refuses to name the jew there are still jews getting hurt. there are also jews making gains on the other side, but guess what? the best outcome for us would be for jews to win on both sides, shorters getting a bailout and whatnot. each and everytime something like this happens, some of the normals break through their programming. ending up in crypto. by which we obviously mean btc, eth or xmr depending on your philosophy, and not random shitcoins