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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 366 KB, 835x522, dcorp-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2666595 No.2666595 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related. Crowdsale now over, so we can talk about it :^)

>> No.2666612


>> No.2666639

127.5 D(e)RP owner here

Enough for the moon?

>> No.2666748

Hopefully, the market cap is quite low and they have flown somewhat under the radar. The derivatives exchange is very ambitious. I also read they are getting help from bancor.

>> No.2666758

This will be 4000-8000$ coin in future. Just HODL!

>> No.2666777

are you using myetherwallet? how do we view our coins in the wallet?

t. 400 dcp (bag)holder

im quite excited about this project, and im glad there wasnt too much hype around it so the chances of being bancor'd or status'd are pretty low

>> No.2666778
File: 41 KB, 639x613, C8lBu2PW0AA-sFL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

democratizing investing, what a meme.

>> No.2666787

Got 2k, am I gonna regret it?

>> No.2666807

There are instructions on bitcointalk for adding to MEW
Obviously to soon to know.

>> No.2666841

Coin has potential + low market cap.

>> No.2666988

This coin? Lol.

Get out with a profit after the ICO is finished. This coin is going nowhere.

>> No.2667001

Haha, did you miss ico?

>> No.2667057

Put 10k in looking for at least a 10x

>> No.2667105

Trading for this starts around October, right?

>> No.2667116

got like a little over 1k of these, wouldn't have minded more, but didn't have enough ether at the time.

But i like the idea behind it

>> No.2667157
File: 365 KB, 1360x1118, trips of truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't a dao it would just be another centralised exchange. You want memes? See my pic

>> No.2667166
File: 375 KB, 1181x641, WEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this :^)

>> No.2667176
File: 389 KB, 1024x4160, screencap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the crowdsale is over.
time to start the campaign.

This is my second pick for this next 9 months, alongside Monaco.
From the same people that told you about ICN when it was 1/40 the value it is today.

Sweet gains here we come.

>> No.2667183


>> No.2667212

oy vey. this starting cap is only $5 million. So much possible growth.

>> No.2667238
File: 200 KB, 764x512, pepe gib pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2667290
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1200, 1433660723896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I Know About DCORP Is That In Their Ads They Capitalize The First Letter In Each Word

Born To Fail

>> No.2667336
File: 13 KB, 400x456, Wall-Street-Gordon-Gekko-2-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey. this starting cap is only $5 million. So much possible growth.


>> No.2667870 [DELETED] 

I am better of gambling my money with https://cryptocurrencytalk.com/topic/85107-upcoming-pumps-news/ and actually make profit. 2 days left.

>> No.2667899

Lol. That's me

>> No.2668454

and if people kept more quite about it the past weeks it would be around $3m

>> No.2669951

trips gonna make us rich

>> No.2670364

Only by choice.

People make the fucking stupidest ideas for these new coins. This coin is going nowhere.

I'll just add, most ICOs make a modest profit when they launch, I'd get out then before this thing tanks (Just like Status).

>> No.2670671

This. I've been REEEEing at people for making threads for the past few weeks. I have 5777 now, I'll even that out to 6k (or hopefully more) once it hits the exchange (assuming it doesn't moon right off the jump). DCORP is the one though, I can feel it.

>> No.2670772

I got 2354

What was the initial exchange rate again?

Les go

>> No.2670818

>only 2k

>> No.2670849

Bought some but have to wait til October....hopefully it'll open at $100 a coin...xD

>> No.2670854


>> No.2670883

You know why I know this coin is going to fucking moon....it barely got any attention on /biz/. I tried shilling to these idiots few weeks back....and got like 3 replies.

>> No.2670974

I have a screenshot of an empty DCORP thread at the bottom of the /biz/ catalog (right before the thread was slid by Niggercoin spam shit). I can't wait until DCORP moons so I can spam that picture daily. I'd post it now if I weren't at work.

>> No.2671015
File: 142 KB, 313x235, 8EOPxwH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine even a 100 million mc lads. thats nothing these days and the exchange won't be out until next year

>> No.2671038
File: 17 KB, 596x643, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if they succeed at including traditional derivatives AND our coins are backed by eth. wew.

>> No.2671828

dude, it's destined to fail. crypto derivative isn't even possible.
nobody will willingly give up x amount of crypto just for a contract. you can't enforce someone to pay up when the date arrives if you don't do holding crypto in a contract thing.