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File: 36 KB, 854x536, Generation X Has Spoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26643619 No.26643619 [Reply] [Original]

First of all I am 49 so feel free to call me an oldfag or boomer or whatever you want I really don’t give a fuck. I am Gen X and have been a computer chad ever since I dialed up a BBS on a 110/300 baud modem on my parent’s Apple ][+ in 1983 and absolutely losing my shit after my dad took me to see Wargames in an actual movie theater. I have managed to live my life like a normal human being with the ability to interact and even thrive socially despite being surrounded by people with only above-average or worse levels of intelligence. I could go on with my academic and real-world credentials but who fucking cares because I could be making it all up anyway.
My point is I have perspective and have seen the evolution of our economy from cash-based transactions to an almost completely cashless society. Right now we are using late-20th century / early 21st century tools (e.g. Paypal style applications, Apple pay, Google pay, Samsung pay, etc) to access centralized banking systems and fiat currency methods that have existed for at least 3 millennia. Yet we are using an infrastructure (the Internet) that is almost 100% decentralized by nature. We have seen huge leaps forward in decentralized applications like YouTube, social media, etc in Web 2.0 – but this is merely a stepping stone to Web 3.0, which will be a complete adoption of a fully decentralized reality.
A 2009 (or so) technology like Blockchain has evolved to the point where even shithead low IQ rappers are talking about buying “Bitcoin stock”. Normie sheep are following the herd and accepting that this Bitcoin thing is something that has value. But the vast majority of we fuckers on this forum are different (except for most of you pajeet street shitters who keep spoofing phone numbers to tell me my “iCloud account has been hacked”).

>> No.26643626

Most of you people understand the intrinsic value of currency as a store of wealth and blockchain tech as a vastly more efficient vehicle of transactions. We are all way ahead of the curve, even if you turned down the chance at picking up Bitcoin for fucking pennies back in 2010. I didn’t have a time machine back then and the risk/reward didn’t hash out, so fuck you. I’ve downed about 5-6 drinks in the last couple hours and have to get up early to walk my kids to the bus stop tomorrow, so I doubt I will even be awake to read your responses. I can only hope you are complete assholes and you are sarcastic and condescending in your replies. I would hope for nothing less.
My point:
If you want to day trade then God love you. Make your quick buck and I hope you get your lambo and cheap Asian whores. You are keeping the dream alive and contributing to the ecosystem, whether you win or lose. But for the rest of you sane motherfuckers, if you have doubts about buying and hodling, establishing your place in the new paradigm that will reach full adoption over the next 10 years, then hold strong and keep the faith. Identify and eliminate excessive wasteful instant consumerism that rewards instant gratification (but for fucks sake still enjoy yourself a little here and there, you aren’t a fucking monk). Realize that the dollar is doomed, cash is trash, and governments are already creating 0’s and 1’s to perpetuate the myth of the value of fiat currency.
Most of us here are still in the minority of early adopters. Many of us can see the future unfolding in front of us. Some of us are at least moderately autistic but still have balls of steel. Store your wealth away now, believe in the future of blockchain, and reap the disproportionately high rewards that await us in the coming decade. I will see all of you random anonymous assholes in Valhalla. Also fuck trannies, fuck jannies, and fuck “”“bankers”””.

>> No.26643863

Are you UncleOldFag?

>> No.26643903

Dr. OldFag to you, cocksucker

>> No.26643940

What you think of Chainlink?

>> No.26643941

Okay, Dr. Oldfag, what's your portfolio looking like? Breadcrumbs, please

>> No.26643948

Also AMC is next because why not.

>> No.26644071

Thanks anon. I needed this more than you'll ever know.

>> No.26644159

Gen X was the first to reject boomers vision. They were heirs to the legacy but wanted no part of it. So thanks for not selling us out to the corporatists. Or the globalists. Or whoever comes next.

>> No.26644166

Got me by a few years but I will fuck you up on the Oregon Trail. I miss being able to mine btc on company computers but we have defi now. Fuck it all. Good luck anon. Keep up with the kids and their dapps.

>> No.26644218

You're welcome. The drug war introduced us to a lot of fun shit so we were busy doing dmt and making websites. Hope you can fuck shit up too.

>> No.26644266
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>> No.26644289

It has taken me 10 years of balancing the risk/reward between actually living a decent life and ensuring the continuation of my blood line, but I am 100% confident that Web 3.0 is the future and Blockchain is the way.

I have been 20% into Bitcoin (gold), 30% into ETH (oil), 40% into emerging "service" vehicles (e.g. GRT, LINK, ADA, XMR, thegoogleyoutubeinstagrammyspaceebaypornhubofblockchain), 10% into longshots (e.g. RBC, BAO, REEF,), and 100% into fucking your mom or girlfriend whomever is hotter.

>> No.26644333



>> No.26644378


>> No.26644431

>100% into fucking your mom or girlfriend whomever is hotter.
why would you fuck my mom twice?

>> No.26644436

Can i get a TLDR? lord almighty

>> No.26644508

>Yet we are using an infrastructure (the Internet) that is almost 100% decentralized by nature
Stopped reading there. The Infrastructure my be decentralized technically, but in practice it is very susceptible to attacks and centralized issues. As in you must route through your ISP, and you are basically forced to use DNS to access websites. Not only that, you now need shit like DDOS protection to prevent your website from being taken offline. That’s not even to mention the poor physical resiliency of the Internet. I could go cut a wire and take a whole neighborhood offline if I was so inclined. I may give the rest of this a read because I’m sure it has some value, but let’s focus on these issues please. They are serious issues.

>> No.26644522

Buy BTC and hodl

>> No.26644565

Stocks are the new bonds.
Bitcoin is the new gold.
Shitcoins are the new stocks.

Balance accordingly faggots.

>> No.26644569
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>no xsn

>> No.26644655

The internet is NOT decentralized, like at all. From ICANN to Cloudflare to Google to Comcast to Verizon to Optimum to Apple to Twitter to Facebook to Amazon theres what like 12 companies running 99% of everything and that's every single level from hardware to software to networking.

>> No.26644659

Thanks dawg
>100% into fucking your mom or girlfriend whomever is hotter.
kek, i read the OP solely because of this

>> No.26644712
File: 93 KB, 1029x859, 6AF2BD41-504C-4410-A0D1-FD1A061BD46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10% into longshots (e.g. RBC, BAO, REEF,)
Go away old man, invest it into ETF retarded alcoholic if you don’t want to be a failure to your kids

I’m 100% sincere, you lost touch and are about to lose everything

>> No.26644754

You are welcome and thank you for saying this. Not to sound like a fag but I needed what you said too to know I am not alone. We have to hold the line and believe in what we know this is going to become. Don't fuck up and invest more fiat than we need to meet our current obligations and for fucks sake don't use credit. I know that if I pass on this like I did in 2009/2010, or 2017, I will have failed myself, my wife, my children, and their destiny.

Thank you anon. My parents are boomers but they are not like the rest of their asshole peers. They taught me to enjoy life, but work hard, value family, don't fuck people over, but take intelligent risks. But more than anything to be skeptical of people who think they are smarter than you, more important than you, or try to tell you what the fuck to do. They gave me the tools to figure out the corporatists, globalists, and politicians pretend they have my interests in mind when in fact the opposite is true.

Thank you too anon. You remind me of what things were like in BBS land in the 1980s. Strangers yet brothers in arms. I passed on mining BTC when I had a Mac G4 but have turned my regret into a burning passion to not seize on what is the closest thing to a sure thing I have ever seen. I also sucked and continue to suck ass at Oregon Trail but am a legit Akalabeth and Ultima I veteran. Galaga also ate too many of my quarters (which are inflation adjusted to about $3 each today).

The future is ours anon. We are the chosen few.

This is the greatest compliment I could have ever expected. God love you, anon. Epstein and Foster were murdered.

>> No.26644807

All OP is trying to say is to hodl

Swingies get ze rope!

>> No.26644856

>computer chad
>(the Internet) that is almost 100% decentralized by nature
>decentralized applications like YouTube, social media
nigger wtf are you talking about. Nothing is decentralized not even crypto. Chinks could ruin the whole market if they wanted but its too profitable

>> No.26644907

Don't care. My 10 year plan is more elaborate than the gold-tooth rapper scheme of buying "Bitcoin Stock".

Blockchain and Web 3.0 are the future so I am 100% open to other ways to achieve that goal. Unlike you millennial and zoomer faggots I know how to listen to people who may have more specialized knowledge than me in order to accomplish my vision.

>> No.26645050

I agree, but the risk and investment of assaulting the physical infrastructure are far more costly than the benefits. Nation states can best benefit from adjusting and adopting to the game (the EU is cucked but they are the closest). Some rando anon cyber punk Guy Fawkes could pull of some elaborate scheme but I have a better chance of hitting the PowerBall with a $1 invested each week.

Points taken though. The tech still must evolve but I believe it will. The rewards are so incredibly high and innovation/entrepreneurialism will prevail.

>> No.26645082

If I wanted to hold on to the hair I still have I probably would play it that straight. I still have to feed the hunter gatherer impulse that is encoded in my genes.

>> No.26645132

>I could go cut a wire and take a whole neighborhood offline if I was so inclined
This is why we need the carcinogenic technology called 5G.

>> No.26645162

thanks gramps

the spergs with brass danglers shall inherit the earth

deus lo vult!

>> No.26645307

Based. I hope I’m like you some day talking to my kids about the Wild West of crypto on 4chan and all the funny, crazy shit we went through

>> No.26645468

Fuck it anon thank you. I just added it to the list.

Also point taken. The internet still remains relatively decentralized (not like it was in the glory days). But the cost of disrupting that compared to the amount of actual wealth not to mention future wealth invested would have catastrophic repercussions. I can't imagine the blowback if the globohomo corporations attempted to shut it all down. Not saying it couldn't happen, but it seems like an unlikely outcome.

word to your mother

>Focusing on 10% longshots to make wild generalizations about a man's ability to be a responsible parent

Go jerk off to anime then neck yourself you fat ass faggot. Preferably at the same time. Nice pepe though.

Actually pretty much that, tl;dr

OK Neo. You must be the one.

>> No.26645480

>hold strong and keep the faith.


>> No.26645635

Thanks anon. You will be as long as you keep yourself in decent physical, mental, and spiritual shape and don't become some soft doughy numale.

>> No.26645771

Op you are a based fren. Danke. Got mit uns

>> No.26645877

I will add that this is where perspective comes into play.
Zoom out and you have to at least acknowledge that the Internet is far more decentralized than it was even 10 years ago.
I agree the centralized powers (Big Tech, the ChiComs) are threatening the decentralized nature. That is a distinct threat and a challenge we are currently losing. Doesn't change the fact that the tech is here and being adopted, and that we have the ability to strengthen our relative position. The fact that you assholes are even here debating the details supports that.

>> No.26645960

Bitte based kraut. Have faith and fuck the naysayers. Seize your destiny we are on the right path, even if it is the best choice out of a pool of terrible options.

>> No.26646068
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>> No.26646247

So what you trying to say?

>> No.26646770

Did you used to call the cracker barrel BBS?

>> No.26647544
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