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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26633930 No.26633930 [Reply] [Original]

BAO bros, how you feeling?

>> No.26633980

Very comfy
How are you?

>> No.26634156

bao is locked, couldn't sell if I wanted to
my only option is to be comfy

>> No.26634202

comfy, but kinda sucks we are asked to harvest because something might go wrong with the pools being adjusted, not too happy about that

>> No.26634850

Comfy, but I miss the dopamine rush from the high speed pumps and dumps every few hours.

>> No.26634962

love my cute little BAO farm

>> No.26635069

Do I need to harvest by today or tomorrow?

>> No.26635163

When are we going to $0.01?

>> No.26635234

tomorrow 10 PM ET
but some are saying in the discord to do it today just in case it's a mess tomorrow
i'm dreading spending on the fucking gas

>> No.26635488

How do you guys manage swing trading? Do you just need to start with enough capital that the uniswap gas fees don't eat up all your gains? I am newfag/retardation

>> No.26635551

Why would someone buy bao?
I'm seriously considering to.

>> No.26635714

If a miracle happens, you can 1000% your initial investment.

>> No.26635795

FUD. This is one of the most obvious calls in recent memory. BAO is the nest SUSHI.

>> No.26635898

Even if I won't farm?

>> No.26635905

I'm loving my invest right now. If we hit .01 everyone who buys now will get a easy 10-15x.


>> No.26636378

Price climbing up get in while. you can

>> No.26636495

Maybe you didn't read this: https://docs.bao.finance/risks-of-bao-reasons-not-to-use-bao

And harvesting is a choice, you can weigh the benefit of harvesting cost vs potential loss of pending tokens.

>> No.26636579

you can farm with pairs other than bao

>> No.26636651

i'm not talking about IL, i'm talking about baoman not being sure if adjusting the pools is gonna fuck up our pending bao

>> No.26636834

i have a nagging expectation the moons happen when im asleep, we hit .0009 3am my time

>> No.26636864

Same but that's because this is a chinese coin I assume

>> No.26636969

i have a million of these shits and i wanna rope. i cannot handle the swings

>> No.26637033
File: 415 KB, 883x1130, 07442A58-657D-4181-B400-2DD4D9CDB7DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very comfy. Bao is gonna do x1000 Mark my words . I m not gonna sale nor try to short it. I’m just gonna HODL it’s volume is gonna make central exchanges wanna list it. All the normies are gonna fomo hard into it

>> No.26637099
File: 1.14 MB, 983x1020, Bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it won't break 0.01c. Very promising overall though.

>> No.26637471

even at 0.01 if you are farming you will make tons

>> No.26637495

I bought in to hold, not to farm. Isn't it no longer worth it to farm?

>> No.26637524

wait for xDai
gas fees wont rape ya

>> No.26637535

Yeah so much to be made with this token

>> No.26637569

Doesn't BAO yield less for farmers over time? By the time xDai gets here it will be even less worth it.

>> No.26637602

Oh yes it will break .01 u watch have u ever heard of smthg called token burn. It happens all the time in crypto

>> No.26637632

im one comfy nigger

>> No.26637644

Cute chink fairy, this pic alone will make me consider looking at BAO. Why should I buy besides number go up?

>> No.26637696

you have a fucking year until 95% of the funds BEGIN to become unlocked. One estimate I saw gives ~42MM bao in December. Don't tell me you won't farm for a year. It's a no brainer. Wait for xDai, it won't be a problem.

>> No.26637742

integration with sushi alone is just to start

synth tokens and deflation in the future

>> No.26637789

What's your stack?

>> No.26637963
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now this is what I'm talking about

just getting comfier by the minute, hope the bao party never stops

>> No.26637967
File: 1.25 MB, 882x1181, meirin baozi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXTREMELY new and unknown. Anyone who got here within a week or so has missed a potential 6x but it's still new. Searching for the coin will direct you to /biz/ itself if you scroll downwards. Moreover it's certifiably not a scam because it's being financed by the large exchange Sushiswap for use on their platform. I'm by no means certain that this'll 100x but I am certain I can dirtily multiply my ETH stack because it's new and the Sushiswap partnership shows it'll be relevant. That's my mentality. Note that I don't farm, which might appeal to you.
What makes it a no brainer? The farmed BAO is only able to be sold years from now right?

>> No.26637974

Synthetics token likely in the sushi ecosystem
Think SNX but in sushi

>> No.26637980

You know that's 2B mcap right biz
>token burn
Every food coin says they'll burn tokens anon

>> No.26638059


shit art and retardedly oversized booba
not buying

>> No.26638085

Sushiswap's mcap is 1B. It's not unreasonable.

>> No.26638155
File: 664 KB, 750x1000, meirin baozi 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low test

>> No.26638169

I dont know if I should buy. Its a 1 man team, their website is a ripoff from sushiswap.

>> No.26638223

1.5 man team and he's recruiting
also its not a ripoff lol its already a part of the ecosystem

>> No.26638264

Bretty good. I sold all my wallet bao near the top because I figured we were in for a general market correction. 20m locked so far from farming with $1500 of shitcoin LP and my shitcoin pool isn't getting touched so the show goes on

>> No.26638339

isn't that with every single token in cirulation? it's going to take 3 years to get to that many, with tokens burning on the way there. if the current supply was 1 cent it'd only be a 330m market cap

>> No.26638688
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whats this pending harvest thing? I missed the memo

>> No.26638795


>> No.26639208

fucking BASED

>> No.26639548

is that forreal?

>> No.26639558

When is this onion gonna pump again? I need to drop my bags

>> No.26639627

Up 20 percent of as right now. Hopefully we can 2x in the next hour or so. Need some big buys,

>> No.26639744

3mil stack off 400 bucks no farming already 5x

>> No.26639802

its already starting

>> No.26640034

Pump pump pump lets hit .0009


>> No.26640036


>> No.26640549

somone explain the harvest issue. whats happening with the harvest?

>> No.26640845

Pool weights will be readjusted tomorrow 10PM EST. If you're in a pool that's getting readjusted, there's a possibility of pending harvests getting fucked up. Baoman recommends harvesting before readjustment.

>> No.26640952

heavy resistence on both usd and eth charts around here

>> No.26641030

I have a really good feeling about bao,
this will be a bao-mb long term hold bros I can feel it.

>> No.26641055

Glad I sold for more API3.

>> No.26641392

Should we sell before then and hop back in after it clears up? Sounds bearish.

>> No.26641544
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They just say its a risk, fuck it. I'm not harvesting yet. I'll take my chances

>> No.26641546

thanks fren,
where was this announced? where can I find them in the future?

>> No.26641631

https://discord gg/2VPgPe7hzn

>> No.26641702

Very comfy. I love BAO.

>> No.26641776

was thinking exactly this. encouraging everyone to harvest is going to create some sell pressure.

unless "bullish selling"

>> No.26641838

So let me get this straight. My market pair farms may be removed so I will have to pull everything out and reinvest into valid pairs? Pretty annoying.

>> No.26641859

I bought $80 of BAO

Should I sell and buy GME?
I feel like BAO will make me at least 1k this month but I have terrible luck

>> No.26641901
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>> No.26642016
File: 7 KB, 1320x48, whalecall2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK is going on

>> No.26642132

wait, what is this shit about needing to harvest? niggers?

>> No.26642136

What happened

>> No.26642312

some big boys added over $300k in liquidity to the pool in the last couple hours

pairs may get removed, but you will have plenty of advance notice and even a chance to vote on it first. reduce your chances of getting burned by not providing liquidity to pools full of whales looking to dump on the noble, hardworking farmers of the land.

>> No.26642330

i dont have enough ETH to harvest so my BAO is just sitting there lol

>> No.26642406

MUSE is like BAO except it has a use case

>> No.26642523

Must be everyone harvested their pairs following the announcement
Whats gonna happen now?

>> No.26642837
File: 134 KB, 2000x1050, evisceratingandconsumingallthathesees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we rise

>> No.26642927
File: 31 KB, 617x176, Screenshot_2021-01-26_22-54-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvest your BAO. I guess you only really need to bother if you have a lot since the fee is like $40.

>> No.26643094
File: 82 KB, 217x219, baoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We receive instructions from the Baoman.

>> No.26643421

I have a feeling this harvest warning message is more of an insurance type thing, as in if something goes wrong, baoman cann tell you that he warned you.

on the other hand i've already farmed 5M bao..so ill prob do it anyway just to be safe

>> No.26643447
File: 44 KB, 346x568, Screenshot_2021-01-26_23-00-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.26643581


>> No.26643667

harvesting pending BAO mints your pending tokens and adds them to the lockup contract. hence why the gas is so damn high (minting is expensive).

>> No.26643683

When you harvest or unstake your earned BAO will get locked.

>> No.26644575

Whoa, I have 2.7 mil bao. Worth it for me to farm?

>> No.26644603

>that id

if you believe in the project and can afford the gas fee to stake then yes

>> No.26644893

You should be farming, yes. You don't even need to farm with your bao holdings. You can farm with eth and link, or eth and btc. Anyone not farming is poor or stupid