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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26614670 No.26614670 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26614758
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I just love Gamestop so much... the fundamentals... soo damn goood....

>> No.26614828

((((((((oyyyyyy veyyyyy)))))))) everyone YOLO on AMC and Blow them out again

>> No.26615487

Millennials revenge for 2008

>> No.26615537

Heres the link for anyone interested
I was planning to buy some shares in AMC anyways, I'm hoping for a rebound in the summer

>> No.26615593

Reminder that China and Russia want the stock market to collapse, the only people you are harming by doing this shit is yourselves.

>> No.26615668

Jews are inifinitely worse than China and Russia.

>> No.26615687
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>> No.26615713
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>> No.26615725

traitors before enemies jimbo

>> No.26615761

Good thing china already took us over

>> No.26615776

How embarrassing, all that money and a bunch of redditors kick the shit out of your money and your experts and the rules are posted on the wall for all to see. Then you double and probably triple down. Anyone else feel like the banks are all circlejerking and the money is long gone?

>> No.26615802

Don't let these posts distract you from our price target for GME: Infinity.

>> No.26615839

The proliferation of capitalism among the masses via eased access is actually redistributing wealth while also dabbing on the jews.

Suck on that, stalin.

>> No.26615962

Fuck, and I thought this was to be flat dead after Trumperinos got out the global scheme of things... What times to be alive.

>> No.26616039

My job is secure regardless, so I welcome a crash and another chance to buy cheapies.

>> No.26616191

Imagine converting all your gains to crypto so even China and Russia can get their slice of the apple pay...

>> No.26616252


>> No.26616330

asswipe retard

>> No.26616407

>Haha money printer go brrrt
Meme magic is powered by digits not paper

>> No.26616669

traitors before enemies

>> No.26617483


there is no shit as (country), elite globalists use the countries at the hammer heard (the president is the hammer handle and they are the hand that hold the hammer) to hit the nails they want

by saying (muh evil countries here) are doing bullshit, this shows you are a shill or a not extremely bluepilled but also not redpilled person and your opinion is almost worth shit

>> No.26617613

Leave behind only scorched earth.

>> No.26617776

>reddit creates the second kristelnacht

>> No.26617871
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The millennial squeeze

>> No.26618118

in who's interest is it to see us domestic support for israel drop?

>> No.26618288

>if the USA world hegemony is replaced by the chinese communist party you will have property rights and rule of law
no you won't

>> No.26618446

the same people who dont want them controlling our government and banking system anymore

>> No.26618636

>In December 2015, (Ken) Griffin endorsed Marco Rubio for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination and stated that he planned to donate millions to a pro-Rubio super PAC.[42] Before this endorsement, Griffin had donated $100,000 each to three super PACs supporting Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Scott Walker for the GOP nomination.[42]
I really have no sympathy for billionaires

>> No.26618726

>hedge fund liquidated
>stock market collapses
get a fucking grip cunt shill

>> No.26618989

Fuck you dumb nigger, who cares about Israel? You think people like wageslaving to support some random desert shithole?

>> No.26619346

>A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.

>> No.26619360

Amc is a good buy regardless. Someone threw 1bil at it i think

>> No.26619497

They qre going to run out of the paper they use to print money with

>> No.26619570
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>Reminder that the Anglos and the Soviets want you to gas the jews, the only people you are harming by doing this shit is yourselves

>> No.26619670 [DELETED] 
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You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you?You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26619799

I'm just standing back and enjoying the chaos anon. I have nothing to lose in this.

>> No.26619852

the iranians and chinese. Israel gives the us a base in the middle east which it needs to control to control oil.

If american hegemony fails you will wish you could get a wage, you will work for nothing and there will be nothing you can do about it

>> No.26620494

Here's the basic min/max of it
>Gamestop fucked by pandemic, stores close, shares tank.
>Huge investment entities like Melvin Capital, smell blood in the water. They can artificially drive down Gamestop's market value by shorting it's stocks (learn about shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUbJcGoYQ4&feature=emb_logo)) [Embed]
>Melvin Capital and others are SO confident in Gamestop's demise, they short the stocks over 100%
>Things going according to plan to artificially devalue Gamestop until
>Unemployed NEETs with nothing better to do during covid find out about this >100% short
>Promising news of new CEO, with proven track-record of ecommerce business, all signs indicate Gamestop will not be going bankrupt
>Realize if companies shorting Gamestop can't buy all stocks they shorted, the interest on their borrowed money will increase
>Nerds straight YOLO'ing hundreds of thousands into Gamestop stock
>Hedge markets flipping the fuck out everybody found their gamble, and can bleed them for money by just not selling stock
>Just within this week Melvin Capital got injected with 2.7BIL by Citadel Capital to keep them afloat, and there's no telling how wide and deep this short goes

>> No.26621063

>with Jews you win goyim!

>> No.26621227

They're next.

>> No.26621255

i can fap to this

>> No.26621266

Well they're going to have to do it again tonight!

>> No.26621310

Nice pasta

>> No.26621316

Imagine a reality where Wallstreet gets taken down by a dying video game retailer.
if this works out, can we take down the fed next? #BoycottTheIRS maybe?

>> No.26621337

Lies you dumb nigger kike

>> No.26621405

>Melvin Capital and others are SO confident in Gamestop's demise, they short the stocks over 100%
can you blame them? Gamestop was already dead before the pandemic, it would have been retarded not to short it

>> No.26621409


>> No.26621453
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lol fuck. My Mets are going to suck dick again because of this aren't they? First the Wilpons got Madoff'd and now Cohen is gonna get Plebbit'd. why can't we just get a non-retarded owner

>> No.26621495

holy based
how can I buy some gamestop as a UKanon I want to be a part of this

>> No.26621517


>> No.26621541

if our currency system wasn't already a joke this never could have happened

>> No.26621571

I am unfamiliar with shorts. I know you can bail out of a put. Are shorts not the same? How do we know they haven't already started buying in order to cover?

Right now there are men in rooms screaming about what to do.

>> No.26621628

if i read this in smg i would have bought months ago. but instead all i saw was "GME OO" "BUY GME" and the coomer cat.

>> No.26621679

I cant stop fucking laughing at the reality of the situation. I love you biz

>> No.26621788

We just wanted to play Battletoads for gamecube already, the fundamentals for Funcoland are good.

>> No.26621883

what price were they shorting at?

>> No.26621987

Isn't NOK Norwegian Krona? Why the fuck do they want us to buy krona?

>> No.26622062



>> No.26622107

Nokia, fren

>> No.26622125
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>> No.26622149


The short is dependent on the exchange of the stock itself
If you can't provide the stock, you're still on the hook for the loan, and remain on the hook until you produce the stock
Wallstreet is also eating-their-own in the process of this, capitalism meets natural selection, they'll absolutely prey on each other.

>> No.26622292
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>they don't have any money left to buy the paper
>they have to take out a loan

>> No.26622409

>they sold shares they didn't own.
>They sold more shares than the amount that actually exists, something like 138%.
>they have to cover their shorts, effectively buying the shares they don't own multiple times from multiple people.
>They were expecting to buy them at a later date but cheaper.
>retail investors, and most likely large firms quietly bought it all up, knowing melvin would have to buy it from them.
>Media shits on reddit and 4chan over kike greed biting kikes in the ass.
>Kike fund manages to get funding and actually doubles down on a shitty position, thinking it can't go on forever.
>actually jump from 40USD to 140USD. Friday they were 50billion in the hole at 40USD. at 140USD, lord knows.
>trading halted several times to try and keep from going too high.
>kevaching all day over "economic terrorism" because mr. smallhat can't stand being a bottom for once after making his living fucking everyone else.

>> No.26622452

>Reminder that China and Russia want the stock market to collapse
wtf I love China and Russia nao

>> No.26622620

This feels like the smart man's Occupy by just browsing the info and knowing little about stonks and such

>> No.26622632

Imagine being this much of a boot licker. Show nose.

>> No.26622732


>> No.26622750

I got one share
I will sell it to a white man for $1
but these kikes will pay $10,000

>> No.26622792

Riggers, the shit is at $200 a share. I'm a poor fag. I can buy maybe $300 worth on Robinhood. But I really don't want to lose money.

>> No.26622805

We just wanted to play video games

>> No.26622821

This. In 2006 my mom started getting into stocks and I told her to buy GameStocks. She laughed and patted me on the head and 3 years later it shot up and she apologized.

Gamestop was the first stock I ever wanted to buy but I was a poor high schooler. Now... After seeing this after gamergate after Trump. I'm sick of those I dropped 20k into gamestop because fuck these asshats. My dollar is about to evaporate as we cuck to China I might as well go down swinging

>> No.26622848

>enforced decency is wrong!
nah, china and russia are based as fuck for keeping the poz far away.

>> No.26622884

If you're that poor don't risk it. You need liquid cash more than you need to take risks on something like this.

>> No.26623042

Fuck Israel
Fuck America
GME $1488 EOW

>> No.26623169

i hope game stop does something nice for their employees with their newfound share prices

>> No.26623203

>make 1,000%
>nooooooo you're hurting yourself

>> No.26623260

Hedgefunds are not the backbone of the US economy. The .0001% of daily financial activity tied up in fucking gamestop will not cause a systemic collapse.

>> No.26623590

hopefully they enslave us so we won't have to live under jews anymore

>> No.26623688

actually finance IS the backbone of the american economy. Its the only reason the US has purchasing power on the global stage, and its how they expropriate wealth from other countries. You didn't actually think the american economy was real, did you anon? They've been selling it off in bits and pieces since the japanese miracle. Fianance props it up enough to maintain the illusion of an economy while drones send emails back and forth in cubes.

>> No.26623748

>But I really don't want to lose money.
Don't then - this is still a risky play no matter what people here say. Anything could happen.

>> No.26623826
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Goyim Cattle stop please this isnt funny anymore.

We're sorry about Trump, we'll bring him back if you stop messing with our Shekels!

>> No.26623916

market not going to collapse anon and no one going to miss those jews

>> No.26624190

>Reminder that China and Russia want the stock market to collapse,
and thats a good thing

>> No.26624197

>The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. If I had but one bullet and I were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.
The enemy within is the top priority.

>> No.26624330

Ok let's go with your vastly oversimplified model of US global economic dominance. Hedgefunds are still not enough of that sector to crash it.

>> No.26624700

Fuck off Jeremy

>> No.26624825





>> No.26624919

that is clearly some insider shit

>> No.26624969
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>he's so fucking mad

>> No.26625210

Their 90 billion or whatever in losses is not chump change. That's gonna have a domino effect of people picking up the bag.

>> No.26625290

Shut the fuck Kike

>> No.26625492

The insider part is just reading /biz/ and /r/wallstreetbets to see where the autists are pumping and dumping their money. Then you swoop in to take it all.

>> No.26625557

Looks like he's failing to hold limes

>> No.26625792


>> No.26625872
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>> No.26625966
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>it's at $147 right now

>> No.26625967

lmao don't try and play the national security angle. It was gonna happen anyway thanks to Burbling Joe.

>> No.26626063

check after hours lmao

>> No.26626078

>win over kikes twice

>> No.26626148

Kikes seething lmao

>> No.26626184

Based and IronGuardpilled

>> No.26626302

Color me intrigued, Anon.
Is Melvin betting on Expedia tanking as well?

>> No.26626331
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That's very nice of you Anon, but Im in for the fundamentals.

>> No.26626339
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>> No.26626371
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Goodbye jew

>> No.26626387

But anon, I'm 99% bitcoin, 1% GME.

>> No.26626476

>making bank on stock that only goes up
>harming myself

>> No.26626519
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Fuck you, kike

>> No.26626584

We are China now.
So we are hurting China.

>> No.26626587

>My Mets
Aren't they owned by Jews?

>> No.26626684
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So is the $300 I was going to burn on gog sales and fastfood going to help destroy globohomo?

>> No.26626837

How is AMC a good buy? This COVID bullshit isn't ending.

>> No.26626960

If we buy enough meme stocks to bankrupt Wall Street, globohomo will collapse, and with it the lockdowns.

>> No.26627118

It will end eventually and people will go out with a vengeance

>> No.26627163

Yeah, I'm in for $AMC when we move on from $GME, but it def isn't a good buy in and of itself right now.

>> No.26627223

AMC has a platform that they can use to pivot into streaming and renting new films digitally, for one
For two, if Bilbo manages to not fuck it up we should be clear enough by summer that theaters reopen

>> No.26627332

We don't have this already

>> No.26627397
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>> No.26627669

So autism is going to completely invalidate their best risk models.

>> No.26627973
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Same as it ever was

>> No.26627987

jews are enemies. shabbos goys are traitors

>> No.26628210


>> No.26628538

>those graphs
gee whiz

>> No.26628847
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>> No.26628870

>some kike in NY loses money
>this somehow makes china and russia stronger
you are a kike
and Israel has no right to exist

>> No.26628965

youre such a fuckin bow

>> No.26629433

>assuming they even properly assessed risk

they shorted over 100% of shares, this could only work if nobody knew they were doing this and quietly let gamestop die. They actually thought we would wake up one day with a page 15 article about how gamestop mysteriously went bankrupt, this was seriously one of the riskiest things they ever did and are rightly getting punished