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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26603481 No.26603481 [Reply] [Original]

The facts are that 98% of "trades" made on their subreddit are less than $1000. 95% of the niggers there have less than 10k in their account. Be proud that you are a /biz/nessman and had the opportunity to buy link at a measly 2 dollars. The highest earning niggers on that site will never be as rich as the OG Linkers who browsed this board back in the day. Stay racist frens.

>> No.26603622

You’re *

>> No.26603720

business is business faggot

>> No.26603827

who the hell buys link? crypto is trash

>> No.26603922

>be proud to be in an israelitic board of kikes and pajeets shilling pure fecal matter 24/7
>b-but 18 years ago we shilled chainlinks!

>> No.26603972

>and had the opportunity to buy link at a measly 2 dollars

>> No.26604259

They're based but we're getting better profits here with AVAX without getting into trouble, so nobody's jelly.
Nothing wrong with giving credit where it's due tho.