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File: 82 KB, 728x529, 46e1c85226a451ea5fb55fa0e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26540545 No.26540545 [Reply] [Original]

Calling up all the big brain anons. Just stumbled upon a coin and I think it has a legit 1000x potential.
Why you ask?
- Ncyotee, https://twitter.com/NCyotee the best Auditor in DeFi is working on the project.
- Samuel Ried, ex-core dev of IOTA joined the project full time.
>This is the best part
Its only $600k marketcap. They're releasing a novel AMM DEX next week. When you have have the legendary Ncyotee, ex-IOTA dev working on the project and its only $600k marketcap, you know what to do anon.


>> No.26541003

Yeah I know what to do , tell you to fuck right off with your jeet fuckery

>> No.26541173

>he didn't read the first two points
>thinks its a jeet rug

>> No.26541220

Just have one look at the website.
Doesnt get more sketchy

>> No.26541431

They're working on a new dex thats set to launch next week and ITS is their governance token.
>Doesnt get more sketchy
Did you even read the first two points I made?
They literally have the best known auditor in space and a fully doxxed IOTA dev working on the project.

>> No.26542002

what's so special about the DEX?
Last time I was looking into the project they were vague as fuck.

>> No.26542064

is the audit already done?
Not worth much before

>> No.26542412
File: 59 KB, 583x671, Renaswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend joining their Telegram

>> No.26542468

...what the fuck does this shitcoin do

>> No.26542476


>> No.26542605
File: 36 KB, 500x338, 1611613594302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, can this exchange to anonymous cross chain swaps?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.26543262

It says that it's just a sneak peak?
That's not much, and the devs said they would have this finished by December.

>> No.26543321

what the fuck is this thing ahahahahaha
there's shitcoins and then there's shit like this ahahahah wtf im crying

>> No.26543385

>plz buy mah bagz

>> No.26543695

>10 Full time non-pajeet, all white devs working on the project, 2 of them being well known in the space.
>Launching a novel DEX next week
>600k Marketcap, 47% of the total supply burned
kek the newfags here don't even realize I'm giving away free Alpha. Go fuck yourself you don't bother researching the Telegram t.me/RenascentDefi

>> No.26543827

shilling this bag is the biggest sell signal i've seen. it's ogre

>> No.26543838

all i know is that this shit will be shilled in a week when it already mooned 200% by pajeets
either that or it goes to 0 now

>> No.26543861

just show me the full whitepaper jfc

>> No.26544258

Ok, right now I have checked shilling history of this shit and you got my attention.
Dyoring, not buying yet.

>> No.26544350

Shut the fuck up jeet.

>> No.26544366

kys newfag nigger

>> No.26544430

Ncoyotee is total joke, don't trust this guy at all.

>> No.26544517

Research how many Xs ITS did on launch. This dex will sustain its rebalancer in perpetuity. Unlimited burns and token buys. Pumpenomics are stoopid. Boz always wamt3s microcap gems and then spits in your face when you hand them over. Dyor or buy more overbought top 100 coins which will do X3 max

>> No.26544615

Your ad is gay
Also this site is not allowed to be used from Indian IP ranges

>> No.26544677
File: 65 KB, 720x720, 62F43D5A-5C59-4701-A870-391269B70769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who call this a jeet scam will kill themselves after rena launch

>> No.26544761

seriously no one can link me a full paper explaining what rena does?

>> No.26544860

Mediums being released within a week. Only breadcrumbs for now to prevent forks and to retain first mover advantage. Scan the TG for hints or just ask the devs in the chat for more details

>> No.26544865

Where are Ncyotee and Samuel Reid tweeting about these claims?

>> No.26545042

Projects keeping a low profile until launch. Ask them on twitter or TG, they will and have communicated w the community

>> No.26545172

Not buying that, too many shady af flags.
Anyway, thanks for the care.

>> No.26545422

Damn they need a new artistic director/designer. Looks like total shit. Also this notcoyote seems to have little network with the big players of DeFi

>> No.26545474

describing the project in any detail will create forks

>> No.26545508

What does it do that nothing else does?

>> No.26545534

>Also this notcoyote seems to have little network with the big players of DeFi
Sure, his DeFi sock is going up.

>> No.26545583

ITS isnt new you newfag
but Choad is legit

>> No.26545584

>another pajeet shitcoin

>> No.26545626

You asked for a full whitepaper. There are conceptual descriptions of it out there. The dex will be beneficial for bots and will generate volume and liquidity. Details on how they will accomplish will be released via the mediums. More details=more emulation before they can corner that market niche

>> No.26545843

2017 wants their shitcoin back just another reason to dump

>> No.26546239

I thought it was 2 weeks?

>> No.26546620

so this is for renaswap/ renascent? but that looks like a piece of shit. i can barely find any info on renascent

>> No.26546745

Where to buy?

>> No.26546814

If its not PayBot, i don't care

>> No.26547099
File: 56 KB, 957x1447, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a gem


>> No.26547156
File: 158 KB, 957x1447, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26547342

what the fuck is this and where is the source

>> No.26547397
File: 19 KB, 398x321, EqN-vfDU0AEXMbY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another dex?
there's hundreds of those now.
Massive competition, and nothing new. It doesn't matter who's behind the project, this shit ain't doing a 10x, let alone 1000x

>> No.26547461

nvm, just something irrelevant to the thread

anyway this looks retarded and autistic so i bought 10. where can i see more shit on the dex?

>> No.26547521

irrelevant to the thread of a guy giving you a 400 wallet project, but relevant to your generational wealth
did you even check who's backing the project?
never change biz

>> No.26547555

terrible name, wont 1000x, you're retarded.

>> No.26547579

>so i bought 10
oh nvm u bought ingo the rug
you're dumber than i thought
disregard what i said

>> No.26547900

look, ill check your shitcoin out if that makes you happy, but i thought you were posting info about the project this thread is about, when i saw that it wasnt, i called it irrelevant cause it is.
plus, fucking skyrim guys brother is on that project and hes a retard. kys
if i get rugpulled for $120 ill kill myself.
i got rugpulled for 1k back in the day when i was a retarded kid who got lucky on antshares and would just continue to buy coins that were under a dollar not considering market cap at all because i thought they would all be the next NEO, and im still here. so stop seething because someone disregarded your bags

>> No.26547958

but hey this project looks cool too, i like hegic a lot and the idea of crypto options is really cool to me. nice to see this lowcap thing with good potential. thanks for the tip now im gonna be rich off of this after shittalking you. stay mad

>> No.26548661
File: 85 KB, 800x579, nietzsche-old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swung my prq bag and lost 15k the other day
i dont give a fuck about stealing your launch money, just triggered that people ignore my threads with genuine, promising projects to reply to some degerate idiot like >>26540545

i shilled:
Prq at 0.10
Pnk at 0.01
Link at 0.25
Lcx at 0.002
Rsr at 0.001

keep ignoring my threads degenerates

>> No.26549011

>i shilled:
>Prq at 0.10
>Pnk at 0.01
>Link at 0.25
>Lcx at 0.002
>Rsr at 0.001
Proof? And what are you shilling nowadays?

>> No.26549091
