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File: 79 KB, 980x490, landscape-1439318649-little-house-on-the-prairie-cast[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26511200 No.26511200 [Reply] [Original]

I've just watched a few episodes of this and I'm unironically crying. Not because the story is so good or the acting is great but because I'll never experience a life like this. Where the man provides for his family and his wife supports him in this endeavour. Where he could buy a plot of land, build a house and become stand-up citizen of society with a simple job.

inflation and decoupling from the gold standard ruined everything and we will never experience a nuclear family anymore

>> No.26511275

You just need to find a good woman. They're out there anon.

>> No.26511279
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You're welcome.

>> No.26511357

5 men in this picture

>> No.26511384


>> No.26511425
File: 9 KB, 150x150, happymerchant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just as planned

>> No.26511655

It's just sad how much the kikes have successfully brainwashed the goy cattle into believing this wage cuck coonsooming existence is in any way normal

>> No.26511751

You faggot, you do realise those were PAID ACTORS, right ? The West wasn't like that, fuck, even the fucking sixties weren't like that. They were selling you a fucking dream. Snap out of it. Come back to reality, and think, what do you need to do to make it come true.

>> No.26511754

ITT: demoralised defeatist cunts romanticizing the past

>> No.26511786


shut the fuck up incel

>> No.26511819

That picture is even more impressive because his wife gave him FOUR daughters and no sons so I don't know whats driving him at this point.

>> No.26511848

They are rare nowadays.

Be me.

Fall for an entertainment type.
Have child.
Buy house in wife's home state.
Start home based business.
Wife dealing with depression from parent suicide.

Introduces me to her friend....

Her friend has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Earned a degree in naturopathy.
Doubts the system.
Wants to start a commune in central america.
Homeschools her daughters.
Grows her ow mushrooms and makes her own tinctures.
Doesn't make emotional decisions or argue in an emotional state.
Has shared that she's a sexual deviant.
Reads and educates herself daily.
I fucking WANT this woman.

But don't want to give up my wife, she's good too.

I'm a selfish prick I know ...but if I make it on my crypto portfolio, I'm going to angle for starting a commune in a remote area.

>> No.26511921

You can literally have that but with modern comforts and the internet you stupid cuntghost.

>> No.26511928

>Buying land to farm is a dream.
Lol, I hate how stupid you are.

>> No.26511979

>her daughters
I would never be able to raise children which aren't my own. It's the ultimate form of cuckoldery.

>> No.26512022

You realize the story wasn't written in this time? Society was pretty much like that in those years. Of course it's dramatic and romaticized, but for the most part life was like that back then. Much simpler and more pure than it is now.

>> No.26512074

>falling for the good old days meme

>> No.26512085

Feed your wife the mushrooms anon, what do I gotta think of everything?

>> No.26512150


Don't watch anything from the 90s or before, you'll get depressed

>> No.26512203

Sons are one thing, daughters another. And everything is relative...what if you already have 5 sons and 3 daughters of your own...you wouldn't take in a poor orphan girl if she was presented to you by fate?

>> No.26512211

Ironic the world will be enslaved by usury and even cheered on yet we know usury is wrong.

>> No.26512356

Usury is still under kind of under the radar of the normies, the average person doesn't understand that the system is fueled by debt.
What's weird is that they could get the whole population to being cheering for sodomy. They both go hand in hand though...ironically.

>> No.26512394

>they could
They have

>> No.26512486
File: 66 KB, 1346x531, politicalNaturopathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel
these fucking kikes I swear to God

>> No.26512491

Thanks for the grammar check anon.

>> No.26512513

Have you considered becoming a cult leader? you can have multiple wives and even fuck other guys wives too

>> No.26512597

*Roll for Charisma

>> No.26512602

> naturopathy
> communes
> homeschooling
> dexual deviant = polyamorous

And this retard wants to abandon his own family for this neo-hippie retard.
People like that are extinction-tier.

>> No.26512640
File: 1.07 MB, 960x960, 418359E3-BACB-4797-A9AA-A61B094B3FCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the good old days meme meme
Excellent goy

>> No.26512684

God is here. Remember that. Evil never wins.

>> No.26512770
File: 134 KB, 490x383, 1600317326833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just IMAGINE all those daughters in a cabin in the woods, unlimited abuse!!!

>> No.26512826

kek. Thinking like a 3yo, if this is bad, opposite must be good. You absolute retard , things move forwards , not backwards, if hiding in the past is your solution, join the Amish.

>> No.26512866

You would immediately regret it, you're just looking for novelty. The minute you switched, you would immediately understand that woman is completely lunatic.

>> No.26512933
File: 28 KB, 658x479, MaleMedianIncome[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just trolling now?

>> No.26512942

This is quite like how I grew up. Thus year I made enough on crypto that I bought a little rancher for my family and I. This show tells you all you need to know about good life.

>> No.26513037

Many such cases.

>> No.26513096

I'm saying dreaming solves nothing. A bunch of Autists, buying Crypto online, dreaming about an idealised perfect past, get nothing done. I'm thinking about what the World is gonna be like in ten, twenty years, and how to adapt.

>> No.26513280

You do realize we have actual video evidence of the good ol days which we can objectively compare to today? Your lies are getting caught out. Probably one of the reasons they want to censor the internet so bad.

>> No.26513335

Came here to post this.

Don't know how you think you're going to help the traditional family unit by being tempted away from your wife for some hippie-tier slut who already has children by someone else.

>> No.26513547

Don't waste a second trying to put the toothpaste back in. That's gone. It's not coming back. Ever. We have a chance, with the Blockchain revolution, to build something new. My utopia doesn't revolve around going back , it's moving forward.

>> No.26513832

My reasoning isn’t ‘no u’ retard, you’re low IQ if you think it is. There’s clearly an immense propaganda campaign to make you believe everything is ok and moving ‘forward’ as it’s supposed to. These things have a cyclical nature and once the pot boils over things will regress hard and fast.

>> No.26513920

>Zoomers so detached they don't realize the past was actually like that
Unironically sad.

>> No.26513996

>get nothing done
Sounds like they're making money with crypto bro

>> No.26514022
File: 411 KB, 2638x1462, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone following it in it? What do you think about their Duck Card game with investment plugins?

>> No.26514057

Haven't said anywhere in this thread , that things are great. What i said, start to finish, is accept reality as is, then figure out how to move forward . You seem to have fallen for the forth turning meme. Not gonna happen.

>> No.26514109
File: 47 KB, 970x545, Em_yIGWXcAA2vH_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in

>> No.26514116

Learn some History. Not in Wikipedia, i mean, real History.

>> No.26514272

Epic reddit dig bro, you sure got me. Deny reality all you want, it helps in accepting the future.

>> No.26514275

>>her daughters
>I would never be able to raise children which aren't my own. It's the ultimate form of cuckoldery.

I agree with this so deeply and profoundly.

>> No.26514449

>God is here. Remember that. Evil never wins.

You utter fool there is no god, THERE IS NO GOD.

>> No.26514760

>"insatiable thirst for knowledge"
>degree in pseudoscience
>has kids but no man in sight (apparently)
Yeah she's looking for her next mark, retard. You probably got drunk and revealed your power level and she's playing off that to get you to fuck her so she can really fuck you.

>> No.26514823
File: 57 KB, 432x650, ee8649a980bb5e77fcfc42d9e1c48d6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro. That was only possible because of the incredible amount of open land and free natural resources in the American west. It was a once in a species event. We had to kill an entire continent of indians to do it. The frontier is closed.

>> No.26515036

‘Forward’ is an illusion. We came from this Earth and we’ll die and go back to this Earth. There’s a clear cut way things are supposed to be. Stop falling for subversion.

>> No.26515203

He's expecting a nice bride price from each of their marriages.

>> No.26515387

>Earned a degree in naturopathy.
>Wants to start a commune in central america.
>Grows her ow mushrooms and makes her own tinctures.
>Has shared that she's a sexual deviant.

So you're attracted to mental illness? Check yourself before you wreck yourself bro

>> No.26515624

Ffs, you're using wireless internet, to post on a board mostly about Crypto, that seems pretty forward to me. DeFi opens up a lot of new opportunities, that would seem a pipe dream just ten years ago. Spit out the black pill, take the red pill. Your choices, in real time, determine what your future is gonna be. That's "moving forward ". What a board of fucking cucks this is.