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File: 292 KB, 720x1280, 1611545089550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26491674 No.26491674 [Reply] [Original]

First, we are going to come for your developers. This will be very easy, most of them will fold immediately as we've already seen.

Then we come for the name. This will be VERY easy because there are no developers who will do anything about it. You will simply be known as BCore of SegwitCoin and you won't be able to do shit about it. We will go full scorched earth--- happily, I might add.

From there, there really isn't anything else in our way. We have all the resources, a multi-billion dollar war chest, and you guys have tweets and donation funds.

>> No.26491762
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x1960, 20201128_011811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, buy BSV?

>> No.26491820

>faketoshi trying to stay relevant

>> No.26491874


Tbh, things could get messy pretty soon and it will probably take down BSV with it. Cobra isn't wrong about that. I have buy orders placed around $65, but I also have a reserve stack that I won't touch for at least 5-10 years or so.

>> No.26492121
File: 2.00 MB, 302x272, 1582686357554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga shat the fuck up

>> No.26492410

What's been happening in this freakshow lately? Stopped following months ago, and then suddenly couple of days ago I bumped into a thread on /pol/ where there were caps of this utter faggot sperging on some platform like a fucking Qtard. The thread was long enough for me not to wade through all of it, so didn't quite get the gist of his or his fanboys' ramblings. "Something, something, something I'm Satoshi. Something, something, something going to destroy Bitcoin."
QRD, anyone?

>> No.26492498

another fud fag, never selling a coin of fucking anything, kys

>> No.26493145


>> No.26493329

He's threatening lawsuits against bitcoin core developers.
Since u.s. courts are corrupt as fuck some developers listened and took down the white paper on their website.

Idk if OP's image is legit, but he's frivolously suing people to be a dick and waste time.

>> No.26493686


What are the Bitcoin Core developers going to do about it, exactly?

>> No.26493928

What the fuck are they supposed to do
This nigga claims to be satoshi and own everything but refuses to prove it?
The only thing they can do is sit tight and carry on.

The fucked up part is that if Wright can satisfy the court it could gain traction, unlike the internet courts don't need a signed message with satoshi key, faketoshi might fool the court the same way he fooled countless idiots and then it would get ugly.

>> No.26493980

>What the fuck are they supposed to do

Pay hundreds of thousands in legal fees, for starters :)

Remember, they dont have a choice, unless they want to run from the law.

>> No.26494058
File: 46 KB, 736x234, 2342341235234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7.4T megachad blows the fuck out of alcoholic fraudster, forcing him to blow his fat head off....

>> No.26494123

>Pay hundreds of thousands in legal fees, for starters :)

That's per dev, btw!

>> No.26494481

I hate to be the one to break it those of you who still follow this nutcase - Craig is quite obviously desperate; you may be wondering why he has been attempting to ramp up his efforts to have the world bend to his will in recent months, let me explain.

Craig is unironically suffering from what might be a terminal disease - he has/had a tumor that was "arrested" previously; in recent months it appears as though the growth may be metastatic in nature, and the possibility that it has spread throughout his body is not low.

Again, I do feel somewhat sorry for Craig, but those who follow and believe what this man is and has been saying deserve to made aware of this situation.

I assume others will eventually share what they know in relation to the above.

>> No.26494509

hes coming to take back the bitcoin name which is tied to the bitcoin as defined by the white paper. the whole crypto market will crash and burn but from the ashes bitcoin will rise.

>> No.26494708

Yeh yeh faketoshi has to satisfy the courts beyond reasonable doubt that's he's actually satoshi and judging by the fact that he's only managed to convince literal mouth breathers I'm thinking we good.

>> No.26494787

thank you for proving that there is an investment community even more deranged than ripplefags.

>> No.26494817

So Satoshi's coins will be locked away forever? Thanks, bought 100k BSV.

>> No.26494984

If Craig Wright is Satoshi then he can easily prove it by signing Satoshi's blocks. Why doesn't he just do this? Oh right because he's not Satoshi, he's just a loudmouth faggot trying to grift off of media attention.

>> No.26495042

Imagine giving any weight to what this professional con artist says. Dude has literally been caught lying in court many time, the btc addresses he claimed were his signed a tx with a message calling him a fraud lmao.

>> No.26495058

>I do feel somewhat sorry for Craig
I don't. He is a symbol of everything shitty about crypto.

>> No.26495122


>> No.26495162

Having possession of a key doesn't mean you own what it unlocks, the law doesn't work that way.

>> No.26495192


>> No.26495257

Just the other day I lost ownership of my tesla as an individual stole the keys out of my satchel while I was ordering my onions frappucino. Unfortunately I was unable to verify the thief's pgp key so I could not put out an anonymous hit on him. I returned home to tell my wife but to my dismay I only found a woman at home that looked exactly like my wife but was unable to publicly sign the private key I had given her to verify our marriage, claiming it had been left in my tesla. Obviously i moved out immediately as I could not trustlessly verify the identity of this woman claiming to be my wife.

Some time passed and one day I was lucky enough to come across my tesla. Chasing down the young man who had parked it I demanded his pgp key so that i could initiate a ransomware smart contract to blackmail him into returning the private keys of my car to me. To my great relief it turned out this young man was my wife as before I could send the gas to the smart contract he publicly signed a message with my wife's private key. In the end we all laughed, I just have no idea how we ever trusted anyone before bitcoin

>> No.26495315

Someone should spam him with pepes or something

>> No.26495384
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 5Ls3YJL-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are not buying bsv in a bull market, what makes you think they'll wanna buy in the dream Craig had?

a coin run by a rumbling drunktard and a pedo that documents his trips to the third world partying with minor chinks on twitter

one thing these two they have a common craig likes his whiskey like calvin likes his girls
12 year old

>> No.26495423


>> No.26496069

Kek saved

>> No.26496104

Yes, drop the price and tell me when!

>> No.26496484

Good thing I'm in untouchable Asian shit like BoringDAO.

>> No.26496690
File: 160 KB, 706x893, detvrbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I love he Craig Wright stuff. Absolute Scammer with no teeth and no venom to boot. Just a man and his lie.

>> No.26497362
File: 7 KB, 308x164, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rainbow pill....there is a ganesha in the blockchain. CSW is the incarnation of what we mere mortals call SATOSHI NAKAMOTO but what is indeed Shiva and Parvati. In the CSW timeline we are now in the time plane when he shows he can be the caring teacher and nurturer of creative ideas, and he can also be the destroyer of everything created.
The protocol was passed down by one of the ayys in the form of a talking peacock. All eventualities have been calculated. Bitcoin has to survive, as it is the cornerstone of an interplanetary messaging system and a needed tool to be able to surpass the civilization wall. If humanity is to survive bitcoin has to jump the halving incentive soon, as the agreed accord of the ones that handed the code down allow no cheating on this test of worthyness. CSW is willing for martyrdom, crucifixion by slander and banishment, and reading his messages, even more drastic counter attacks, false flaggery, useful idiots, clone wars (bought bots), and more. The dragon elefant in the room will arise and torch everything down for he is the reincarnation of the son of Kali. Leave Craig alone. Hedge for currently 0.5%, that he is just larping but he lives rent free in your head and you cannot understand how he knew why double hash, why merkle tree, and why turing complete.

>> No.26497384

honestly surprised some chink hasnt just had him killed by now