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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26488002 No.26488002 [Reply] [Original]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>Co Director of IC3 which is 180+ researchers and 6 Unis
>EGS shills Link & is in close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & already acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>like Sergey EGS toured around the world for years educating People about decentralization

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW and Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>it can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>more decentralized than everything else
>running a Node is easy & hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking & delegating
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned & is burned when Subnets, Blockchains or other assets are created
>currently 10% APY
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 60% node uptime
>node costs ca. 20 bucks a month on a VPS

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>plug in and use the Avalanche Consensus for your already existing Blockchain so you dont have to build your own (like with decentralized oracles)
>Chainlink already moving to Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn rewards from them!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>Big picture: in no time the best parts of the entire crypto ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche and giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

right now it trades for $12.5

>> No.26488060

Right now 50% of my portfolio is in Avax. Hodling with my iron hands.

>> No.26488085
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right now it trades for $12.6

>> No.26488300


right now it trades for $12.7

>> No.26488430
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Definition of comfy hold.

>> No.26488889

>first time trading
>hear about AVAX
>go all in 20k+ USD
if that's all it took to not have to work i'm coming back here and organizing and AVAX party, all invited. You shitheads better not say you can't go cause you've got work or something.

>> No.26488921

Hes truly the King of Kings

>> No.26488944

Avax bro parties will outperform all other parties. Count me in.

>> No.26489119
File: 17 KB, 403x408, holderAvax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a node to run and all the upkeep of that.

It's not much but it's honest work.

>> No.26489190

already got the equipment, just waiting for voyager transfers, or i go the stupid VPN binance route to get it into a wallet.

>> No.26489324

>goyager has no withdrawals
>don't want to risk Chinance VPN again

>> No.26489366

Also are you going the RPi route?

>> No.26489620
File: 15 KB, 303x298, photo_2020-07-18_02-38-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should atleast become easier when the bridge is availalbe, then you can get avax off dexes.

>> No.26490173

yep, just watched the video and bought all the things. still in the boxes

>> No.26490560

Can we buy the Hagia Sophia and make it into the AVAX citadel?

>> No.26491132
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>> No.26491237

I can only afford 1.5k. Currently hoping that:
>Voyager sorts their shit out and I can withdraw
>node req drops to 500
Then maybe I can finally make it. But I'm comfu just holding until then.

>> No.26491359

You need 2k of your own coins right?

>> No.26491420

Currently yes, but if anons are to be believed it'll be 500 soon

>> No.26491849

It's likely to be dropped to 500, maybe even less. The more nodes the better for the network.