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26468347 No.26468347 [Reply] [Original]

NO LARP. Been talking with some of you in the past months and I come back again today.
Been building a crypto-based project with a small team of highly skilled techies/designers. It involves data at a massive scale and NLP. It's infrastructure, it's web. Blockchain/AI architect here./

I'll announce the ICBO on biz in its first hours, because most of you are actually nice folks. I've discussed with some of you and I now am 100% convinced that our concept + tokenomics are sound (and solving actual problems kek).

I have 1 question for my loved anons, where hesitation remains: should we build our L1 mainnet on Ethereum + a Layer 2 or a scalable chain directly (Algo, Dot, Ada). Pros: future proofing, Cons: no Ethereum ecosystem, less visibility


>> No.26468484

Post a pic of your hand with timestamp and I might buy

>> No.26468611

if you're being serious and have the drive and vision for working on the project long term I'd say a scalable chain because eth mainnet sucks

>> No.26468693
File: 38 KB, 352x480, doesnthurttimestamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked for a timestamp, here you go.
+ Bump, no larp, legit project tech lead here. I see these interactions as win-win

>> No.26468799

Algorand mainnet is really attractive desu (A bit less by Polka), but can't imagine how people feel if they can't buy an ERC20 token on Uniswap (and similar things). Spent 3 years ont the conception and R&D, can't afford to fail our token sale. Thanks for the input

>> No.26468896


>> No.26468925

Build it on AVAX. Also, send me a hefty ICO

>> No.26469015

been considering Avalanche, but there are constraint with that L1. Documentation is nice, like Algo.
> Also, send me a hefty ICO
will do

>> No.26469024

Why do you have a zoomer keyboard

>> No.26469068

Build on ADA + post hand and I'll throw 1k USD at it no larp

>> No.26469076

I wonder the same now

>> No.26469119

Zoomer keyboard no thanks

>> No.26469154

But ADA doesn't have smart contracts yet, can't wait until march or even later. A real bummer though desu, really love ADA tech.
> post hand and I'll throw 1k USD at it no larp
Appreciate it so much, thanks for the positive energy

>> No.26469205

sad but fair enough, can't match Vitalik's badass style

>> No.26469231

>Blockchain/AI architect here./

my question is: how do you take yourself seriously?

>> No.26469303

Not taking myself seriously at all, just stating my role in this project.

>> No.26469350


>> No.26469408

very good idea, thanks. Never considered that option before

>> No.26469541

Np anon, good luck with your project

>> No.26469590

When will ICO announcement come? Also, scalable chain directly (ALGO, AVAX)

>> No.26469603

L1 then L2?

>> No.26469941

much appreciated.
Mid February. Okay the balance is really towards scalable chain I see. Glad to see that kind of input. I really thought most of you would have said to go for Ethereum "for the network effect / ecosystem impact"
Can you elaborate?

>> No.26470056

last bump?

>> No.26470167


Do more research for sure on avax, it’s pretty incredible. Did a few transactions myself and it’s pretty instant. I’m working for a DeFI protocol that is looking into adopting it right now, actually.

>> No.26470331

Will do more research on it, surely saw a lot of hype around it, but Algo/Ftm looks pretty solid

>> No.26470376

>Can you elaborate?
Well, a lot of devs do L1 first for exposure and token distribution, and then L2 for long-term. Thinking of Bao here, as well.

>> No.26470521

I was also surprised with the transaction speed of Avax. Doing a bit more research after that made me a believer.

>> No.26470577

no one fucking cares, drop the fucking links or gtfo

>> No.26470642
File: 416 KB, 512x512, seed89438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a base chain besides ETH if you're going to have a frontend good enough for normies. I think that's the key here. If you're expecting normies to navigate the money legos world then you're going to miss out by not putting it on ETH, since that will at least be a bit easier for them to manage.

>> No.26470700

Yes, but seems really not a good approach long-term. Transitions are always hurting the community, especially early imho.
transaction speed is also very impressive on FTM and Algo (probably also on Cardano when live). Not a main competitive aspect but for sure will investigate this network for my more advanced tech concerns.
dubs checked, links will come.

>> No.26470746


eth is king. also use chainlink in whatever it is you're doing pls

>> No.26470784

Definitely, frontend is requiring a scalable backend (so ETH + LAYER 2 like SKALE was an option)
> since that will at least be a bit easier for them to manage.
Interesting, what do you mean by that? Managing their coins (if they are not like on Metamask?)

>> No.26470893

Of course, oracles are a big part of the stack

The main big issue with ETH as L1, is that it kills any incentive to participate in DAOs and other microservices (high fees) that are usually built on the L1. Don't know how people would respond to having tokens on a L2+core DAO on a L2 as well. That's why FTM/AVAX/ALGO are attractive af

>> No.26470901

anon how do we ensure we're the first to get in? any breadcrumbs?

also: Ethereum and await Eth 2.0

>> No.26470921
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>> No.26471072
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normie adoption = gold. normies are too stupid do do anything besides clicking on buttons and filling out forms. that means anything requiring understanding of {EIP20, blockchain, wallet, transaction, swap, pool} it's just going to box you into being a purely niche activity for crypto enthusiasts.

the big money in crypto projects is going to come from having an interface as simple as coinbase's, because with a simple interface you're not limited by the general public's stupidity when engineering your project

>> No.26471092

I'll make some AMA for the project a few times before doing the ICBO. Then I'll specifically post here to announce the ICBO, and well you'll know directly that you are early by looking at the bonding-curve.

>> No.26471200

"normie adoption" = accessibility is definitely the main point behind the whole design. I really like that you think that too. Everything is going to be "keep it stupid simple" on the frontend, as much as possible (product is still a data tech service). But indeed normies will be able to use it without wallets (no metamask), so I appreciate this reply very much

>> No.26471499

Trying to avoid Rubic pajeet shitflinging here so don't get off-topic, cross-chain swaps will undoubtedly be developed in the future. Whoever actually does it first doesn't matter. It'll happen within the year I'm sure. If nothing else, you can make a bridge yourself and have arbitrage bots take care of the rest. It should be fine to make it on whatever chain works best for your tech if the release is months away.

>> No.26472476

Checked. I'm hoping for the same!