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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26456966 No.26456966 [Reply] [Original]

how hard is it to "make it"? defined by as having enough money to withdraw your (western) country's average monthly pay to live on and not having to work.
>inb4 why stop there you are just living with the same standard as a wagecuck/neet anyway?
except you have all the freedoms like not having to answer to anyone or do anything special.. I don't think it's the same at all
maybe some define making it has having 100 milly and drive lambos all day then it's a different making it

back to the topic though, I'm confident saying if I had any money to invest in, as low as $10k, which would quite literally be a year of burgerflipping at mcd and saving up my shekels I would eventually make it by investing.
why haven't I made it yet? I've literally been a NEET for over a decade and have had no money to invest at all, or cared at all, until a few years recently
how hard is hitting a 10x+ really? I'm not even talking about crypto here only boomerstocks, I don't even pay any attention to crypto or care because of the shady exchanges, regulations, taxes, all the literal autism that goes into it, just talking about boomer investing here
if the last years has taught me anything a 20-90x is easy, just look at AMD or Tesla stonk. literally. or fucking weed stocks. anything.
you could literally pick a shilled mainstream stock and make it. or has it just been like this recently because the market has been on a rise for quite some time now?
soon global collapse and stonk crash?

now You tell ME if I'm delusional or everyone else is literally retarded, because from an outsider perspective it seems way to easy

like warren buffet said, the game is rigged in your favour since nobody is forcing you to invest, you literally pick your own shots every time, how can you even fail at this?

t. never invested in my entire life but will make it easily

>> No.26457057

That's my brother

>> No.26457066 [DELETED] 

just go to college dude. I’ve gotten $10,000 just off financial aid

>> No.26457088

built for BTC

>> No.26457096

i have been doing the saving investing thing for over 10 years
its good progress at first and compounding is powerful if you have serious wealth but inbetween lies the abyss.
you won't make it without crypto before you get old.

>> No.26457170

basically the entire system is carefully designed and set up to keep you working forever

>> No.26457192
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Ratatat, Fanny Flap, Happy Slap

>> No.26457202
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>> No.26457236

let's discuss how much I want to shove my head up that man's ass

>> No.26457242

>now You tell ME if I'm delusional or everyone else is literally retarded, because from an outsider perspective it seems way to easy

You have to understand that right now you are talking to people who know how to write, know how to articulate themselves to some degree, know how to turn on a desktop pc and have enough money for a stable internet connection. You'd be suprised to see how many fucking people on this planet can't mange this. You'd be suprised how many alcohol or drug addicts are out there struggeling to go to work every day to perfom simple as fuck tasks. You don't know how many of these people exist because you surround yourself with people who aren't like this. You need to understand that you are already WAY ahead of most of humanity.

>> No.26457244

I'm too uneducated to do but say that I did have the possibilties to go to school I would need the money I recieved for food/rent anyway, I would need twice the amount to have anything over for investing

ok 10 years is not that long if you have just been saving, but if you have 10 years of investments you could have already made it what are you talking about ?
tesla you could have 20x in a year
amd you could have hit a 90x in 5 years

you could litearlly change your whole entire life in a few short years, even faster if you have some insane iq

>you wont make it without crypto
so have you made it or not yet?

why? you can escape wagecuckery in a year with careful investments


>> No.26457378

You can answer your own question by playing with mock stock portfolios. Most investment sites/apps will have the option to have a 'play money' portfolio. Using that for a little while will give you an indication.

>> No.26457556

well I do know alot of people barely give a shit about investing or making it or whatever, even though the general conscience of the world seems to be that everyone wants to become a millionaire/rich? hmm doesnt make much sense does it
I didn't care at all until I became a bit older either and it finally set in how important economics actually are
I've literally worked with substance abusers and mentally fucked people I know there are plenty
yet at the same time I feel all normies are well/decently educated and have decent paying jobs and wage day in and out
I'm literally on wellfare and jobless. don't feel like I'm way ahead desu

you do have a point, forgot about that, kinda feel it's useless though, why would I go through tons of research or whatever I'm doing to then invest imaginary money
literally all that time sinked into current research or whatever is going to happen next for no reason at all
it's mostly about timing and whatever
it seems kinda totally pointless, I'm not a phd market stock analyst that have total control of everything, you just have to have one winner every so often

am I fucking retarded or no? makes no sense still

>> No.26457718

>ok 10 years is not that long if you have just been saving, but if you have 10 years of investments you could have already made it
not really most "investments" don't outperform real inflation.
the only investment i have that makes me any progress is btc.

>> No.26457781

>so have you made it or not yet?
i'm very fucking close but not yet. but so fucking close finally.
if we go to $200k (and not by hyperinflating usd but on relative purchasing power) then i will be set for life.

>> No.26457823

>well I do know alot of people barely give a shit about investing or making it or whatever, even though the general conscience of the world seems to be that everyone wants to become a millionaire/rich?

Thats kind of my point. It's not that they barely give a shit, but most people think that it's "not for them" because they think that there is some super secret knowledge that they need to have. There is also this stigma that investors are either super ritch, or maniacs that gamble away all of their life sabings. They see words they don't know and get intimidated instead of learning.

>> No.26457836

and now let's talk about the price: in 10 years of work as a developer i have burnt out a couple of times developed overweight and a series of medical problems my hair and beard is full of white my life is more than half gone and i'm still not free.

saving is a meme. and traditional investments are a meme too especially metals that's bullshit anons! never buy metals as investment! it costs you money it's insurance.

>> No.26457899

>you can escape wagecuckery in a year with careful investments
no you can't where did you hear this bullshit. also most people simply don't have the saving ratio to invest meaningfully. you have to be in the top 3% worldwide to even think about investing.

>> No.26457934
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Literally buy FLASH right now and you’ll 25x your entire stack by tonight. Literally the play rn anons.

>> No.26457957

That's a man isn't it

>> No.26457961
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>imagine the smell

>> No.26457963

Making it is having your girlfriend sending you wholesome photos instead of acting like a slut.

>> No.26458004

Shhh . Still accooming

>> No.26458057

so the past 10 years dumped monthly into an index fund has not beaten inflation you say? even some retarded bank investment account could surely keep up with that? surely?

so you havent made it yet with crypto but could have made it several times over with ancient boomer stocks
whats up

how can you be afraid? the younger you are the more risk you can take too
even a years savings would even be nerve wrecking to go all in on something, what the fuck does it even matter?
I would dump 10 years on investment into a single stock without issue either
maybe I'm the retarded one, idk, there's no other way you make anything happen as a wagie otherwise unless you stard your own company or something
the possible return is just too good, so much can change so fast so easy
waging should just be the temporary thing that holds you over so you can eat until something breaks through not a lifetime commitment (ideally)

>i have burnt out a couple of times developed overweight and a series of medical problems
stop waging so hard for no reason and do some physical exercise so your brain starts working
>saving is a meme
yes that's why I'm advocating for going all in on stocks that actually go somewhere
>traditional investments are a meme too
you literally havent made it from crypto and could have made it times over with shitty boomer stocks already... bro who is in the wrong here

>where did you hear this bullshit
any stock that moves, my own research, literall takes seconds
>also most people simply don't have the saving ratio to invest meaningfully. you have to be in the top 3% worldwide to even think about investing.
are you from some shithole or something? non western country? if so I dont care you didnt read op

>shilling pajeetcrypto itt


>> No.26458159

Where buy?

>> No.26458197

not one argument


>> No.26458210

OP it sounds like you’re too risk averse to actually make any fucking money investing.

If you want to buy boomer stocks, you’ve had 10 years to do so and just haven’t.
Now you’re down 10 YEARS of gains and are STILL too risk averse to even try.

Hitting a 10x in the stock market? Ridiculous, and you’ll be waiting months to years.

Hitting a 10x in crypto? I’ve done that 3 times since last January. I’m so sorry you’re too pussy to even try it

>> No.26458351

whos stopping you from making it if its so easy faggot?
you sound like an absolute autist.

>> No.26458443

>one post in thread
what am I even responding to?

>sounds like you’re too risk averse
how? I literally said I could invest a year or a decades savings into a single stock without issue
>If you want to buy boomer stocks, you’ve had 10 years to do so and just haven’t.
again explained earlier, poor and didn't have any interest earlier

>Now you’re down 10 YEARS of gains
unfortunately I dont have a time machine and hindisght is always perfect, but yes
>and are STILL too risk averse to even try.
again, poor, can't right now until I have a decent sum to invest with

>Hitting a 10x in the stock market? Ridiculous, and you’ll be waiting months to years.
first actual good feedback, so you are saying im delusional? why? with mainstream shit like tesla hitting 22x in a year, for example

>Hitting a 10x in crypto? I’ve done that 3 times since last January. I’m so sorry you’re too pussy to even try it
seems like a clusterfuck with banks denying crypto exchanges payments here, the clusterfuck nightmare of taxing it (having to declare litearlly everything single fucking thing in minute detail, impossible without a program tracking it) making doing lots of trades becoming a total mindfuck knowing if you actually make profit or losing money, literally nothing standard that just works, all exchanges in other countries, exchanges being hacked, not knowing shit about crypto at all
just seems like a giant fucking clusterfuck
plus shitcoins are literally that, shitcoins

money and a decent bankroll to start with, for now aka no income, as explained earlier
>you sound like an absolute autist.

>> No.26458450

>so the past 10 years dumped monthly into an index fund has not beaten inflation you say?
well you have to understand that at first you have no savings. right you start from $0 or some debt. first investing is not important because you save a hell of a lot more than what you would get in interest.

it's all about savings ratio. if you have a 1% savings ratio you will never in a billion years make it. i had 40%. that's good enough in theory for a 10 year making it plan however interest rates and returns are actually way lower on average than real inflation. which is why my real estate outperformed all my other investments except bitcoin. but even that is basically just being barely above of real inflation.

bitcoin does a 360% annually on average. if i started investing in bitcoin sooner i would have made it already but i sold way too early and was reluctant to put serious money in it for many years.

>so you havent made it yet with crypto but could have made it several times over with ancient boomer stocks
no it's the opposite i only put a few % of my net in bitcoin. stocks and bonds got me nowhere. now my bitcoin is 50% of my net... it's just insane how fucking good it is if you can hold.

>> No.26458488

>you literally havent made it from crypto
because i didn't do it right that's what i'm trying to explain to you. i didn't put enough in bitcoin and didn't hold long enough. i felt it was too risky. i was stupid.

>> No.26458519

>literall takes seconds
fucking idiot you will lose everything

>> No.26458856

>the game is rigged in your favour
that's the single most retarded thing i read on /biz/ btw...
good job and good luck with making it on the stock markets in seconds...

for everyone else: buy bitcoin you fools!

>> No.26458886
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>first actual good feedback, so you are saying im delusional? why? with mainstream shit like tesla hitting 22x in a year, for example
dude, i really dont know if you are trolling or just playing dumb...
how would you KNOW that tesla would do a 22x before it did?
would you also predict black swans like the covid crash?
you are basically saying, why dont people buy the winning lottery ticket and get rich, its so easy!!!!

>> No.26458980

of course op could be pretending but i think he is genuinely retarded.

>> No.26459028

Built for BAC

>> No.26459452

>well you have to understand that at first you have no savings. right you start from $0 or some debt. first investing is not important because you save a hell of a lot more than what you would get in interest.
what do you mean it's compounding over time, literally invest monthly paychecks

>it's all about savings ratio. if you have a 1% savings ratio you will never in a billion years make it. i had 40%.
uh yeah, I would say anything below 50% is retarded, I could do that working at McD, more if you have a high salary

>10 year making it plan
I'm not saying you would make it investing like this in a decade you need larger hits else it's just too slow yes

>if i started investing in bitcoin sooner i would have made it already
and you could have 100x it on good boomer stonks already too

...to check any stock that has gone up in the past year/s I mean

>that's the single most retarded thing i read on /biz/ btw...
so warren buffet is retarded? :^)

>good job and good luck with making it on the stock markets in seconds...
thats not what I meant

>how would you KNOW that tesla would do a 22x before it did?
no idea, I didn't have any insight on it, just saying it in retrospect, I don't know if you could have had any indicators that it would go up, probably?
I'm just saying in some cases it's clear as day some stocks are gonna go up... easy investments

>would you also predict black swans like the covid crash?
did it even matter? unless you sold everything at a loss? if anything it was only an opportunity to buy, no?
ofcourse I dont know, im just a normie, the point is, I have no major insights on anything, yet it seems easy to make it with some basic correct investments done accordingly
but again I MIGHT just be retarded

>you are basically saying, why dont people buy the winning lottery ticket and get rich
yes, except is easier than that, as you can invest in things you know about, your fields of expertise if you so wish

>> No.26459702

Brilliantly said. I agree with every word and would have said the same.

I am absolutely above the average person and I dont mean that arrogantly, its just a fact. I am not autistic or socially inept and it is a real energy drain to be around most people because of how vapid they truly are. It makes me wonder so much about humanity. Its so difficult for me not to have contempt for most people... But I still try to have some compassion.

I digress. The OP makes solid points. Unfortunately its too late for him to really get in on much of anything if he hasn't already. Had I seen this a year ago I'd say live frugal and buy fractional gold and silver by the ounce, I'm also bullish on XRP and XLM despite what a lot of people say about it being a cult.

What most people don't realize is that this "great reset" we are going into is going to involve hyperinflation, so all the get-rich-quick scammers online saying "BTC, ETH, LINK, etc., GOING TO 500MILLION-BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!" arent taking inflation into account. What good is $10,000 if ass wipe is $5,000? However.... and this is huge... During periods of hyperinflation you have the ability to buy others debt out because contracts are set for what they are. If a home is $200k and you have an asset that is also worth $200k because of inflation like Gold, Silver, or whatever the new digital assets will be, you can literally buy out mortgages for pennies on the $100 let alone $1... but you need assets. Lynette Zang often talks about how in Weimar Germany a city block could be purchased with less than 30 ounces of gold during their hyperinflation. So there are opportunities, but that window is literally at the last millimeter before closing. We maybe have a month or two before absolute economic meltdown, and after that, nobody will ever have the opportunities they do now.

If I was in the OP's shoes, I wouldn't buy gold because I dont trust the postal service anymore to deliver once the social, Id buy XRP or XLM.

>> No.26459866

so what you are saying is you have a 100% savings rate rofl? wtf.
>and you could have 100x it on good boomer stonks already too
100x nothing is still nothing like i said i started from negative basically.
at first saving rate is important then expected return OVER real inflation once you have significant savings. in-between is the abyss where you can lose a lot but can't gain much.
>so warren buffet is retarded?
no i said you are if you think the game is rigged in YOUR favor

>> No.26459985

Making it is having a girlfriend that doesn't send you photos at all, because she's not a whore that needs constant validation. She should not take selfies, and ideally she should dislike smartphones and social media.

>> No.26460064

I paid a hooker with a magnificient ass like in op pic 100€ just to bury my face inbetween her asscheeks while fingering her front hole.
Afterwards i came on her tits.
I have no regrets.

>> No.26460282

if a gf was making it i made it way before i started even saving.
it isn't.

>> No.26460355

i will inherit a lot of money and my gf is making it for me. Ill just train in my house gym, vidya, cooking, kids etc.

>> No.26460694

well if you schizos are right about the great reset meme then I'm fucked regardless

>if you think the game is rigged in YOUR favor
so the stock market isnt? the goal is literally open at all times and you can decide when you take the shot


women dont matter but having kids do
its quite the conundrum

>> No.26460707

That's sort of what I'm getting as well.
>You could've made 90x in 5 years with AMD
The guy literally can not do basic math. To boot he only operates with the absolute best case scenario. No shit you can make it if you, by way of incredible luck, make all the best investment decisions.

>> No.26460944

>The guy literally can not do basic ma
what's wrong with it? its around there

>To boot he only operates with the absolute best case scenario. No shit you can make it if you, by way of incredible luck, make all the best investment decisions.
while true yes, but this should be doable in your specific niche of interest, mine happen to be tech, probably like most of you here, or whatever else you are interest in
the thing being this isnt some isolated incident either, throughout the years ive seen the same thing happen on multiple occasions with very easy picks, its not as insane at some might claim
and theres plenty of people that have made it from such investments too, so who really is in the wrong here? is it truly that outlandish?
and no you dont need ALL of the best investment decisions, you literally just need one, or two out of many...
idk , you tell me

>> No.26461071

imagine buying bitcoin 10 years ago tho... could he even calculate the percentage gains?

>> No.26461102

Being able to live off boomer funds returns and retire early. Pretty simple.

>> No.26461111

>the goal is literally open at all times and you can decide when you take the shot
go ahead just do it! stop posting start investing come back in 5 years and let us discuss!
you don't listen to us who already experienced it anyhow.

>> No.26461592

>I would dump 10 years on investment into a single stock without issue either
You are probably poor as fuck and have been a NEET for a decade and you are here talking bullshit out of your ass you literal fucking retard. Kill yourself, you don't even know what it takes for most people to save up some money, let alone put everything on the line.
Delusional motherfucking faggot. Come here and talk like the big boss, while he hasn't accomplished anything. This board is absolute shit.
And just so that you know from who this is coming from: I am All In Chainlink and have a 6 figure portfolio.

>> No.26461607

ofcourse this would be preferable, and sell off before its even taxed at all in my country
but none the less, now its a fucking shitshow

well I guess I'll have to test it in practice since everyone here hasn't made it a single bit yes

thats what I meant yes

>> No.26461806

indeed nothing anyone says can prepare you for the feeling of putting your hard earned savings on the roulette table.

>> No.26461873
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Exactly, this Anon thinks its so easy. With out Crypto and if his ass does not get in now , he will be waiting for the next 4 year bull run. And if he never gets in crypto, his ass better be the best trader or best stock picker there ever was to make it. Or he will end of king of the wage or homeless cucks.

>> No.26462257
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1.) Everyone is a genius in a bull market and 2.) read how loss aversion affects your psychology and decision making. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-prospect-theory-can-influence-negotiations-2016-5

>> No.26462300

Yeah yeah it all sound so easy idiot.
Invest real money in your account and do your little TSLA flip and come back in one year and let's see your emotions then.

>> No.26462600

Think about this: 10 years ago it wasn’t this easy. There werent these broker apps, there werent webpages discussing stocks so much. You were 10 year younger and didn’t have the cash. Even if you did consider investing in AMD 10 year ago, maybe you went with Intel instead? I mean amd products seemed shit, and Intel just dominated.

>> No.26462684

>Thinks the great reset is going to happen
>Not all in on the single project which has been associated with it
>Clinging onto hope that a centralized shitcoin and a fading into obscurity fork of it will allow him to make it
You vill eat ze bugs

>> No.26462736

>comparing freely chosen investments to roulette

crypto seems beyond fucked as it stands, but I still don't know enough about it, enough to know how fucked the taxes are and the dodgy exchanges to deal with converting and buying crypto
way more hassle and fucked up problems than dealing with some banks

>Everyone is a genius in a bull market
thats what I touched upon I guess, maybe it's been too easy these past few years, but I dunno
will look into

gonna take a while to earn up some money to invest first

yes it wasnt as easy to invest ages ago as now, but 10 years ago internet banking still existed, dont know how buying stocks looked like online
we have to go back way longer before it was actually hard to invest
10 years later i still dont have any money to invest either
and with amd it wasnt 10 years ago it was 4 years ago, and a ripe moment to invest because they were worth shit all and they were just coming out with a new cpu arch.. ryzen
which was successfull as you can tell


>> No.26462834
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I turned $20K into $800K in 4 trades this year. Now all in UNN and (redacted) , bought to cross $2M post taxes after this szn.

UNION you idiot.

>> No.26462958

>gonna take a while to earn up some money to invest first
Face it, some faggot like you will never make it. Stockmarket will be doomed soon enough and you will be too late for significant gains in Crypto.

>> No.26463009

>would you also predict black swans like the covid crash?
Thats what politicans, managers and the like do
Of course its not really prediction but fabricated news or held back truth

>> No.26463093
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.26463482

I have no idea what that means, is this crypot? lmao

>there is a finate chance to make money
>making money will only be possible now not ever again in history
face it, you're ngmi


yeah ive seen u around

>> No.26463507

So, is anyone going to post the name of that man?

>> No.26463520

you are free to choose what number you put on and how much in roulette too.

>> No.26463578

built for SAC

>> No.26463827
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>10th thread today
>214th thread this month
>/biz/lets still looking for answer
I guess chainlink gift wasn't for you then.

>> No.26463963


totally the same, you literally do not have any more information at hand when making stonks investment decisions.. no.... its like roulette

don't care about cryptomemes tbqh

>> No.26464116

OP doesn't understand the psychological fortitude required to go all in on your lifesavings, especially when you are poor and then hold through peaks and lows to make it. It's basically impossible, even if you knew that BTC was a thing back in 2009 (I did), there is no way you would have sunk your life savings into it and held for 10 years.

>> No.26464287

when it's that cheap you don't even have to sink your life savings into it, you could diversify and buy tons of things for cheap and hodl forever
putting everything into some cryptomemes when you dont know if it would pan out would be crazy yes, but if you had enough money to fuck around you could have easily done it without worry, thats a benefit you could do when you have some cash

im not even saying you have to hold for 10 years
you can 10x+ in a years time without issue, or less

i would easily invest everything I had into some single stonk without issue, buying some index funds or whatever would be the safe bet, what else are you doing with your money?
like I said again , if you arent sure you are gonna make it , dont buy the stonk simple as, you should only make investments your are guaranteed will work, and when you are free to choose whatever you want with no time limit, how can you not make it eventually?

am I insane? might let this thread die im getting sleepy now

>> No.26464569

> Using that for a little while will give you an indication.
yeah that without skin in the game the experience is worth shit. other than know what buttons to click. anon take $500 and play /biz/ roulette. every week pick among the coins shilled here. dont look too deep, develop a metric or two, and throw down. shill or fud along the way. get caught up in the moment. then try and make a coherent move. you'll learn more from that than paper trading.

>> No.26464764
File: 1021 KB, 320x215, hunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin was and is weird at all point.

It's shit for the environment (inb4 "yes bot other things are too") and it doesn't actually scale ($15 tx fees and money & power hungry twitter poster at the top)
The "I should have invested" thing was true in 2013 and 2017 and now, and at neither of those points was it a blunder not to invest, because we all invest in something that doesn't actually work and where barely anybody in the space is interested in solving a problem.

>> No.26464830

accredited investor is 200k+. 95% of investors go bust in their first year.

>> No.26464846

>you literally do not have any more information at hand when making stonks investment decisions
just fucking try it already! what are you waiting for?

>> No.26464857

Honestly, I found a folder of her images, I gotta admit I didn't get hard. She is mostly angles. Still an 8/10 just saying.

If that is a 'he' than that is admittedly a 12/10 tranny I would kill to look like.

>> No.26464859

>you can 10x+ in a years time without issue, or less
Jesus, I wonder why not everybody is rich already?

>> No.26464863

i dont even care about being rich. i would be content to have a house paid off and $1.5k/month in disposable income after all bills are paid.

>> No.26464907

Big Tether Cock.

>> No.26464976

built for big asian cock

>> No.26464980

Started this year with 3k aaaand im now on 3.5k

Hoping STA/RSR take off so I can take profit into BTC somewhat and also move into other alts EOY.

Hoping to be about 50k in profit by EOY from my initial 3k.

I've learned 10 times as much after investing than I did just researching, felt like I needed the push of having committed.

Hopefully this is the first step to making it which would be: a modest paid for home and a passive income of around 15-20k a year that would allow me to focus on my hobbies.

>> No.26464982

>95% of investors go bust in their first year
indeed but op will not believe us until he goes bankrupt once.

>> No.26465076

blood in/blood out

>> No.26465086

To me, 'making it' is having enough passive income to be used as fuck you money.
>you could literally pick a shilled mainstream stock and make it. or has it just been like this recently because the market has been on a rise for quite some time now?
Yes you very easily could have, potentially still can as we are in the midst of a massive bull market. It's just most people trade with their emotions and consequently have weak hands and fold at the first red they see. Very few people can hold through the storm.

>> No.26465494

if you leverage you can't just hold through because you get liquidation. if you don't leverage you will never make it from $10k.

bitcoin let's you make it in 5-6 years starting with $20k investment dca-d in properly.
there is no way to fuck it up except by selling prematurely. no brain required no timing required no insider info required. annual return on btc historically is 360%.

so it's like using only +150%
y1 = 2.5 y0 + 1.75 * $5200 = $9100
y2 = 2.5 y1 + $9100 = $22,750
y3 = 2.5 y2 + $9100 = $65,975
y4 = 2.5 y3 + $9100 = $174,037
y5 = 2.5 y4 - $0 = $430,092
y6 = 2.5 y5 - $100,000 = $975,230

>> No.26465580

now obviously this is average return but in the dca period the more the price drops the more it works in your favor in the long run. so i just calculated the average anyhow.

this strategy is just buy $100 worth of bitcoin every week.

>> No.26465669

anon, this man is poor and is not your fren

>> No.26465953

what makes you say that?

my total net was around $125k a fey years ago.

i have put $20k in bitcoin over the years since 2017 and right now have around $70k in it. this $70k in 2-3 years will be make it money. but if i have to wait 4-5 for the same result so be it.

i belive it will be 2 tho. winter of 2021 will be when i take some serious profit. could be even sooner doesn't really changes my plans.

>> No.26466051

Thank you janitors. I really appreciate the work you're doing to keep board quality up. Eventually all the newfags will realize what's okay to post and what's not okay to post.

I will now respond to your thread.
>how hard is it to "make it"?
The FIRE community has it right. Just define your own goal and go achieve it. Lowering spending is easier and more sustainable than increasing salary/returns to infinity.

>> No.26466322

like i said i did the same. started with 40% savings rate as i had more money and savings enough to last for years i was better positioned to negotiate for a raise so my savings rate grew well over 50%.

and still. after 10 years even tho i reached a great deal of financial security i did not made it. all my traditional investments funds and shit under performed real inflation. the fucking metals i bought the dip on and was patient holding under performed real inflation.

everything besides bitcoin fucked me. and not in the sense of losing money on them just fucking bleeding purchasing power. except for real estate that proved to be an okay store of value.

>> No.26466680

Literal welfare poorfag talking down on /biz/realis.

>> No.26466724

Look there’s several problems here. First, you don’t know what the next 100x is, it’s only clearly visible in hindsight. Yeah I wish I had dumped 10k into Tesla 5 years ago but there was no way of knowing what it would do back then. What is the next 100x crypto or stock today??? Nobody knows!!!! So you risk putting your 10k into the wrong thing and watching it just stagnate (or even worse plummet) for 5 years. Now you are 5 years older and not one day closer to “making it”. So for things to be as simple as you try to make them seem you’re gonna need a powerful crystal ball!!!

>> No.26467538

it's parsiq unironically

>> No.26467574

You didn't own stocks this whole time? They've been beating real inflation as printed money floods into the NYSE.

You have to define what making it is to yourself. For me, it's total financial and resource security, which means I'm planning to build a self-sufficient stronghold somewhere in Appalachia. For others it's passive income. It's up to you.

>> No.26467912

bc only people who blow up their account trade with leverage on the assumption of having correctly timed the market. i can only surmise that you hate anon and want him to fail for giving him such awful advice.