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26436937 No.26436937 [Reply] [Original]

People have come together to inflate the gamestop stock value it was 4 dollars 2 weeks ago and now its at 61 it is predicted to go big the next work week its going to inflate no matter what you do so join in the self filling prophecy. The government can't do shit because it isn't considered a group effort rather random individuals lets get this bread

>> No.26437099

im so fucking glad this was shilled here in September
i held painfully through Q2 and now i graduated to mid 5-figures thanks to GME shill spoonfeeding DD to everyone

>> No.26437145

Shit, what a healthy retrace. impressive

>> No.26437152

Isn't it better to buy call options instead of shares? I know that's what redditors are doing at r/WSB.

>> No.26437153

You think it's still worth it to go in? Not expecting magical gains, but a 35%~ gain would be fun

>> No.26437195

>thinking he can make 35% after everyone has already cashed in
thanks for helping dump

>> No.26437237
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Some redditor made 11 million buying calls on it.

>> No.26437270

No, a lot aren't. You have to hold shares for a short squeeze which is exactly what happened.

>> No.26437370

I'm a total noob when it comes to options trading. I guess I'll take tomorrow to learn about it...

>> No.26437408

fuck no. Yes you can probably still make a shit ton of money possibly but the risk is even higher now

the IV is too high for calls to be worth the risk-reward. And if you're just buying shares (lol) then you can just buy calls in other safer plays with low IV. July calls at this point probably have similar premiums to LEAPs on other stock

>> No.26437906

so a 14x on a high risk bet with large time decay
i am not that impressed, pajeet shillers do better here
i mean rubic did a 40x and there they controlled the time aspect fully

at this point i say buy and hodl shitcoins is responsible investing compared to these option plays that are being shilled

>> No.26437997

at this point it might be a better bet to go in with puts
altho everything depends on the pricing that is going to be shown monday
over a quarter this thing has to come down and regardless of the wild path it takes in the mean time at least with a put you can't be closed out of your position like with a short

>> No.26438051

he started with 53,000 solely in calls. sold most, exercised some of them

>> No.26438222

interesting to see the sentiment towards stocks here is the same sentiment WSB has towards crypto

>> No.26438504

stocks and options are two different things anon
theta can be quite the bitch if it works against you

>> No.26438676

Buy short-mid term BB calls or NOK call leaps

>> No.26438722

It's all memetic.

>> No.26438854
File: 15 KB, 600x375, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who touches this stock after today is playing with fire. Market buys, calls, puts, you're all waving your dicks out the window of a speeding car.

>> No.26438855

Im still mad about how I told my mom to buy gamstop in 2004 when it was at like 15$

so mad about that one

>> No.26438919

This is good advice but you better be watching your positions the entire time the markets are open. Volatile as fuck right now and has been for a few weeks.

>> No.26438931

of course. there's a time and place for both. options brought me into the 6 figure club and shares have brought me into the 7 figure club.

good thing ive never seen a meme on biz


>> No.26439215

game stop is a shit coin

>> No.26440192
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have this