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26436206 No.26436206 [Reply] [Original]

...and no one around me knows how much going on in crypto or the world about new technology.

Not like I care about so called "normies" or not, but I sit around in different discords, listen to podcasts about DeFi, crypto, with sergey, the 4 IR , how inflation is bad, how we need to build new technological solutions and so on

Yet people around me, everything from rich 50 yo boomer bosses to the teenagers in university share videos about some bernie sitting with mittens meme or some weird brazilian goat screaming. I'm like, we are living in the most advanced society ever and the information is there and everyone could make so much money just investing and building stuff but almost no one care?

This is in Germany BTW; maybe it's better in other countries like China or Singapore?

>> No.26436475
File: 234 KB, 640x948, A0B21009-B600-4511-AAAF-19B6712E1B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on earth is a fucking retard. You didn’t notice that when they put masks on and stayed inside for the flu?

>> No.26436550

My dads 65 and a millionaire, he just says 'too volatile' if i talk crypto.
Normies are generally too fucking stupid to grasp crypro, but the ones that cash in are easily shaken out with big drops. They dont know what it means to hold long term, check out the % of people in the west who dont own any stock whatsoever. It will make you kek

>> No.26436608

your dad is a millionaire.
your poor.

and he's the retard?

ok kid.

>> No.26436774

People just want to be entertained and have a convenient, guided life. It sucks. One thing I like about crypto is I can get rich off it while the normies miss out. I wasted years of my life trying to awaken normies to the world, to no success and a lot of wasted time and effort. Now I can just make money and they can get fucked.

>> No.26436858

I hope to never end up in that boomer mindset, but it seems inevitable for every person eventually.

>> No.26436880


>> No.26436942

Kinda this. Pandemic showed all the morons trapped in the Matrix.

tldr; things are bad

>> No.26436989
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>> No.26437033

he don't need to trade, he could just LP the USDC/ETH pool on Uniswap for some stable % per year

>> No.26437052
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>> No.26437173
File: 216 KB, 836x460, 4ir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it's not just crypto, but a lot of things around it mentioned in Klaus book like bionics or maglevs. Europe seems stuck in 1900s. People just wanna own a car and have a job and drink a lager beer , who cares about negative interest rates and nanotech companies right ?

>> No.26437193

theres only few fish in the river who swim against the current which is flowing towards a waterfall

>> No.26437201

>This is in Germany

Germany is incredibly fucked. Look up how to start a company or share stocks with employees. There's enough bureaucracy and fees involved that you have to hire two lawyers to even get started. In comparison, starting a LLC takes a fraction of the effort. Unfortunately because you're in Germany, the LLC protection doesn't apply, so if your business tanks you're fucked as well. German mindset = go to university, get job at big company, put money in bank, use bank's investment options.

>> No.26437322
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Mark my words, soon some normie politician like AOC will come up with the "Crypto redistribution act" because "only white males had access to computers and capital" and all our hours reading autistic stuff will be wasted and all our Linikes will be gibs out

>> No.26437440

The biggest thing that changed my life was realizing that I was in fact moderately smart, but more than that, actually disciplined and that most people are just shit flinging monkeys who always think they are infallible and yet are completely unaware of what they do not know.

You are now getting to the stage where you realize that people around you may not have any idea what the fuck is going on. Now you have to also realize that, while you may be more well versed in some topics, there is also a ton of shit you do not know.

Reach that stage and return.

>> No.26437513

nice and thanks

>> No.26437536

>brazilian goat screaming
post it

>> No.26437620

Lol and some shoplifter gets prison for $100 of stolen goods. And people think we live in an equitable society.

>> No.26437874

oh yes, i've started to really listen to the new up and coming tech people. Sergey gives a lot of hints in his podcasts

>> No.26438100

Welcome to being part of the 0.1% on the very fringe of society and technology. Not many people willingly browse a racist far right anime business forum all day long.

>> No.26438165

Good post fren

>> No.26438268
File: 73 KB, 632x676, EcZDTcoUMAEkAQa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think ppl like Sergey or Charles Hoskinson hangs out here either

>> No.26438389

They don't. They're part of the 0.0001% fringe and are busy creating our future. We are just smart lazy autists who can take advantage of their work.

>> No.26438492

You think to highly of yourself
No one knows who you are

>> No.26438516

didn't say that either. learn to read the context autist

>> No.26438635

tfw I deposit link/eth and link moons pretty much a couple hours later

>> No.26438708

thoughts on BAT?

>> No.26438799

its advancing too fast bros. The medieval days are over

>> No.26438908

it's always been like that
for ALL of human history

most people aren't interested in fringe topics, that's why they're you know...fringe

>> No.26439435

he's not wrong

Crypto seems like a great way to make a quick buck at our age, but if you're a boomer then you want stability in your life

>> No.26439867

that's perplexing
are viruses fucking with us?

>> No.26440492
File: 11 KB, 227x222, C8712B9E-D913-46EB-AE3C-C0E01F6303AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death rate equals normal flu death rate.
Normal flu = gone