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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26406825 No.26406825 [Reply] [Original]

Attention /biz/, I have an announcement.

You saw how Rubic did x30 or x40, and you maybe wonder how. Answer is simple, 4chan did it singlehandedly.

In order to continue making coins pump x30 in the future, degenerates must unite. Tendies together strong.

I need 50 determinated shitposters to join this group, PAJEETS btfo. We will choose which shitcoin to pump, stack our bags and then start unhumanly shilling on /biz/. After 50 of my loyal soldiers buy, then /biz/ starts buying. After /biz/ buys then Redditfags start buying. Then we dump on them. Then we move to another shitcoin. If you, for example, succesfully made 10k x20 and that amount x20 again, that's 4.000.000$ and you made it.

This is same as in Wolf of the Wall Street except we are not going to jail for this.

Search for ''Only green IDs will make it'' on telegram, or connect this link


>> No.26406842

You have to return.

>> No.26406845


>> No.26406890

update: changed link to: onlygreenids

>> No.26407028

5 members already, good, gmi

>> No.26407279

I'm in

>> No.26407305

Yeah nice one, shilling a serve so you can lie later and FUD your bags.

>> No.26407334

Why dont i trust that link

>> No.26407376

lets do this bros

>> No.26407430

No thanks your not seeing my cock pics

>> No.26407461

that's telegram app link, can't be anything wrong with it. /onlygreenids is the new group username btw

>> No.26407537

Great idea, lets do it!

>> No.26407575
File: 32 KB, 201x229, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 members already, jump on the train virgins

>> No.26407589

I would join if you didnt use fucking telegram.

>> No.26407590

Don't you need a discord so you can become trannies also?

>> No.26407628


>> No.26407642

Sure, lets do it

>> No.26407735

haha :D look at these unique posters. They sure do sound like real people and not a low effort spam haha.

Hello dear friends of 4-channel,

I, a real human with only one ID in this 4-channel thread, think OP's (original poster) proposal sounds very good and very convincing, therefore I decided to participate :D wish me luck.

Thank you, bye bye hahaha :-)

>> No.26407799

For real tho you need a discord. You can issue invites and have different room for meme making and strategizing, rooms for different discussion. Not one large feed fuck all.
haha take you pills haha

>> No.26407832

if u make a discord I'd be in desu

>> No.26407887
File: 1.18 MB, 3465x2075, Krtek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've infiltrated your group and will LARP as one of the most valuable and active members, when in reality I am feeding your plans to discord crypto trannies and /biz/. It is up to you gentlemen to figure out which member I am.
Let the mole hunt begin. Good luck.

>> No.26407917


>> No.26407918

Can't wait for all the leakers of the group

>> No.26407963

D8Cr7ZRy here's discord everyone

>> No.26408111

So should I join the discord or the telegram?
Never fucked with either.

>> No.26408117

telegram if possible, more people here

>> No.26408188

It wants my telephone number to create an account. Can I get around this?

>> No.26408211

No, comrade lieutenant from FSB needs to verify your identity.

>> No.26408215

your phone will stay private dont worry

>> No.26408413

Fucking service never sent the code.
Just gave them my number for nothing.

>> No.26408567


>> No.26408613

you realise you gave these pajeets your geo location right ?

>> No.26408700

I don't care

>> No.26408756

42 members currently, 8 more seats gentleman

>> No.26408785

and? what they wanna do, fap on the location u retard?

>> No.26408839

This guy is a huge vana bag hodler, he wants u to pump his bags lmao...

>> No.26408892

yeah finally got in and there's no vote or anything
>just buy vana, trust me guys

>> No.26408940

You will all go poor trying to cheat your way to money.
You will be miserable even if you get money from it having dishonored yourself and family by running a scam.
The lord knows and see you.

>> No.26409027

kek thanks for making my night... you are either 14 or a women. goodnight retards and thanks pajeets for reaffirming my hatred towards you, for a moment there i thought i was racist.

>> No.26409790

This "group" is filled with normies newfag.