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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26402995 No.26402995 [Reply] [Original]

And I end up doing nothing
>missed RUBIC despite all the threads below 5 cents
>missed PPAY despite all the threads below 4 cents
>missed UNDG after seeing it posted here at $190, TWICE
>missed DAIQ after seeing threads and posts literally every single day this week below 15 cents


>> No.26403018

There's nothing wrong about that !
people like you actually gmi

>> No.26403024
File: 240 KB, 1729x1036, rubicscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up kike rubic shill

>> No.26403025

It's surreal seeing the same stupid thread posted like when GRT was happening. Protip: invest in something established that will go up regardless, rather than trying to chase memepumps that are usually pajeet shitcoins.

>> No.26403026

Fat Albatross

>> No.26403419

>TFW just got banned from a shitcoin discord for calling out the scam devs

>> No.26403511

Im still playing in the 4 digit field and man, you're ngmi.

In life you must be willing to take risks in order to succeed.

>> No.26403536

BBP - BitBot Protocol
$388 right now but its actually only 3m marketcap. Will go 5x minimum, 10x easily, and maybe farther. Only 10,000 supply which will decrease as the purpose of the token is to permanently lock liquidity to access profits from their bots. First bot is already full and goes live later today, should be serious FOMO after that.

>> No.26403551
File: 58 KB, 726x794, 4C8CCB0E-4186-4BD7-9C40-20DE83796797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy LTO and hold onto it for 1-3 years and you’ll have at the very minimum $50,000 if LTO keeps getting bigger clients on board. Then take that $50,000 and reinvest it into another coin or stocks. You’ll turn it into a million dollars.

>> No.26403552

You haven't missed rubic. We are at .13 rn and we can easily .30 by next week

>> No.26403617

You are on time to 50x on BAO

>> No.26403623

Where to buy, uniswap?

>> No.26403641

That has the contract address

>> No.26403783

Your not to late to join the Bao Bros anon

>> No.26404200

I have had apen in.

>> No.26405002

Thanks anon will check it out

>> No.26405056


>> No.26405069

>LTO will go to $20
Not a chance, lol.

>> No.26405139
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Welcome to the club. I missed on a 5x today to take 20% profits because I have glass hands

>> No.26405814


>> No.26405852


>> No.26405881
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>> No.26406642

>Missed Daiq

No you didn't, but you're doing right now and will continue to do so because you have no balls

>> No.26406666

why? you'll sell after a 5-10%, your hands are not made for this

>> No.26406698

I don't feel pity for you poorfag; get gud.

>> No.26406829

Meme pumps are needed to increase funds to invest in bluechips

>> No.26406855

So you think fomoing into the shitcoin pump of the week is a gud idea? Gas prices are retarded right now anyway.

>> No.26406881

Altseason has started , if ur not balls deep in your fav alts rn u ngmi

>> No.26407035

Hindsight is 20/20 my wojack fren

>> No.26407186

>he still thinks he missed rubic

>> No.26407218

If you consistently double or triple your money, it still might be a decent gamble.

>> No.26407249

its kleros

>> No.26407338
File: 2 KB, 124x125, 1610530540619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you'd have to limit it to like 1 eth because more than that you're risking your profits on a pajeet project that could easily go to zero.

>> No.26407365

>alt season
>everything is dumping


>> No.26407405

Weeeeee we're dumping

>> No.26407412

No risk no reward

>> No.26407453
File: 76 KB, 500x500, R3FI4niggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy place to park it, you start earning your gas back immediately.

>> No.26407467

SNC, they are going global in Q1 and low mcap, all tokens circulating yada yada

i'll start shilling it more seriously in like a week or 2 so it will go up really fast

>> No.26407480

Yeah, or park it in ada and earn 5% compound on a coin that's gonna be top 3.

>> No.26407551

Sounds like a pipedream, I don't fancy buying dreams, better off getting in early on something that will be a staple of securitised crypto.

>> No.26407649

>plz buy my bags pretty please
KEK fuck your failed coin

>> No.26407977

Bonded finance or infi, you better buy today if you choose infi.

>> No.26408981

Thats the point ,you are gambling with 10% of your portfolio

>> No.26409006

Start spending them, once you realise they’re just number on a screen you’ll get more comfy

>> No.26409016

I am actually slovenian where the company is working now. Trust me its way better than the traditional energy companies.
OP if you want a working altcoin check out snc, sun contract. Dyor faggots

>> No.26409025

um okay, consistently gaining more and more users since the start, 10% already locked in the platform and going up (you can see it on etherscan), but sure, it's a failed coin

stay poor, pajeet

>> No.26409059
File: 231 KB, 1080x1205, rubictile2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Join the green side, anon.

>> No.26409064


>> No.26409263

Look faggot here's the deal.

If you have less money,then get a job and dollar cost average in eth and btc,chainlink. Wait for dips to buy.

If you dont have a job and have low capital such as 600$,then first buy as much eth possible, then gamble 10% in shitcoins. Risky money makes money.

600$ for me isnt a huge amount so i put it in rubic back in october 2020 when it was being shilled. I bought around 200k rubic at the price if 0.003 cents each. Now it is worth near millions. I obviously took profits and cashed out about 1.3 million to buy a house and setup a fund. The rest is still in as a suicide bag.

This is what you have to do, collect coins when they look dead. Sell them when they blast

>> No.26409924

Scared money never wins

>> No.26410089

Be prepared to take risk, without risk there will be little to no gain, learn to understand the market in general, take broad study in the basics, terminology and learn to recognize patterns, do your own research and inhibit emotionally driven decisions (panic sells, FOMO)

Do not buy in /biz/ shills. It is happening and be on your guard.

why isnt this just another pnd

it will go up, eth development is skyrocketing, DeFi is skyrocketing.

this. I only have 5k usd at max to invest. looking for 3/3/3 ETH BTC GRT and also start with a bit of gold. Slowly going into some ETFs/index funds and try to trade on penny stocks, minimizing the extend of my losses. Even if you fail, you gain experience

>> No.26410195

if you're already this much of a pussy playing with peanuts you will never make it, just go buy a pair of shoes or some shit

>> No.26410255


1.3 mil is like 1/10th of the mc of that shitcoin

>> No.26411021

which coin

>> No.26411938

This shit just dumps

>> No.26411971

$zero , their devs wont reply to any of their fishy shit

>> No.26411984

Nigger you're going to have like $5 if you buy bags of these shitcoins. If you only have $300, put it in just one of BTC, ETH, LTC, LINK, or XMR