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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26313257 No.26313257 [Reply] [Original]

Since it doesnt seem any of you got the memo I will break it down for you

>New secretary of finance
>Report that BTC was used to finance capitol riot
>Label Rioters "terrorists"
>2days ago new Finance cunt says "we gotta looks at crypto and btc and they way its used to launder money and facilitate TERRORIST activities
>The biggest fucking virtue signaler in American history as president, you dont think theyre going to go after BTC after "terrorists"(they really believe this, no longer just a narrative) used it.
>Market short entire market yesterday
>Sitting comfy

Use your noggins more bois

>> No.26313507

None of this is new. This is the same FUD that always comes around.
>they'll ban it
>they'll tax unrealized gains
>they'll label it as a terrorist activity

Anyone with half a brain cell knows this is all fundamentally bullshit, and not the first time we have been urged to take a big SNIFF.

>> No.26313622

It was an obvious fudding campaign. Enjoy selling your bags to whales.

>> No.26313670

enjoy being delusional in this world

I bet $5000 you watch TV atleast once a week

>> No.26313734

>tax unrealized gains
>government takes 0 risk when you invest
>deserves 50% of your gains
>pay 0% of your loss
>deserves some magical percentage of your made up potential to have money
Goyim you MIGHT make money. We need to tax your very POTENTIAL!!

If the punishment is a tax or fee, then it is only a crime for the poor.

>> No.26313780

They said the same kind of shit back when Obongo was President.

>> No.26313804

come and take it kike, i hope they push all this shit, the sooner they do the sooner the people are redpilled on the JQ. Hitler wouldn't have risen had Weimar not happened.

>> No.26313866

Damn I should have shorted but I'm such a pussy to do short trades.

>> No.26313928

She just wants the 100xs to stop as they shake up the hive mentality that you are supposed to work hard for jews

>> No.26313956

You lost your bet, cuck.

>> No.26313960

there's also the shit with the Bitcoin whitepaper copyright dispute going on....


>> No.26314006

this is what confirmation bias can do to your brain, anons

>> No.26314020

Opinions on xrp?

>> No.26314037

Oh no, the whitepaper copyright dispute!


>> No.26314061

Laundering FUD is now less than 1% transactions.
Blackrock looking to buy your bags.

>> No.26314080

You are so wrong and letting your pro-Trump mania cloud perception. Read more.




>> No.26314151

You know this whole Jew conspiracy thing plays into neoliberal ideologies, right?

>> No.26314177

i have said it before and i will say it again. Bitcoin and crypto is not gonna get outlawed, because politicians are aware of the possibility of blockchain and the current crypto currencies becoming the next big thing.
they are not gonna risk doing the equivalent of outlawing the internet in the 90s.

>> No.26314227

Yeah. We invest in stonks and crypto, for them we and our labor are the investment.

>> No.26314236

Yes, just look at pakistan, they ban btc on now btc is becoming more powerful than ever in pakistan, government has to step back

>> No.26314426
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>> No.26314478
File: 29 KB, 660x574, feelsweird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/01/biden-treasury-pick-yellen-favors-new-restrictions-on-cryptocurrency/?comments=1&start=0

why are they so salty in the comments?
it seems unreal that people are screeching so much over something that is just a database with some numbers.

>> No.26314514

It’s seems you didnt get the memo that the us is about to implode/fade into irrelevance. This is the last gasp of a dying empire.

>> No.26314518

Administrations are temporary. BTC is here to stay.

>> No.26314560

They will do whatever their handlers tell them to do.

>> No.26314601

At what point should I buy into BTC/ETH then? Looks like it's not done crashing.

>> No.26314696

They are bots to make the reader believe that the world is against crypto. Comment sections and reddit are a manipulation tool corralling the masses to demand their own slavery.

>> No.26315290

>drugs cause illegal shit
>ban drugs
>suddenly drugs everywhere, they become engrained in cultural consciousness
>BTC funds illegal shit
>ban BTC

What happens next, Anon?

>> No.26315376

>>drugs cause illegal shit
no, they don't. they try to ban drugs as a desperate grasp for control