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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26201019 No.26201019 [Reply] [Original]

LGCY WTF WAS THAT!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!!???

>> No.26201108

>check etherscan
>one guy has bought 85 ETH worth in 1 hour in 5/10 eth transactions
>check history
>he already has $500,000 of LGCY and sent it to biki presumably to stake
>he now has another $150,000 worth of LGCY and still has $100k of ETH free and will probably stake it too

wtf bros I'm up from $1000 to $5000 in such a short amount of time I hardly believe it

>> No.26201210

LGCY will take over TRON. There’s no doubt about it and people are realizing it. Keep holding bud. We’re only at $50m MC

>> No.26201397

Goddamn I will be financially liberated from a random 1.1 eth I chucked at this lmao

I think I'm going to start participating in the TG. Blessed momentum.

>> No.26201422

Legacy goes up without fault every single day. Im numb at this point

>> No.26202081

This is the first example of a fork that is actually done right. Better than the original and for the holders.

>> No.26202120

strap in, this is just the beginning, easy x2-3 from here before end of January screecap this

>> No.26202245
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the sweet smell of money

>> No.26202515

I like how you never have a chance to buy low because it literally always goes up

>> No.26202545

this is still pretty low though

>> No.26202625

Agreed. Some irl people I know are seething now cuz I told em just grab a million tokens for 125 bucks. Now 1 million tokens is $5,000!

>> No.26202722

3.6m stacklet sitting comfy.

>> No.26202795

I'm tempted to just invest everything in this

>> No.26202905

2.5mil staking one year and comfy, my only regret was not being scared to buy more last year

>> No.26202945

overbought piece of shit

>> No.26202962

What's the make it stack? I feel like a stacklet at 17 million but i thought throwing anymore than 5000 into this at the beginning was too risky.

>> No.26203681

That's a whale if I ever saw one. Also, if that wallet has staked all on Biki, they cannot sell their stack in the next 3 months at least.

>> No.26203741

Poorfag reporting in. Thank you to the anon who shilled this in September to me. I invested $100 and now have $3000. I picked up just enough to stake. Not selling my bags. Am fully staked for a year. 48% APY. DAMN, feels good considering i only had like $500 to invest

>> No.26203830
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>> No.26203928

is it impossible to stake now? I was thinking about this being my first coin.

>> No.26203961

Team locked liquidity on Uniswap AND they have staked their own tokens on Biki which means that they are also getting USDL rewards. You can see this from Etherscan. So they are definitely gonna work hard to get both LGCY and USDL adoption. And the LGCY price high af.

>> No.26204143

I see no reason a guy that bought a fuckload 2 months ago and is now buying a fuckload again at ATH would sell. I trust these whales thus far, I'm not concerned.

I believe this is the final day to stake on the biki exchange. I won't be staking this time though, I have so much of my cryptofolio locked in LP and similar that I need to have something free in case my poorfag life goes poorly.

>> No.26204180

biki staking closed. There will be other options including after main net. Join the most based telegram community.

>> No.26204223

ah my bad then, must have the dates wrong

>> No.26204264

I have 1.3 million. Am i gonna make it?

>> No.26204316

how does 86 gorillion cups of coffee sound?

>> No.26204347
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past 0.005
fuck now igmi

>> No.26204390

Where to buy? Uniswap?

>> No.26204449


>> No.26204452

yes, or biki exchange.

>> No.26204474

Yeah uniswap is fine. It's on "biki" which I never even heard of before this coin but it's an Asian coin so weird exchanges should be expected

>> No.26204518

huobi listing when?

>> No.26204525

this, i put 400 in at the same time for one year and am at the moment now making it, at least to me

>> No.26204547
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holding 1mil, feeling a feeling i imagine early eth holders felt at sub $20

>> No.26204628
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>tfw I bought XSN last week instead of LGCY

>> No.26204635

I put 1.5 eth in 1.5 months ago and now its worth over 10k


>> No.26204638

i'm a poorfag and can only afford 50k, is it worth it?

>> No.26204671

hell yeah

>> No.26204676

This potentially will replace Tron. So yeah, itd be worth it. The only problem is you might want to wait for a slight retrace

>> No.26204684

comfy. Another chance for biz to get in early and make it a this low market cap, or fomo in at 0.01

>> No.26204685

i think the price will increase, but you will pay a good percentage in gas fees alone

>> No.26204711


>> No.26204789

Not now. Gas is high and there should be a lull in the price at some point. I'd look for an entry in the future. PRQ was /biz/ flavor of the week until poorfags bought at $1.65 and whales executed them. Don't be like them.

>> No.26204850

gas fees are pissing me right off ngl

>> No.26204977

yeah gas fees are shit. i'll just wait and see for the next couple of days

>> No.26205031

as a poorfag,it could be better to buy + hold on biki. At least check it out and see their withdrawal fees

>> No.26205088

Most whales are staked until March or November depending on which pool they're in. Anyone buying in recently is not a whale and will have very little effect on price movements if they were to dump.

>> No.26205136


>> No.26205255

When would be a good time to FOMO in? Is the train already over or will there be another opportunity

>> No.26205351


>> No.26205427

I think so. I wish so bad I had bought more than 2M but I guess I should be grateful to be on the train so early

>> No.26205563

Now nigga. Still a low MC for what this project is and the supply is just going to keep getting bought up. People in the TG keep waiting for dips that never come.

>> No.26206000

it just keeps going up...

>> No.26206040

Digits confirm. 6 dollars by 26th of February.

>> No.26206089

id be very happy at 0.06

>> No.26206266

this is a long hold, not months

>> No.26206620

.03 is fud

>> No.26206855

I took out my initial and now I can coast and hold. Feels great. See y'all in the Legion TG.