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26134333 No.26134333 [Reply] [Original]

The Third Breakthrough in Consensus Protocols was achieved and freed us from the constraints of the Blockchain Trilemma, we have decentralization, we have sub second finality, we have high tps ALL AT ONCE.
The Dream is finally reality and in the coming days Ava Labs will release the new "Apricot" Upgrade for AVAX which will finally activate the EVM, the Ethereum/AVAX Bridge and the first decentralized DEX ala Uniswap but with sub second transaction finality, low fees, no frontrunning and all of this secured by decentralization that was thought to be impossible.
the implication here is that this is the first time a DEX will achieve performance that can rival centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase, their Business model is about to die!
do you understand what they did with UNI, SUSHI, CRV, YFI ?
They accumulated them hard to try and gain as much marketshare of the DeFi governance tokens as possible and they werent even a threat on the same level as Avalanche...
They will repeat the same with AVAX and the DeFi Governance tokens on top of it.

this is just the DEX usecase, other DeFi is also jumping ship and coming to AVAX with Apricot.
like for example BZRX (check the chart, zoom out, buy a bag now and thank me later).
more DeFi will follow once the first movers are proven successful.
also Chainlink is very hard working on integrating ALL Chainlink components into Avalanche and Chainlink will gain another huge advantage here and also boost AVAX.
Buy LINK, buy AVAX and watch out for Coins that come to AVAX or ones that copy the laggards on ETH who still dont know any of this.

>> No.26134436

Trilemma niggas

>> No.26134526
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I am excited for us.

>> No.26134611

is a node enough to make it?

>> No.26134684

So what about this? I looked them up, they seen legit but the coin is worth so much. Not a moonshot sadly. I guess I'll stick to smaller caps.

>> No.26134746
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Just tell me when i'm supposed to buy into this shit I can't figure it out and i'm losing sleep. I was looking at 8 dollars now i'm coping.

>> No.26134803

Set a stop buy which will buy if it goes up, or buy if it goes down.

>> No.26134806

just dca man

>> No.26134858

dca every paycheck until you reach the goal of 2000. Its my whole strategy this year and I'm a poorfag.

>> No.26134895
File: 167 KB, 887x923, SOLVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as the Price of AVAX begins to rise Operating a Node will become more attractive.
the Network has already 744 Validators and is growing at a stead pace, most AVAX is locked up in nodes and you can watch the staking ratio going up here https://avascan.info/

as the price is going up more people will want to run a node for the comfy and easy passive income. All you have to do is provide 60% uptime and lock at least 2000 AVAX and you never risk your stake only your rewards.
running a node is really easy too and I encourage everyone to run a node to help grow the network, decentralize it more and to make it.
a Node will give you steady, low risk rewards of around 10% APY, + you get delegations to your node and in the future you can compete in Initial Subnet Offerings to help secure Subnets with your node and earn tokens from there.
The Potential is INSANE here.

>Not a moonshot sadly
zoom out to 1w and compare to crv. people are not looking at bzrx now but will when they gain the advantages that Avalanche provides.
you can easily make 100% here and flip this into more AVAX and PNG.

Avalanche is a fundamental breakthrough in this technology and this time its not a joke or an empty promise.
they delivered and the tech works.
right now its only x15 from ICO and rank 44th on cmc and this is top 3 EASILY.

>> No.26134896

it will be.

>> No.26134963

I'm going balls deep on AVAX also.

Looks great, just hope this isn't that first early pump before falling a little flat that most coins see.

All things point to up though, unless there is something I'm missing?

>> No.26135210
File: 197 KB, 680x534, monkeyvax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX was stealth phase for 2 years and released at a point when everyone was busy with DeFi, farming yields, swapping shitcoins and all this, this breakthrough went almost unnoticed.
right now AVAX is still in price discovery mode and its true potential is still unknown to most keep that in mind.
so even if you feel like buying the top now, this is still extremely early (network is only 4 months old!)

>> No.26135256

checked faggot. Radditors, Pedotphiles and Cardownies cannot compete.

>> No.26135654

I was thinking the same, especially if it makes it on goybase at some point and some stimulus cheque noobs want to pump our bags.

>> No.26135810

sounds comfy as shit, cant wait till they onboard link

>> No.26136000
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thats right, AVAX is still not listed on every exchange and most people are too lazy to get a VPN and buy on Gate or Binance lmao.
also keep in mind Ava Labs was following SEC guidelines and did the needed paperwork and there is no legal problems in the way of listing AVAX on US exchanges. it could happen any day now.

>> No.26136453
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chcked checked ZCHECKED!!!!!!

>> No.26136568

Checked sirs.

>> No.26137029

When coinbase for burgers?

>> No.26137237

could happen any day now but there is no precise info when

>> No.26137363

mb pls

>> No.26138075

God I fuckin hate coinbase, attempting to use it now so i can transfer something to binance to buy in when ready. Coinbase hasn't worked for an hour and a half now, maybe it's just me.

>> No.26138861

look how fucking fast AVAX performs on Metamask https://twitter.com/rminchv/status/1350991343535988739

>> No.26139076
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I just creamed

>> No.26139112
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its always like this with centralized exchanges. always problems, always holding you hostage, not working 24/7 etc. fuck em
If you want to threaten them and kill their Business become AVAX node operator.

>> No.26139167

you need 2000 to run a node, right ?
good thing i got 2500 when it first was available

>> No.26139475

>you need 2000 to run a node, right ?
yes but that will be lowered in the future.
they did a poll not too long ago and most avax node operators said they want 10% delegation minimum fee and node requirement at 500 AVAX.

>> No.26139570

im a newfag so excuse my ignorance but getting listed on coinbase would be really good for the price of AVAX right?