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File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, ava_red.71607864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26117193 No.26117193 [Reply] [Original]

>Did 50% in a day
>Only dropped 15% off ATH and is holding strong
>People are actually selling it

How novice are you guys? Seriously. This is the accumulation phase.

>> No.26117390

they're off to greener pastures, anon.
you should follow suit

>> No.26117483

pls sirs do the needful and pump my bags sirs

>> No.26117577

>Off to greener pastures than a x100 and future $1000 coin.

>> No.26117617

This. Enjoy the ride down

>> No.26117661

I don't understand the need to call everything a x100. I see a 10x in Avax at max and even that is a lot to hope desu

>> No.26117755

strong fud my guy

>> No.26117824
File: 54 KB, 1018x431, 20210117_234631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Avalanche is the price

>> No.26117828

Just let them sell. I'll let them buy my staking rewards for $100.

>> No.26117963

>doesn't understand the token economics
Bro you are about to get rekt and you won't even see it coming. Do you know how many investors already saw a 20x here and are ready to get out but can't yet?

>> No.26118086
File: 92 KB, 634x822, 1610079052028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you expect a $100bn marketcap?

>> No.26118090

this is a long term coin. 20x is not nearly enough, its still severely undervalued.did you even read anything about avax because it seems like youre braindead. this will be a 100x coin easily. senseless fud

>> No.26118193

I think bove of you are probably retarded and have no idea what AVAX does.

>> No.26118252

Why would they dump at such an early stage of the project? Also the last token unlock did nothing.

>> No.26118643

Avex will become a top 3 coin. Crypto will become standard, just like boomers used bonds, interest, stocks, saving, new generations will use crypto. The market will see exponential growth, bitcoin will become possibly $1million. Inflation and the growing economy will propel crypto to a completely new level. In such an environment yes, a $100 billion marketcap is possible over the years. Easily in fact.

0.7 billion marketcap Avax can process transfers much faster than 470 billion marketcap VISA, 150 billion marketcap ethereum, 700 billion marketcap bitcoin.
>can run eth dapps at that same speed

That alone makes it insanely undervalued and ridiculous upwards potential of x100 easily. Then there are many other things that has been reitterated so many times i wont even bother to look it up. Please stay out of Avax so i can laugh at you losers one day.

>> No.26118759

You guys don't understand how the whale game is played. They aren't interested in a long term potential 100x. They'd rather take their guaranteed short term 20x and park it into another guaranteed short term 20x.

The last unlock didn't cause a dip because it hasn't reached their sell point yet. Just wait and see anons

>> No.26118824

Good project but Indian people and Chinese who didn’t even read the white paper are going to flip bags on any moron who buys now.

>> No.26118948

That's fucking good you idiot they get their 20x we get our 1000x

>> No.26119148

Please tell me how you'll get your 1000x when the whales pull out and your coin is worth 10% what it is today

>> No.26119230

>americans can't even buy yet
moon mission in early stages

>> No.26119282

technically that's more likely to be a distribution phase. but it's a never sell bag in a roaring bull market, selling would be silly

>> No.26119415

1) It's not gonna dump 90%, that would be $1.30, don't be a retard
2) People would buy that shit up instantly
3) This project has legs and WILL be top 5 minimum.

>> No.26119435

720M supply

>> No.26119492

>he doesn't know
You must be a newfag

>> No.26119520

My god, how many times do we need to go over this.

50% of it is staking rewards over a decade
The tokens for the team / foundation are vested over many years.

>> No.26119665

Yes. With the vast majority unlocking within the next year retard

>> No.26119666

It's 2 digit iq FUD. He knows nothing about the project except that he missed out on it and the 2 second look he had on the stats at coinmarketcap.

>> No.26119669

You spend a lot of time fudding something you don't have bags in. Why is this?

>> No.26119852

Check'd - and yeah I agree. Anyone who has done more than 30mins of research on this knows that it's a winner. Rather than just checking CMC and "lol muh supply". Like - just don't buy it then, why waste time fudding.

>> No.26119870

Really makes you think. I have seen that kind of behaviour before. When people were telling us not to buy at $5 and let it dip instead.

>> No.26119937

fr, sell while you still can. $8 tomorrow.

>> No.26120018

Screencapped. Let's check in tomorrow friend.

>> No.26120124


The saddest thing is that he really didn't miss out, he has a great chance to get in right now but he's actively causing himself to miss out. Anything below $50 is a steal IMO.

>> No.26120229
File: 76 KB, 900x507, 1610779102018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love $8. that would be a healthy correction. seems you know nothing about market movements and analysis. nothing to see here, just another braindead fudster who for some reason has locked horns with avax. maybe a kebab would make you feel better

>> No.26120258

because reddit normies will buy this at $2000 in one year. I'm not some jealous cuck like you whos salty that someone made 20x before you. gtfo stay poor faggot

>> No.26120427

One question:

>> No.26120479

I have like 40 when I threw some spare change at it around $4. Don't really want to spend over 3x on it now.

>> No.26120517

The one which has more room for growth of marketcap compared to the top 3.

>> No.26120572

Avax, it literally just debuted and has so many projects and avax-ETH bridge. Links been around for years and is the ultimate cuck coin

>> No.26120686
File: 752 KB, 1152x1720, Screenshot 2021-01-14 002004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26120698


As a poorfag, I need a 100x, maybe whales can get away with a 20x or 10x.


I'm thinking I'll take my profit, and go back to researching and hope I don't miss the next big thing like I did with AVAX.

>> No.26120706

>not even available to most burgers yet
>market cap still well below 5-10x full potential
>nobody on Reddit talking about it
>whitepaper, UX and concept seem solid
>fully compatible towards ETH
Is there something I am missing? This seems like an obvious buy, but there's no free lunch

>> No.26120792

Don't say I didn't warn you. Looking forward to the pink wojaks

>> No.26120943

>70%+=Staking (=less supply)
>Staking already earns 10% extra
>Growth of global economy and normalization of crypto meaning a much bigger pie

>> No.26121036

Where is that 70% figure coming from? Any indication on how long those stakes are still bound?
All of this seems too good to be true. There has to be a downside

>> No.26121102

>only 10% of supply in circulation
>50% of supply unlocking in < 1 year
>VCs bought in at 50 cents a pop

It's a solid team and project but the token distribution is whack. A sniff of anything else doing better (DOT, ADA, ETH2, etc) and it'll spook VCs.

>> No.26121184


>> No.26121246
File: 55 KB, 1196x724, ava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26121354

thx anons

>> No.26121357

No, that was when it was crabbing in the $3-4 range, this is consolidation before either monster dump or next leg up. AVAX is in "price discovery" currently.

>> No.26121522


> Dev team is 200iq Cornell professor who published about blockchain before Satoshi + Phd team
>much faster transactions than bitcoin, eth and Visa at 0.0000001% of the price.

>> No.26121562

wait one or two years when you fear whales dumping on you

locking in staking is from 14 days to 1 year
locking for ico investors is from 1 - 1.5 years