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25969523 No.25969523 [Reply] [Original]

So who else started buying this coin when the turk fud began?

>> No.25969693

ipo coins are going to unlock and dump on you

>> No.25970039

The real fud starts now

>> No.25970053

I rather buy kebabs than buy thisnshitcoin

>> No.25970107

yeah people start spreading irrational fear then I just had to buy

>> No.25970322

Ada/dot/other centralized scamcoins have no legit arguments against it, It's really funny seeing them cope in every avalanche thread, Always peak retardation fud that even newfags can spot.

And they keep coming back with the same questions and fud like they didn't get btfo in yesterdays thread, They're running out of ideas so their best way to fud is just to type a reply and hope avaxchads get tired refuting it again.

>> No.25970428

Racist ad hominem is all the fudders got anon. If this isn’t a buy signal, I don’t know what is.

>> No.25970655

The fud makes me laugh. The best they can do to try to take down the 200iq Ivy League professor/phd blockchain team that is bringing innovative adaptable crypto that will take over the scene is to say muh 'turk coin'. I guarantee, Avax Ceo has a higher intelligence than all these fudders combined.

>> No.25970710


Enjoy 40% token dump by roach devs in Q1.

Ohnononononon he doesn't know

>> No.25970757

I hope the fud works and this thing dumps. I really want to accumulate more

>> No.25970796

There's only two confirmed turks on the team at least that I can spot

>> No.25970800

I am throwing every paycheck in to this for two years. Retire within 3.

>> No.25971619

Consensus by random sampling of nodes, metastability.
PoS without slashing the stake.
Claims Sybil resistence.

If you cant see the problem, you are probably the same person still holding IOTA bags.

>> No.25971765

Explain the problem tardanocuck

>> No.25971879
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for LINK it was the Nazi FUD
for AVAX it is the Turk FUD

they're the chosen pair, the meme magic has spoken

>> No.25971966
File: 752 KB, 1152x1720, Screenshot 2021-01-14 002004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still thinking about this guy

>> No.25972225

I think i recognize this poster. So he got short rekt thinking he was a 140+ iq genius and is now saltier than the dead sea. I guarantee he browses every Avax thread to hate. Now i understand all the weird outlandish fudding ive been seeing.

>> No.25973044

>literally missing out on the next chainlink
stay poor fag

>> No.25973075

when u get heaps of fud on a very strong fundamental coin, you know it is time to buy. always dyor and use biz for leads and sentiments.

>> No.25973498

I'll tell you all the problem with Avalanche consensus.
It's much better than IOTA, IOTA failed because they tried to be feeless so it opened them to spam DDOS attacks

But Avalanche consensus has a problem too. It assumes that every node samples the other nodes and assimilates the majority.

Initially (before DeFi infrastructure) nodes will be incentivized to follow this to not miss out on rewards.

But once DEXes come online there is an incentive to stick to your own ordering of transactions rather than assimilate to sampled consensus. See, this already happens on ETH DEXes but there it doesn't compromise consensus. ETH nodes, when they see a large buy offer, will put their own offers before it in the block before incorporating the large offer. This is called ordering manipulation. Every node does it since it's common sense to have an advantageous ordering in case you get the block. Fine.

In Avalanche however this incentivizes the nodes to not adopt the majority ordering, but to keep pushing their own in the chance that the network will think your is the majority and change to yours. If more than 33% of nodes adopt this behaviour, the Avalanche consensus no longer works. But if you are a minority doing it you can make a lot of money with ordering manipulation.

And there is no slashing to prevent this (well, slashing doesn't really work this is why ETH2 also had so many problems, since you need to reach consensus on when to slash, and how does THAT consensus work, eh?)

So you see, AVAX may appear to have ETH beaten, but I say wait until some DeFi starts getting built on it.

>> No.25973582

Where do you store avax?
I'd rather not have it sitting on binance

>> No.25973644

"turk fud" aka roaches infesting every corner of the internet and people being tired of their shit since day 1. get the fuck out of germany

>> No.25973669

avax wallet

>> No.25973797

Must have taken you hours to make up all that shit.

>> No.25973865

very good reply, no it took 3 mins to type out but reading the whitepapers and thinking about it took a bit longer, yes

>> No.25973993

bros I sold 3000 AVAX for $4.5
kill me pls

>> No.25974067

also I know it's all green rn but what's a good price to ape back in? I don't think it will hit $5 again

>> No.25974134

are you new in this space? sorry but your dumb money is better spent in someone else wallet. you didn't understand what you were holding

>> No.25974270
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>> No.25974366

don't scold me anon
just tell me what's a good price to ape back in?