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File: 70 KB, 600x450, cup-of-coffee_528814833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25961901 No.25961901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25961933

god knows, coffee with like Baileys in it is class though, drunk by midday

>> No.25961941

Not for me

>> No.25962024

Perhaps it's bad for my heartrate, but my 8am shits are absolutely heavenly.

>> No.25962044
File: 156 KB, 500x440, 1610578856984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.25962090

I started this week nocoffee because I feel it makes my head all foggy.
Failed today, had a single coffee tho because it is so fucking delish'. Hope that 1 coffee a day will not give me brainfog

>> No.25962295

I always fail on the third day when I try to give up coffee. I think it gives me mild euphoria and that's why I'm so addicted to it.

>> No.25962564

Why would you give up a healthy in moderation drink like coffee?

>> No.25962592

stay away from everything that makes you dependent.

>> No.25962609

Extremely. Stomach ulcers, adrenal fatigue.

>> No.25962617
File: 49 KB, 657x527, 1546546540112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am on my 5th energy drink and 2nd coffe. i feel nothing what do?

>> No.25962652

only if youre a bithc

>> No.25962702

I hope youre kidding anon. Please take care of your health my friend. It is the most important thing you have.

>> No.25962730

>because I feel it makes my head all foggy.

>> No.25962739

it's a bronchodilator.

>> No.25962880

Cause it's a satanic drug from the elite to keep us in the system.

>> No.25963295

Tried no coffee yesterday and got such a hellish headache I had to drink some by midday, the headache still stuck around until I slept at night.

Guess instead of having 3 every morning and going immediately to 0 I should taper...

>> No.25963660

I honestly believe drinking coffee helps keep your mind active. My grandfather who was 98 always drank a cup of coffee in the morning and with dinner every night. Was still sharp even in old age, his mind was still there. You don't see that a lot in people who are older

>> No.25963787

Less coffee I have the less migraines I have had.

>> No.25964251

Caffeine is neuroprotective. 1-2 cups a day is good for you, I say 1 is the sweetspot. No sugar though

>> No.25964370

t. caffeine addict here. Coffee is better than energy drinks, but you can start to build a dependency and have headaches etc if you go a day without caffeine.

>> No.25964408

just shorted x50 and getting a coffee right now because of this post thanks

>> No.25964540

Not really. It has antioxidants and in low doses there’s no real health effects except maybe dehydration (if you don’t drink water too). Glass of wine can be good in that respect too. Or even beer since it’s a fermented drink and good for the stomach (look ancient Egyptian beer alcohol content). Only downside to all of these is it’s not so great for your teeth. But I mean... I’d rather drink this stuff than worry about teeth.