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File: 31 KB, 650x434, Attorneys-face-stress-every-day-and-can-easily-burnout-if-theyre-not-careful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2593275 No.2593275 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ you have to help me, I believe I've made the biggest mistake of my life. It all started a month or so ago I saw was watching MSNBC and a news story came on regarding Ethereum.

I had heard about some cryptocurrency stocks in the past like bitcoin, but like most people did not pay that much attention to it. I thought bitcoin was a scam like most people.

The News story was talking about how Ethereum could possibly over take bitcoin and replace it. So feeling like I had missed the boat with bitcoin i knew this was my chance.

I worked at a Canadian Law Office specializing in property Law. I was an entry associate attourney, but upon signing my employment contract i was given a signing bonus of $50,000.

I had been working there for 6 months and after hearing the story on the news I decided to deposit my entire signing bonus into Ethereum. I had heard about great stories of people trading alternative currencies and making way more than their daily jobs.

That is when i decided to quit my job as an entry associate lawyer at this canadian law office. I wanted to learn trading with some life savings and figured my signing bonus would grow in ethereum and I could retire in 2 years.

The only problem is that When i purchased Ethereum it was at $400. Another side note, apparently you aren't allowed to quit before your 3 year contract and take the signing bonus with you.

My EX firm is now wanting me to repay in full back to them since I've terminated my employment. I've already lost $15,000 of the bonus and do not know what to do. They are calling me daily and I'm ignoring their calls.

It's keeping me up at nights and I've been tossing and turning feeling sick to my stomach. All i wanted to be was a crypto currency day trader and retire from ethereum.

If you could find it in your time to please respond to my post i'd really appreciate it.... Thank you

>> No.2593293
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take it out of eth and put it in btc and you'll be fine

>> No.2593316

Maybe the economic collapse in august-october will save you, otherwise ur fucked nigga. :^)

>> No.2593327

Bitcoin's price has remained the same for the past fucking 3 months. I can not repay back the $15,000 in that time.

>> No.2593374

Don't listen to what people here on biz tell you when it comes to buying shitcoin, you'll loose even more money.

We're entering a bear market with crypto atm, regaining those $15,000 is possible, but it's very risky right now, the chances are stacked against you.

>> No.2593379

Buy nmr now

>> No.2593380

You didn't repect the Two main rules of investing

- Not all your eggs in a single baket
- Don't invest what you can't afford to lose

I personnally feel absolutely no empathy for your case, you brought it all on yourself and deserved everything that is happening

Go suck some dicks for $$$ or ask a family member to help you. Last resort kys.


>> No.2593412

Contact your parents m8, cry for help
NMR might save you but it mooned already

>> No.2593419

wtf are you talking about etheruem is currently at 446 cad, and will climb. If your actually serious and this isn't a troll post, just hold on, it will climb, etheruem has some really good tech and big time backers.

Wait and sell when you make back your initial investment, then go back to being a lawyer, if you want to be a successful you need a fall back plan, you can't just go all in like that.

>> No.2593461

You fucking idiot. I bought it at $400 american. It's not my fault our currency is absolute devalued shit.

>> No.2593476

>watching MSNBC
>quit my job
>day trader

>> No.2593489

I bought in at 400 also, feelsbadman

>> No.2593521

ethereum is tanking you retard, good job buying at an ATH. lmao you're so fucked if you hold onto that ETH any longer.

I feel kind of bad for you kid, so I'll throw you a bone: you can still unfuck yourself if you go all in on BitBean RIGHT NOW. I'm serious, ETH is going to fucking crash in like 4 hours. Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.2593524

Assuming this is true, you didn't do enough research and bought at an ATH. Long-term, you'll profit if you hold though. You could also try diversifying into promising coins. The one thing you SHOULDN'T do is listen to biz and their pump and dump scamcoins.

>> No.2593526

Dude nothing is going to save you if you won't realise that you're making very irresponsible decisions. First of all, know what you're doing before doing it. How could you not know that you'd lose your bonus by quitting so early?
What would the problem have been if you just kept your job and doing trading on the side?
You're going to keep making dumb mistakes if don't take a long hard look at yourself.

>> No.2593542

Lol, literally a second after I posted, this guy proved my point.

>> No.2593546
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>quit job before having a proven track record in trading
I hope this is pasta.

>> No.2593553
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Holy shit, I don't usually feel empathy towards people on 4chan... But you are genuinely fucked.

>> No.2593555

clicking on scat porn is a "mistake"

quitting your job because of a news story that sensationalized cryptocurrency is called self-destruction. you didn't even have an ongoing gambling problem like most people in crypto, you just straight up tossed your life in the toilet hoping an asset that doesn't even exist will pull you out for free.

go work in a fast food place and save up. take out a loan to repay your bonus or make a payment plan with them. then buy as much DGB as possible.

>> No.2593570

Don't worry. Everything is still OK. Your money never disappeared. The truth is that money can't do that. It's just changing it's owner. In your case from you to me. So now it's at a better place because you where not good for your money. As you now know the truth, everything is OK. Yes?

>> No.2593579

When do you guys think ETH will climb back up to at least 350?

>> No.2593588
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>> No.2593589

jesus fucking christ, I don't know what to tell you but hold. The majority of "tips" on this site are self-serving and worthless, and you don't have the experience to day trade crypto. Just hold.

>> No.2593590

Trips of Truth

>> No.2593601

jesus christ anon. cryptos are meant to be passive income, don't fucking quit your job to "learn how to trade." day trading cryptos is literally suicide-tier.

don't know what to tell you. cash out, get a loan to cover the difference, pay them back, and start wage cucking until you've learned your lesson.

>> No.2593624

fucking this, anyone who fall's for biz's scancoin bullshit almost deserves to be broke.

>> No.2593659
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>> No.2593696

This has to be LARP.

No one is that stupid.

>> No.2593825


>> No.2594049
File: 141 KB, 750x750, monopoly-moneybags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My advice is to buy everything that is currently in my portfolio.
Then stop larping.

>> No.2594072

>It all started a month or so ago I saw was watching MSNBC and a news story came on regarding Ethereum.

Nigga, this was a sign that it's too late. You done fucked up

>> No.2594101


>> No.2594151

Pull it all out of ETH, put it all into a coin that's about to be pumped, and you will double your money in 1 day. Then you just pay back the company and continue doing pumps until it's illegal.

>> No.2594189

just put it all into moon coin OP

>> No.2594195

man up. liquidate everything you got and apply for a loan for the rest. get a job at mcdonalds and pay the loan as soon as possible while applying to other law firms outside your city. you already are blacklisted.

next time don't be stupid and read your contract. your stupidity pushed your retirement at least 15 years, so congrats.

>> No.2594216

>next time don't be stupid and read your contract

How does someone with a law degree not read an employment contract before signing it?

>> No.2594228

Is your Name Saul Goodman? How funny: a lawyer who doesn't read a contract he signed...

>> No.2594238

You could also try gambling at Vegas. You'll win and come back and pay everything.

>> No.2594247

Wait, you're a lawyer and didn't think about your firm wanting their signing bonus back after you immediately leave?

Fuck off retard, you deserve a cardboard box under a bridge.

>> No.2594333
File: 203 KB, 794x1123, XtraBYtes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy XBY now with your rest money of 35k $ and you will double your money in 2 weeks. Your mamoth purchase of over 1,5 Million coins will pump the price to a new ATH of 6 Cents easily. Then you sell at ATH until you get your Bitcoin worth of 50k USD and the rest of the XBY you keep as future investment.

>> No.2594346

Seriously, this is the biggest hole in the story

>> No.2594349

>the same for three months
>literally hit an ATH not even a month ago


>> No.2594386


as much as i dislike the coin, this would actually work, the coin is primed for a breakout and we know its capable of reaching 1600 sats, just needs some volume to get there

>> No.2594387

>BTC was $1000 three months ago
>now steady at around $2600 - $2700


>> No.2594411

OP you will be fine son, just hodl, smoke some weed if you feel sick. Grow some balls bitch it was your decision faggot.

>> No.2594416

You blew their signing bonus knowing full well they were going to come after it. how stupid are you?

>> No.2594450

2.7x gains are chicken feed around here, broham

>> No.2594455

Can I ask why you dislike XBY, anon?

>> No.2594470

fug I just sold have my DGB

Gemini is making me wait 5 days for a transfer and I hit coinbase's daily limit, what do?

>> No.2594918

Anon. Why would you do something like this?

You didn't even read any books. How could you possibly think that the price would not go down at some point?

I think you're possibly lying. You would've had to have known that while processing your ETH (I don't think you did it in one fell swoop) the price was falling.

If not, you could come to the United States, maybe let me fondle your butthole for a few nights or something and I'll teach you how to trade during the afternoons.


>> No.2594945

>That is when i decided to quit my job
Lmao pls be real

>> No.2594960

Dude you have some shitty font rendering.

>> No.2595284

i don't actually, i've got 300k

i just say that so we don't get the usual crowd screaming 'scam'

>> No.2595318

>That is when i decided to quit my job as an entry associate lawyer at this canadian law office. I wanted to learn trading with some life savings and figured my signing bonus would grow in ethereum and I could retire in 2 years.
this guy is a troll

>> No.2595438

>bought ATH and I'm fucked
Odds are this is just LARP

>> No.2595496

i hope it is

>> No.2595593

> reddit spacing
> "cryptocurrency stock"
> normie news media

you deserve it OP, I hope you end up homeless

>> No.2595601


Don't reply to these bait threads you dumb newfags

If you been here for any length of time, you've seen this same thread posted numerous times with only slight changes

>> No.2595614

>After hearing it on MSNBC I decided to deposit my entire signing bonus and quit my job.
>I'm a lawyer but I didn't know the contract required me to work for 3 years.

I know you're trying to LARP as a turbo-normie but you're making it way too exaggerated.

>> No.2595632


And yet, it is still more interesting than the 100 daily shitcoin PnD threads. Hmmm...

>> No.2595899

>bitbean is a scamcoin
take that back you slut

>> No.2595976

>going to crash in 4 hours
>4 hours later it crashes
wtf I trust /biz/ now

>> No.2596033

Honestly, pick a coin that has upcomming news this month. Not some meme coin but a coin with a legit team and some good tech going behind it. Check github, the coins website, forums and anything else related to the coin. Dump what ever you have left into it and pray to god it moons when the news comes out. My pick would be ANT but thats for you to decide anon.

>> No.2596121
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>> No.2596188
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>> No.2596371

>signing bonus
double space b8 sage

>> No.2596378

How can one person be so stupid and survive is beyond my comprehensin.

>> No.2596402

look in an mirror to figure it out

>> No.2596435


Great, we're all safe now. The typo police have arrived on the scene.

>> No.2596466

This is obviously a LARP but there are actually people like this and they're one of the reasons ETH is going to crash so hard.

Normie FOMO followed by normie panic.

>> No.2596583

>an mirror

>> No.2596649

well then op should go play the lottery for 4564633245x gains

>> No.2596751

Theres only one fucking idiot here you newfag