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25928446 No.25928446 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25928498

they will both win in the end

>> No.25928562


>> No.25929148

the lazyeyed dude won't

>> No.25929167


>> No.25929186

and also, literally who?

>> No.25929194

the short will be successful as tesla and the overpriced big tech stocks fall, but tesla, spacex, and neuralink will be deeply successful, and musk will overtake bezos for richest human after the dust settles.

>> No.25929356

Musk = Reddit
4chan = Burry

Also Musk isnt autistic, Burry literally is autistic and has one eye

>> No.25929397

its a glass eye

>> No.25929425


>> No.25929470

I'm gonna short Tesla also, just waiting for the right moment which I think is soon

>> No.25929682

>TSLA 50% pull back in 2021
>TSLA 5x in 2022.

>> No.25930028

Burry is actually intelligent, Musk is an "entrepreneur" meaning a merchant. Good at selling ideas, good at raising capital, good with "people" (aka. soulless idiots that can not look beneath his thin veneer of pseudo-intelligent babble).
Michael Burry should be lauded as the king he is, especially on this board. When this guy takes a short position he is 100% convinced and this dude doesnt have paper hands, he lost billions before the housing bubble popped and when it did, the bankster criminals couldnt even pay him out.

>> No.25930171

This. Tesla is normiecore and accordingly disappointing

>> No.25930486

Unfortunately I think Burry is wrong on this one. Tesla will continue skyrocketing nonsensically until the entire market falls again. It won't crash of its own accord. This isn't a traditional overvaluation problem; this is blind faith and unrelenting optimism for what investors essentially see as a transhumanist singularity kind of future.

The only way Tesla stock would crash is if Elon Musk died. There is no mortgage crisis or loan defaulting scenario here. The only way is up.

>> No.25931066

What about all that shorting the water industry shit? That never worked out for him, did it? Then he cried about how there should be more regulation so his shorts would come out on in the green.
Tesla is the grim reaper of shorts. It is driven by a depth of hype and soiboi illogicality never before seen on this Earth. Burry WILL bend the knee.

>> No.25931153

the crisis is that it can only keep going up as long as people keep putting money in. There are no dividends, the only reason to hold this stock is that it keeps going up. Once no one else is putting money in, people start selling, which causes more people to sell until the price rapidly collapses.
I'm predicting the top of Tesla will be after normies get their $2000 Biden bucks and put it into tesla. After that there will be no more money left to extract from the basedboys and we head down

>> No.25931207

He hasn't gotten enough fanfare for being right about the GME short squeeze. "Short Tesla" might as well be a euphemism for committing suicide at this point though. I doubt he's highly exposed to that bet.

>> No.25931314

is the short squeeze over yet do we have any data on the number of shares still shorted?

>> No.25931331
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burry is a person that operates purely on logic, thats why he performed so well in 2008. He was one of the few logical ones. Tesla doens't moon on logic, it's very fucking obvious it's overvalued but does that change anything? No. Burry is gonna btfo eventually, we exited the reals of logic a long long time ago when it comes to musk.

>> No.25931436


Hmm.. it was at 98% held short in March when he started, which was fucking absurd. But Christ.. it's gone from $4.50 share to $33 today in less than a year, dude knocked that one out of the park. I don't think he had a lot in it unfortunately.

>> No.25931485

then tell him to fucking move it into place

>> No.25931547
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Hating musk = Reddit

>> No.25931576

honestly he should just get an eye patch he'd look way more badass

>> No.25931857

Where did he short the water industry? I think he actually took a long position in Water in the sense that he bought farmland in places with available water which he would then lease out for profits when the climate crisis hits.

>> No.25932491
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Sort of agree but Tesla will need its own black swan to collapse. After the stock split it's going to get harder for a crash to come soon imo. Whether it's Musk leaving the company for a stupid reason or a broad market tomfuckery I kind of hope Tesla will collapse in the next 2-4 years. Not because I want to buy cheap but because this company is heavily contributing to the bubble that should deflate or burst more than a year ago. ALso I want to see normies lose it all

>> No.25932534

1 eye vs 2 eye hmmm

>> No.25932541

Barry. Doesn't take a genius to hype up a stock. Definitely takes a genius to short a hyped stock.

>> No.25932594

What STEMtard autists don't realize is that stocks like TSLA don't have to increase in fundamental value to increase in price--- if the dollar is crashing, everything else increase in dollar value as a simple tautology. The amount of USD that was printed in the past year (~1/3 of the current supply) is making stocks and cryptos increase in relative price. This steady increase in price of stocks is compounded by the bullish sentiment it fuels, as well as by the justified fear of investors to not have their wealth in dollars as USD hyperinflates. In the latter case, they will simply buy up anything they think won't plummet with the dollar