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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25913727 No.25913727 [Reply] [Original]

>kek that wasn't the top, that was just the bull trap
>it's gonna go parabolic
>35k stronk support

>> No.25913760


> (((centralized))) Tech giants have decided to become political and deplatform the president (nearly) half the USA citizens voted for
>Massive fucking inflation in fiat currency

Is this your first dip faggot. Have you learned NOTHING from 2017/2018? It's like the exact same fucking thing is happening, except that circumstances for crypto to go to the fucking moon have increased exponentially.

>> No.25913797

>implying the jews didn't buy out 60% of all the crypto with their pocket change when it was dirt cheap

>> No.25913802
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>Institutions will buy it 1.000.000 eoy
Imagine believing this when btc can loose more than half of its price in a few hours.

>> No.25913886

baby’s first emerging market, just wait until an etf is live and you feel safe and the price discovery is done and it’s mostly regulated. Just know you’ll be buying at 2-250k instead

>> No.25913949

You do realise that you can pinpoint where this crash started by when the Tether podcast was released, right?
Stop chanting 2017 like it's some sacred strategy that you can copy-paste forward. Markets are dynamic, that's their entire fucking point.

>> No.25914079
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>> No.25914119
File: 46 KB, 801x576, immagine_2021-01-13_120604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems very fucking healty to me.
business as usual, road to 100k

>> No.25914186


So we should learn nothing from past events instead? And let other people jew us out of our crypto by the same tether fud that has caused multiple dumps already (after which, the price fucking exploded upwards, each and every time)?

As I see it a few things can possibly happen:

1) Tether falls apart, on the 15h, like a comet from the fucking sky, and takes crypto with it.
2) Tether gets a small fine and carries on
3) The lawsuit is dragged out for YEARS, due to the tether team having access to million dollar lawfirms
4) It all blows over and nothing happens

If you think option 1 is the most likely one here you are both: completely deluded, and a naive child that is easily scared by shitty nocoiner FUD

>> No.25914248


Also, the market needed DESPERATELY to cool off, from the fucking 300% price increase. It would have taken even the shittiest type of FUD as an excuse to do so.

>> No.25914280


But whatever bro. Keep selling when the dumb, uninformed masses are scared. And keep buying when everyone is bullish and greedy.

Sounds like a fantastic strategy.

>> No.25914649

based, don’t let the jews get your crypto you know it’s no coincidence we had literally dozens of tether fud posts the day before Sunday when btc dumped, the same time Guggenheim announced they were taking profits from btc off the table yet their sec filings say they can’t even buy that 500m btc before jan 31. Also we dumped on a Sunday and cuckbase went down, had a 500$ discount on btc and kraken was cancel only on their books, these fags can’t accumulate a lot when it’s overheated