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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25912023 No.25912023 [Reply] [Original]

More money, more problems

>> No.25912038

How can a programmer not correctly store his passwords?

>> No.25912051

>more problems

Geez, I wish I had 2 chances of winning 220 millions

>> No.25912067


>> No.25912074

nice boating accident u got there

>> No.25912076

Imagine how much sleep this guy loses though

>> No.25912099

No fucking way the hard drive company doesn't have a backdoor and could open his drive for 20%

>> No.25912104

Strange how you only hear about this shit when it goes really expensive

Where were his passwords when bitcoin was $10,000 each

>> No.25912138

He said he’s guessed 8 times already

>> No.25912151

read til the last paragraph of the article
clearly says he has many other coins, and hes already got more money than he knows what to do with

>> No.25912165

It’s an og dev involved with cripple and he’s already worth mid 8 figures

>> No.25912166

>"ill put very strict rules for my hard drive passVord! Haha!"
>german'd himself

>> No.25912171


>> No.25912172

Also, couldn't he just copy the hard drive and have multiple chances?

>> No.25912186

I wish I lost my sleep to this, instead I lose it to isolation-related obsessive thoughts and a girl who led me on twice in 2019

>> No.25912190

When mans security works against him

>> No.25912222
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, Reverse-Engineering-Chip-ATmega644A-and-extract-microcontroller-scheme-to-locate-the-security-fuse-bit-of-embedded-flash-cut-it-off-by-breaking-MCU-technique-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't he just rip this shit open and scan his password from the crystals memory
Seems like a shitty programmer to me

>> No.25912252

lol you fucking beta simp. Grow some fucking balls.

>> No.25912479

It's mostly pure rage that keeps me awake though, kek

>> No.25912658

It’s an Iron key, tamperproof hardware encryption. No cloning possible (or at least known of). I doubt the manufacturer would admit having a back door, even if there is one.

>> No.25912691

wasnt this guy already mega rich? This isnt a big deal for him

>> No.25912720

I’m in the same boat. Do we have ways of cracking a hidden volume on a truecrypt container?

>> No.25912733

100% chance that NSA, CIA, Mossad, or GCHQ has a back door to it or knows a way how to access it.

>> No.25912854
File: 1012 KB, 1280x1197, 1584848446718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encryption drive permanently locks if too many incorrect passwords are attempted
can somebody explain this absolutely retarded logic?
If some one stole your drive and locked it nobody could access it even if you recover the physical drive.
Is it really "If I can't have it nobody can"? If so he deserves to lose it all the fucking retard.

>> No.25912868

He needs to go on an extended water fast

>> No.25912885

>be your own bank

>> No.25912920

>i wish i had 2 chances at 220 million
I don't, id fucking kill myself. Imagine fuckig it up both times inly to find the password later

>> No.25912931

even law enforcement has problems cracking these. If you don't have your password, you're fucked

>> No.25912934

incriminating evidence if it is confiscated by authorities
for when you're a ChiMo or a political dissident in a country like china.

>> No.25912938

well geez I wish my biggest problem in life was some ho I couldn't get over.

you'll grow up.

>> No.25912951

Sell the hard drive for $50m.

>> No.25912968

Based. Soon you will hit your limit break

>> No.25912999

thats pretty smart
that way if someone wants to steal from me, nobody wins
ppl need to learn that nobody wins when u break the law

>> No.25913003

Thats like if bank would put some dynamite to their vault full of cash and tripwire it, but hey atleast nobody will stole it.

>> No.25913043
File: 80 KB, 600x499, 61_CGKYTdhUIAAs1Yv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cybersec guy here, the point of encryption is to make dictionary attacks your bitch, having lockout policies is retarded assuming this isn't WEP or SHA1
hash your shit too anyway

>> No.25913165

isn't there always a way to bypass such bs restrictions?
what happens if the faggit uses the wrong password? the data gets deleted?

>> No.25913227

yeah why doesn't he just fucking bruteforce his private keys hahaha what a loser

>> No.25913232

Sounds like he is about to lose a lot of problems soon

>> No.25913391
File: 228 KB, 860x880, smart_boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened to me once
i used full disk encryption and never reboot my linux machine for months
then one day i restarted my pc and the encryption password was fully erased from my head
i had to dump the partition header, create a dictionary with all possible patterns and bruteforce my own password
eventually two days after i managed to hacked myself

>> No.25913448

it's not like mommy would check out what's on your computer anon

>> No.25913449

cause it's hardware and after 10 attempts it wipes itself
the guy should handover the pendrive to some hardware hacking team
they can dump the flash and extract the hardware encryption key with chip decapping or side channel attacks

>> No.25913507

Seriously, someone should just tell him to call customer support, they'll verify his identity and reset his password and----

oh shit. I forgot this is why crypto is gonna fail

>> No.25913628
File: 93 KB, 1029x859, 1606692272096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should just throw the hdd into the trash like that other guy.

>> No.25913988

Like other anons said, why use something with limited attempts?
Strong enough password/passphrase and you don't need prevention against brute force as you would be long dead before it gets unlocked.
Maybe in 2009 or whenever it was made he was a bit more clueless.

>> No.25914074

>two days
was your password like "dildo3" ?

>> No.25914122

Get rekt.
your supposed to keep your keys on the anus flashdrive

>> No.25914198
File: 753 KB, 802x839, 1574228887853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anus flashdrive

>> No.25914287

That explains a lot. I would just dd and try untill correct

>> No.25914431


>> No.25914543
File: 1.49 MB, 1357x1281, 1504942226656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I've been in crypro for years but I never got the harddrive thing. Can someone explain it to me?

I keep my coins on a hardware wallet, I also have a paperwallet and some shit on several exchanges.
How do people even store coins on a harddrive? Don't you need a wallet that can always be restored with the seed phrase anyways? Even with an ecrypted USB Dive / Harddrive you could alway access your shit with the seed phrase no? I don't get it guys don't let me die dumb.

>> No.25914849

The coins are always stored in the distributed ledger, which is to say on every miners harddrive. Cold wallets *only* store the private keys.

>> No.25915181

Oh so the dude thats missing his password actually mined the btc?

>> No.25915611

go backkkkkk

it enables you to use a otherwise bruteforceable password like a 6 digit pin or something

no he just didn't backup his seed/pk

>> No.25915633

Everything is stored on the blockchain (basically a list with all transactions on it, that is shared by every miner).
Your wallet basically consists of two things. An encryption key (public key) and decryption key (private key). One receives bitcoins and the other allows you to access the wallet and send bitcoins.
On a hardware wallet, paper wallet or exchange you only store the public and private key. So basically two rows of numbers.

>> No.25915653

Its probably the first one he tried but he just hit a button wrong

>> No.25915681

aaah fuck I got it, thanks anon, appreciate it

>> No.25915695

And hardware wallets and such can use software that encrypt those two rows of numbers.
And then you need a password to decrypt them again.

>> No.25915708

I've heard FRBNY does have a system like this to protect their gold. The purpose is to collapse the room.

>> No.25915753

back then there was no hardware wallets and bip39 seed phrases. wallets were usually a collection of private keys, stored on encrypted harddrives. nobody backed up all their privkeys on paper or something. also bitcoin was worth shit.
if you fucked up the hdd encryption you took the L

>> No.25915825

Looks like the nazis get whats coming to them

>> No.25916135

Can’t he just make a full disk backup and try infinite times? What am I missing?

>> No.25916190

Lockout procedures are incredibly retarded from a cryptographic point of view when you actually think about it. Assuming someone gets in a position where they have access to enter passwords into your system there are two alternatives: there's a certain chance you are deprived of your assets after a large number of guesses, or there's a 100% chance you are deprived of your assets after a small number of guesses. While one involves the attacker getting your assets and the other doesn't, the result is the same for you. If anything it would be better if the attacker got them because there would be some chance for legally-mandated asset recovery, rather than it being lost forever to the void.

>> No.25916208

>take ironkey
>smash with hammer
>bitcoin keys come out and he gets his money

>> No.25916385

log into Minecraft and do it you fucking pussy

>> No.25916641

I may be wrong but i think the private key is the encryption key, this allows the ledger to verify the authenticity of a tx by using the public key to decrypt the message

>> No.25917272

just make a copy of the harddrive lol
repeat, infinite tries

>> No.25917367

Have sex

>> No.25917397


>> No.25917490


>> No.25917538

Cant you copy the hard drive into another hard drive and try there?

>> No.25917546

It’s most likely one of the 8 passwords he’s already tried but he made a mistake typing it in

>> No.25917588
File: 195 KB, 462x540, signata-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

store your coins in signata and this isn't a problem

the service is zero-knowledge, you just have to keep your seed phrase safe and at least one yubikey active to keep access to your coins

>> No.25917620

This article is FAKE and GAY

Pretty much an excuse not to pay taxes in the future.

>> No.25917645

SOLUTION: Clone the hard drive. Now you have 4 chances. 2 per hard drive. So keep cloning it.

>> No.25917667

All he has to do is to ask for help and they'll send him a new password

>> No.25917686

correction: seed phrase safe _or_ at least one yubikey active

and you can have 2 yubikeys for less than the price of a (((ledger)))

>> No.25917801

So what happens if he eventually guesses the password? Infinite money?

>> No.25917865
File: 253 KB, 2151x2603, botatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can a programmer not correctly store his passwords?
Being a programmer doesn't mean you're a genius. I'm a programmer and I'm moderately retarded desu.

>> No.25917915

This guy needs to have some gigabrain look at cloning the data.

>> No.25917973

why you trying to ruin my day with this picture.

>> No.25918169

i feel like programmers are the most retarded people with inflated egos cus they think they are so smart.

t.programmer who is also retarded

>> No.25918425

Nobody has a password memorized so intricately that it can't be cracked by a computer/group of computers within a few weeks

>> No.25918464

>he fell for the "you must have more than one password" meme
top fucking kek

>> No.25918526

Its hard not to think you are a genious when every normie tells you that you are a technowizard over normal tech stuff.

>> No.25918835

kek same programmer with 105k link because I spent 2017-2020 shitposting on biz until they fired me in august 2020.
life is a circus

>> No.25919441

I think the idea is that it nullifies all risk of attempted theft, because the thief knows
>I could get caught in the process
>there is virtually no way for me to profit from this
Basically the only reason to own one of these is if you aren't stupid enough to lose password. This guy was dumb enough.