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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25905251 No.25905251 [Reply] [Original]

why should anyone care about you struggling if you don't work a full time job. i've worked for 17 years. i work all the time. my son has type 1 diabetes. his prescription costs $1000. I get by. why can't you guys make it?

>> No.25905319

Imagine living in a third world country where you have to pay for healthcare

>> No.25905421

can you get the meds in mexico for 50c?

>> No.25905437

I’ve worked for 19 what’s your point? I’m pretty sure if I “made it” that would mean I would focus on my hobbies more and either quit work or go consultant

>> No.25905454
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I have a net worth of $10M
I have never worked a day in my life
I was born into poverty
Turns out God just loves me and hates you, just die already fren.