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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 1500x1000, EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25867838 No.25867838 [Reply] [Original]

>europeans wake up
>crypto starts dumping
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.25867906

Fuck off we held Sunday entire day and we wake up to -20%. USA got literally discovered by Europeans and therefore you are descendants of our superior exploring and colonialism. All white Americans have European grandparents. If it wasn't for us, USA would still be ruled by cowboys and Indians.

>> No.25867964

you eurofags have literally always had the weakest hands

>> No.25867999

Yeah? Put a graph next to European Central Time and you'll be surprised.

>> No.25868176

Guess you gorra admit the eurofags are better traders than you, then?
Thanks for the free money KEK

>> No.25868230

It's literally like free money. I wake up every morning in the UK, and you retards have pumped the price, so I just sell, and go out for a run. Last thing before bed, I buy back in and have the most wonderful night's sleep. IYKYK

>> No.25868303

Yeah I'm not a stupid retard who holds worthless imaginary coins.

>t. Italian chad

>> No.25868465

the first thing i did when i woke up was to short the correction in downtrend, because unlike amerimutts i actually use my brain to think

>> No.25868498

>USA got literally discovered by Europeans
citation needed

>> No.25868514

>american education

>> No.25868549

Bullshit, God placed the white man on American soil 6000 years ago. Science agrees. Then Americans moved to Europe during the ice age

>> No.25868584
File: 158 KB, 723x666, 022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I have just woken up and dumped my bags on Americans for free money

>> No.25868595

wtf, where did you get that photo of myself shorting eth???

>> No.25868792


>> No.25868815

Literally woke up and sold all my stinky linkies

>> No.25868843

>yuro education
Imagine thinking you "discovered" a place where people were already living. Imagine being dumb enough to need this spelled out to you.

>> No.25868867

>/biz/tards wake up
>make the same divide & conquer meme threads they've posted for 4 years straight

>> No.25868868


>> No.25868909

That's Mexico

>> No.25868954
File: 177 KB, 750x1000, proxy-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]