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File: 1.69 MB, 1274x1024, BEST BTC QUOTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25841672 No.25841672 [Reply] [Original]

Tone Vays actually had a really good theory today regarding Orange Man. TL;DW If payments rails start censoring Orange Man's businesses like social media has censored him he might realize Bitcoin and Dapps are the answer to this centralized dollar problem and he basically starts the golden bullrun when he declares he is a crypto convert!

1 Bitcoin goes to $1M?


>> No.25841708


>muh dualist approach fallacy

>> No.25841940


Elaborate plz

>> No.25842011

GBR has already started. Doesn't seem likely that Trump would be squeezed so hard that he has to flee to bitcoin, something he doesn't understand as a boomer. Supposedly Andrew Jackson was one of Trump's favorite Presidents, but he didn't show much of an inclination to channel Andrew Jackson in his first term. Maybe he would have felt more to live up to Jackson in his 2nd but Americans are easily cowed sheeple. Tone is really going out on a limb there... And people on the right shouldn't need his lead to turn to more decentralized options wherever possible.

It's also possible if Trump endorsed bitcoin or whatever, that would just mobilize dems to hate it. In other words Trump might do bitcoin any favors in using it or expressing positivity towards it or whatever.

>> No.25842049

*Might not do btc any favors

>> No.25842096

dont dems already hate bitcoin?

>> No.25842251


right I thought the last president also spoke negatively about BTC

>> No.25842283

Yes but there's a difference between in degree between their dim awareness of and befuddlement about BTC, having heard narratives about it being bad for the environment so kinda hating it but not wanting to sound anti-tech, and their deranged hatred of Trump. By Dems I meant the party and pretty much the entirety of the left. They might not like it but it's not a high priority for them to go after it like all things Trump are.