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File: 408 KB, 828x1235, 5DC30348-C816-411F-9753-5667A3419686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25725774 No.25725774 [Reply] [Original]

This is 2017 all over again. We have at most two more weeks. But I am selling everything within the next 10 days.

>> No.25725823

Imagine, this is the brain of the average person. I feel lucky

>> No.25725899

Average black person. Which is below the normal average person.

>> No.25725975

85 average IQ. Oooooofffffff

>> No.25725997

this makes me want to sell

>> No.25726009

This is what mass adoption looks like idiot. You think Bitcoin is going to become the global SoV without normies talking about it at all?

>> No.25726030

>Implying niggers are people

>> No.25726041

Yeah but where the fuck is alt season, this is bullshit

>> No.25726092

seems like an easy profit target. are they looking to buy blm apparel?

>> No.25726106

As the growth curve matures we will necessarily start seeing the flood of dumb money. It's bound to happen
All these threads saying Suzy at work talked about it. Oh I saw an ad on the bus. What do you guys expect? This is a $1 trillion market.

>> No.25726133

Monkeys are literally smarter than nigs

>> No.25726193

Wait until it trends on Twitter for a few days after $2T total mcap, I give it a couple weeks until then

>> No.25726308


>> No.25726378

don't care, went all in into XCM and already 3x, things only looking up from here. Especially if we can drag more normies to Coinmetro instead of coinbase

>> No.25726380

Damn these niggers are getting uppity. They’re priced out though they won’t be able to do shit.

>> No.25726633

The bottom one knows BCH is a stablecoin. The goys are learning...

>> No.25726793

xcm will do great
congrats anon

>> No.25726916
File: 173 KB, 1759x478, Bitcoin Price Prediction Paradigm Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I get it we are all like battered wives after the 2017 bubble crash, however I offer another explanation for what is to transpire........pic related.

>> No.25726951

they're looking to buy anything that they think will make them look cool

>> No.25727013


Good point. Anon you really need to realize how impregnable $40,000/coin seems for the average fucking American. That is up there with their average fucking salary. There is no way they will dutifully DCA over a year into this at this point, it is too high up and seems so far away.

>$40,000 is so expensive I can only put aside $100
>$100 only gets me 0.002 of a BTC
>thats so close to 0 it might as well be 0 i might as well not buy it at all
>doesn't invest the $100 and instead buys the latest PS5 game

That's it. That's the feedback loop. Rinse and repeat while they give us the free publicity and it rises to six figures.

>> No.25727030

damn dude i am amped as fuck after reading that

>> No.25727066
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 871BE535-4343-4C42-972C-326A004F2240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling his followers a $40k btc

>> No.25727175

after listening to podcasts with Saylor I am starting to think that this might be true. Big fin companies do not fuck around. They have more money and power than most countries. If they decide its too risky to not have some bitcoin then its fucking 1mil per btc no fucking lie.

>> No.25727226

>Yeah but where the fuck is alt season
This time it happened on Uniswap

>> No.25727241

alt season was summer of 2020 and >>25727226

>> No.25727278

Get these niggers out of here. Crypto is a white man's game.

>> No.25727307

Every single one of you that thinks this is a sell signal is a retard

>> No.25727461
File: 551 KB, 964x912, 1456621427070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I go all in btc right now with the 9k i have, I leveraged btc back in 2017 and cashed out with like x3 profit and I want to kms.

I know nothing, but this seriously looks to me like we are at about the very exit of when the average man's salary can by any meaningful amount of btc.

>> No.25727495

Its not

>> No.25727587

High IQ right here

>> No.25727599

Its already past the point a normie can DCA into 1 btc. The message has to become DCA into sats or normies might not be interested. Gotta shill sats to normies asap

>> No.25727605

Bitcoin Cash will moon off of niggers. Bitcoin is now bling to niggers but niggers can’t afford the real thing so they’ll all go for BCH. This has already happened in Africa. None of these bleeding heart BANKING THE UNBANKED projects can convince a single nigger in Africa to use their shitcoin they will only use Bitcoin Cash because it has Bitcoin in the name and Bitcoin is bling now for niggers as I said earlier.

>> No.25727657
File: 10 KB, 224x224, DSPWEjYWAAYJTD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wuz

>> No.25727669

Even if 3rd worlders living on $800 a month buy in mass how much can that actually increase the price? They have weak ass hands and will sell to buy a fucking new bicycle. BTC dominates market movement of the top 10.

>> No.25727755

>to buy a fucking new bicycle
anon, I...

>> No.25727895

All that matters is that it’s proven to be popular with niggers as a species. There are a lot of niggers and BCH cap is not that high.

>> No.25728123

Just because they invest doesn't mean they know how to keep it. More money for you anon.

>> No.25728169

some people have 0 imagination

>> No.25728263

This man gets it

>> No.25728291

>Multimillionaire rappers buying up Bitcoin at the same time as multibillionaire companies
>Bad for price
Are you really this fucking retarded?

>> No.25728311

Nice try cracker, you afraid that the kangs know your stable magic

>> No.25728816
File: 5 KB, 393x128, bor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late blooming BOR is the thing to have now.
You can get it sub 300$ and have a month or 2 for the pumps and moon.

>> No.25729161


>> No.25729295

so what? they buying the top of 1st gen coins, kek.