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25712329 No.25712329 [Reply] [Original]

With the Tether crisis looking more and more likely to crash the crypto market at some point this year, what are some safe investment options before the crash actually happens?

USDC? Fiat? Gold? Something else?


>> No.25712402

Priced out fat zitcovered incel.

>> No.25712792

Jesus ur dumb, teather is like 23 bil. while bitcoin is 700+ billion, AND THE whole fucking crypto market is a TRILLION. WHO CARES IS that minor 23 bil turns out to be fake, MORE MONEY MOVING OVER TO BTC THEN BUDDY

>> No.25712830

I moved 40% of my holdings to USDC today.

>> No.25712885


>> No.25712998

huge sell signal

>> No.25713190

USDC seems like the safest bet atm.

Keep everything ready in meta mask to do a fast swap. Be sure to have enough ETH for the insane gas fees. Don't be suprised it will costs you $500 to exit.

Then just keep BTC, fucking new fag

>> No.25713386

Why not Ledger?

>> No.25713417
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>> No.25713565

kek at defi retards thinking they're going to exit the dump with metamask swaps.

USDC will bleed. Exchanges will collapse and ban withdrawals. They'll declare bankruptcy and never pay out. Their CEO's will retire in third world hideouts or get arrested. Smart money cashed out for fiat this week or back in December.

>> No.25714147

OK This obviously coordinated Tether FUD campaign is getting out of fucking control, jannies.

>> No.25714536

I have not seen a single good argument against the tether FUD

>> No.25714631

Why can't you make an argument against it?

>> No.25714686

it's not like the Ethereum networking is going down, Uniswap is a fine place to make moves right now.

>> No.25714728

DAI you literal retards

>> No.25714871

Why even hold tokendollars besides for trading? Just hold dollars on an exchange