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File: 34 KB, 640x913, 1599693333457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25679442 No.25679442 [Reply] [Original]

No family, send me your wallet addresses if I die, I will have my lawyer distribute BTC to these.

>> No.25679476

someone ate too many beans

>> No.25679494

based and covid pilled

>> No.25679545

Stay off the ventilator if you can, basically a death sentence. You may think you feel fine, but things can go south real quick.

>> No.25679578


(do you plan on going into Glitch 1/11?)

>> No.25679588


>> No.25679599

sent 1 btc

>> No.25679611

Good luck, anon. You should be alright, the virus isn't Ebola-tier lethality.

>> No.25679661
File: 12 KB, 120x121, gunther5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you get better, Anon.

>> No.25679681

Youll probably pull through man no need to donate your money to /biz/ jeets

>> No.25679739

hello sir, if you give me your 24 word passkey for your ledger, i'll be happy to help you today.

>> No.25679747

This. I don't feel comfortable accepting money from a dying man at all, unless I was like, fucking starving to death.

>> No.25679755

Hope you get better anon. Never owned crypto before because of shitty government regulations in my country.

>> No.25679770

Take lysosomal vitamin-C, vitamin-D, Quercetin, NAC and Zink.
Unless you already have clogged up arteries there's not much to worry about.

>> No.25679828


>> No.25679894

Depends on your viral load, stay away from health workers if you have family. You won’t know until you get it that you might have a complications, like that congressman in LA. Also when at hospital, you can catch other bugs.

>> No.25679914

Can't have the peasants avoiding our fiat!

Be a good goy,and trust fiat!

>> No.25679935

Good suggestions for supplements btw

>> No.25679969

there's shit on that goddamn oral thermometer

>> No.25679998

vitamin d and melatonin they found may help with symptoms. look into vedic breathing techniques.
also stick the thermometer further up next time.

>> No.25680001


you will survive anon, write me in the will tho just in case

>> No.25680002

You put it in the wrong hole. Goes in the one you pee out of for accurate results.

>> No.25680034


>> No.25680102

Vitamin d although helps not to get infected it can help with less spread in your body. Keep yourself strong and pull through this anon.
Just incase tho.

>> No.25680104

You'll be fine, assuming you're young/healthy but I'll post anyway

>> No.25680125

dont die anon we love u

>> No.25680139

Survival odds are in your favor


>> No.25680157

I hope you get well soon shit thermometer anon. Sending you my energy.

>> No.25680218


good job anon dont let the btc die with you
i promise ill never sell

>> No.25680270

You're fine anon, try to stay active, you'll make it.
In case you don't, i'm not against gibs:

>> No.25680271

Covid is overblown you insufferable faggot niggers.

>> No.25680284

go back to pol pls

>> No.25680303

You're just replying to everyone you obviously didn't read my post you absolute reply all faggot

>> No.25680321

I also have one of those thermometers, they work well

Good luck anon


>> No.25680332


get sun

>> No.25680356

Also a friend had it and was well within 3 days

You'll be fine.

>> No.25680419

Hi faggot niggers, covid is an overblown faggot nigger hoax.

>> No.25680427

Anon you will make it, take a lot of vitamin c , you will be fine butt just in case


I will make a donation in your memory

>> No.25680443

Thank you for the you

>> No.25680458

Youll be ok anon


>> No.25680467

Stay strong anon. I know you will make it through this. If worst comes to worst, we will continue your legacy.

>> No.25680502
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, 1585385291340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro don't get put on a ventilator

>> No.25680505


>> No.25680514

how come all these wallet addresses are empty and have 0 BTC in them?

>> No.25680540

Fuck the btc I want that thermometer

>> No.25680561

cuz we're poor

>> No.25680649

>You're fine anon, try to stay active, you'll make it.
better advise is to not overexert yourself, main complication is increased blood-clotting due to increased oxidative stress.
The supplement to counteract this is NAC.
In general sports after any infection is a bad idea.

>> No.25680709

Obviously bait.
But still, 1CAzEsHESeXcy61X9rmHct3PVbwHqopLdu

>> No.25680719

Get some vitamin d op and good luck sending good vibes


>> No.25680736

Vit D takes a month for levels to increase it, if that's what OP actually needed to survive, he's doomed

>> No.25680785
File: 50 KB, 675x530, 1542951631830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all the fucking idiots in this thread posting their wallets from their personal devices directly to an FBI agent.

>> No.25680791

people that reply all should be shot

>> No.25680836

It’s okay bro it’s just the flu.

But just in case.


>> No.25680879

Based data mine thread

>> No.25680891

wtf is happening??? is that pump sucking his balls dry?

>> No.25680910

>>using your real wallet for this literal shitpost


>> No.25680958

btw OP, I had the apartment to myself for a month and got over a pretty rough coronavirus. Don't fear the virus, fear the stigma. I got fired because people knew I had it, etc you get the point. Don't tell people you had it, just let your immune system make you immune. Could be a good thing that you got it if the immunity is good enough

>> No.25680967

imagine the smell

>> No.25681060


>> No.25681083

They're removing excess mucus through an incision in his abdomen

>> No.25681085

holy shit he sent it, he sent me half a bitcoin. holy shit yes

>> No.25681133
File: 39 KB, 657x527, peepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op you got chocolate on your thermometer

>> No.25681218

Oh also this is my wallet

>> No.25681222

>could've got half a bitcoin if I'd just posted my wallet without bootlicking text to accompany it

>> No.25681334


Hope your lawyer never uses this address anon good luck.


>> No.25681473

worked and seethe

>> No.25681488

pls anon dont die, if you do tho I will hodl forever

>> No.25681552
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, 1586736062797.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the purpose of these data mining threads? Are they just trying to id wallets of people who browse 4chan? Or are they going to attempt to crack these wallets hoping there is some crypto in them?

>> No.25681602

Good luck nigger. I better not see any anything in here.

>> No.25681604

All of these are throwaway wallets

>> No.25681605


May niggers rest in piece

>> No.25681637
File: 204 KB, 480x448, cheque eem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made my night OP

>> No.25681643

don't give up anon
no, I don't want ur coins, just want a fren to survive the coof

>> No.25681678

Could actually be hoping someone posts an occupied hot wallet so they can try breaking their security somehow
Or could be just keks

>> No.25681710
File: 160 KB, 503x495, Screenshot_20210107-170539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> baiting anons into getting b&

>> No.25681756

That's a funny lookin' hardware wallet

>> No.25681769


Based OP. Hope you get better. Would be my first time owning any btc ever.


>> No.25681805

Nobody is begging though Bobo you stupid bear

>> No.25681860

You won’t die, stop being such a pussy

>> No.25681908
File: 10 KB, 763x331, 1351123028157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal shitpost
>on a post
>posts it
>claims to have chinese vociferous gangrene

>> No.25681950

sorry to hear that anon

>> No.25681952


Dear Lord please forgive OP's sins for the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, whether he does perish or not from his illness, Amen.

>> No.25682193

dying from covid is rare now unless your 98 and have every condition possible stupid retard

>> No.25682222

still rare after all that

>> No.25682310

you'll be right OP put your faith in god


>> No.25682423

My covid nigger
Im in a state quarantine
Tripping balls from a fever
honk honk