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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25678854 No.25678854 [Reply] [Original]

Studies have shown that African Americans are less likely to own cryptocurrencies than other Americans. Some experts have speculated that this is due to people of color having more barriers of entry into the cryptosphere. What solutions does /biz/ have that can help combat this troubling news?

>> No.25678879

Make welfare payable in btc

>> No.25678897
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>> No.25678899

make cash seem "not cool"

>> No.25678910


>> No.25678911

Sell more physical bitcoin so it can be more easily stolen by blacks.

>> No.25678915

Im working on a project for this ticker: $BIPOC

>> No.25678936

they spend their money on tiny t-shirts youd want to stop that first or maybe sell tiny t-shirt for bitcoin?

>> No.25678952
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Make bitcoin gold chains

>> No.25678969

you can't. They can't understand blockchain. Cash works because it's simple. "Green paper can by shoes? I need more green paper!' Crypto, and the concept of putting money in now, to then pull out more later is too much for many of them. And considering they often die at 17 anyway, who can blame them. Get cash, spend it while you can, don't take any with you in the inevitable drive by death over who owns a street corner.

>> No.25678979
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1 free DOGE in every can of purple drank

>> No.25678981

Teach them how to code

>> No.25679026

First we glorify how they impregnate our women and now we want to glorify them taking our bitcoin? Fuck this timeline

>> No.25679031

Well putting it on robinhood and cashapp was a start. If there was like automatic buttons on iPhones or some shit

>> No.25679063 [DELETED] 

First we glorify how they impregnate our women and now we want to give them our bitcoin? Fuck this timeline

>> No.25679077
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>> No.25679082

That requires reading though

>> No.25679092

Our women? Sir to be fair my woman is a black

>> No.25679123

Kanye could do it.

>> No.25679124


>> No.25679125

Wtf am i lookin at here?

>> No.25679130


>> No.25679143

you put it in a hip hop song. preferably one with a dance that looks like something a crackhead would do if he found $5 on the street.

>> No.25679159
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Okay. We get it.
We’re bad.
You’re good.
Nigger nigger nigger. White. Evropa. Jews. Women. Western civilization. Our ancestors. IQ. Psy-ops. Black cock. I’m too dumb to make an account on an exchange and buy crypto (because I have low IQ). WE FUCKING GET IT.

>> No.25679190

This, obviously.

>> No.25679199

Good. Stay out.

>> No.25679202

you have to make crypto somehow understandable and usable at a 3rd graders level. otherwise their iq simply won't allow them to conceptualize crypto

>> No.25679238

I think the main issue here is how to discourage so many AAs with legit potential to stop being such niggers? The question of the century

>> No.25679253

Dis nigga buggin y'all !!!

>> No.25679270

I work at FedEx in GA. In my work area, there are 15 people. Only me and one other coworker are white, but anyway, ive been trying to get a couple of the good ones into crypto, my manager is a trad chad. Black, got married and has children, works 2 jobs to put food on the table, I genuinely want him to succeed and do well in life, been trying to get him into investing in general

>> No.25679271
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Well Jikzo, your Id says that you’re a faggot, now go back

>> No.25679274

Kek,this unironically. Why are there so many insecure white men on this board?

>> No.25679293

Why are black people too stupid to separate Styrofoam cups?

>> No.25679314
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Chill bro. Just make some money

>> No.25679338

seething zug zug

>> No.25679339

Imagine a black person navigating from Coinbase to their hardware wallet to uniswap. Normies at my work were trying to get my black coworker to buy xrp (kek) and while they were explaining I just saw a glaze come over her eyes

>> No.25679367

>letting your workplace full of non-whites know about your crypto

enjoy getting robbed nigguh

>> No.25679383

Stacking plastic cups sums up blacks.
>Looks bigger than a single cup
>Doesn't actually perform any better
>A waste of material to achieve the same result

>> No.25679403


Talk to them using language they understand. “Money moves” and shit like that

>> No.25679408

Thankfully I also live in a city that mandates gun ownership by law if your a homeowner lmao. I try to keep it on the DL with everyone else aswell

>> No.25679414

Well, I'm a black woman and I'm here and I bought grt at .16 and sold at .68 a few weeks ago. link is shit, I'm looking to swing civic xlm or nu and buy btc when it inevitably implodes. Coinbase is shit.

>> No.25679422

ignore and buy keep dca

>> No.25679431

Good luck. Being a nigger is in their genes and their culture is that of crabs in a barrel. You'd have to break them like a work animal. I wish I was fucking kidding. It would be much easier and more beneficial to everyone if we just ship them back to their continent and leave them alone.

>> No.25679434

Give a free wallet setup for Samsung or other nigger brands, with 100 bucks in crypto given to new wallet users. Give discounts at KFC fir using your crypto wallet etc.

>> No.25679447

>"Hol up, you sayin i gotta spend money to make money? da fuck is that? I already gots the money now!"

>> No.25679474

/pol/ cucks are just the loudmouth minority on 4chan. You aite, black boy

>> No.25679480
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Good. You’ll just get scammed anyway Jamal. It’s for your own good

>> No.25679508

you gotta give respect to get respect nahmsayin?

>> No.25679520

What is an African American ? That a made up cookie cutter term?

>> No.25679538

I mean the cia socially engineered them to be niggers with crack and constantly harrassing them until they finally snapped and started chimpin out, we just have to get them back how they were in the good old days. Maybe without enslaving them this time?

>> No.25679598

good job being in the 1% to pass that filter

>> No.25679601

listen D'quavious you still don't get it. you have a low iq, yes you got that correct. but you still don't...get it

>> No.25679627

Don't beat yourself up about it. It's just that there's a disproportional amount that are like that. Blacks aren't incapable of success, it's just a stereotype (that is unfortunately often proven right). Keep your head up, work hard, and anyone (irl, not 4chan) won't think worse of you. If anything, you'll be praised for overcoming that toxic culture and being your own man.

>> No.25679642

i have successfully combined forces with them but i wont divulge my ways yet its way too lucrative

>> No.25679685

Be Swiss.

Be a DIA chad.

you're running out of time.

>> No.25679708
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How dare you mock the proud dindus!
I think joggers would be fantastic fomo fodder, they would commit robbery and crimes to get fiat to invest with and eventually get killed locking their bags into the market permanently.

>> No.25679733

Blinged out wallet? they gotta be able to wear their crypto as a status symbol.

>> No.25679768

We got an outlier

>> No.25679788

These three young men really look like pillars of their community.

Why does anyone actually have these Biden images?

>> No.25679809

Unironically through shit like young thugs line on “Old English”

“ Hell nah, I ain't Twelve, but if I like it I cop it
I met papi and he said he good at uploading wallets”

Also pushing the anti-establishment aspect of actually USING cryptos Instead of just day trading them (losing money on shitcoins) like most of you autists.

>> No.25679839

Create a pair of high tops that can only be purchased with BTC - also -put the BTC logo on the side

>> No.25679843

what's it like to live with so much hatred inside anons?

>> No.25679844
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>> No.25679876

kill them

>> No.25679879
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>> No.25679883

So that's part of the feature set of bitcoin? That it's possible to lose coins irretrievably?

>> No.25679964

It’s to trap the cold and insulate it you fucking moron

>> No.25680008

Again, its more trouble than its worth. Lets say what you say is true, and that niggers are only niggers because the government made them into niggers (one needs only look at africa to see that this is not the case, but certainly did not help). Decades of breeding in nigger ghettos has selected violence, impulsivity, and low IQ to be the dominant traits in their communities. They breed fast, and they breed young. >>25679414 here, if not a larp, is an outlier. You would have to find a way to promote her behavior as that which should be selected for breeding. This cannot be done without somehow removing the violent, stupid and impulsive traits that currently exist, as they would just breed out the smart and docile blacks as they have in the past. Nigger behavior is promoted by the media, and niggers are fed and housed by the government. There is no pressure to function nor assimilate into society, as everything necessary for life is provided for them. The only real pressure for selection they have is gang violence, which promotes violence and sociopathic tendencies. Any pressure applied to assimilate to society will in turn be met with the violence and stupidity that defines their communities.
I'm telling you, the only way to fix the problem is to send them back to africa and leave them the fuck alone.

>> No.25680084

This shit is really starting to drive me nuts.... Why the FUCK are skinny jeans a goddamn thing?!

>> No.25680098



>> No.25680166

Sheeeeeeeit nigga u mad

>> No.25680208

>they can’t figure out how to buy it
Is total and complete bullshit they all have smart phones and they all know how to download an app.
The reason people of low socioeconomic standing aren’t represented in crypto as much is the Same reason they aren’t in stocks as much.

I know because I’m from a low socio economic background and every time I mention any investment going up by a grand they say ‘man you should sell that and get a new (fill in whatever they want).
It’s ridiculous.

>> No.25680209

this would actually work

>> No.25680267

Barriers to entry are just imaginary lines drawn by the stupid and/or lazy.

>> No.25680367

Sure you could have some rapper shill your shitcoin. Thing is they don't think that far ahead. Have you ever tried to sell investment advice to them? Of course not, the best they have is payday loans.

>> No.25680407


>> No.25680604

Could be onto something. I think races shouldn’t be slung into a pit together like they’ve been. Us rigid and composed crackers against their wiggly jiggabo jivin flackety whack. Just stirs tension, and yeah the media enables and rewards the fuck out of it. Though i doubt anyone outside of 4chan shitposters and whitemen over 80 would get on board with sending them back. Personally I’m bringing my white ass back where I belong this summer for college, and will do everything I can to fucking stay there. It’s Americansin general that are the nigger imo.

>> No.25680697

This 'Rich Star' has a shoelace for a belt and the other one has a wad of singles. These are your xrp and trx moonboys.

>> No.25680735

Good on you man.

>> No.25680768

why are these ape like creatures holding guns?

>> No.25680776

They only understand money and wealth as physical things. Like physical dollar bills, expensive clothes, chains, brands.

Most of them don’t even have a damn bank account or credit cards. They think a bank is a giant vault physically holding every dollar it has in actual currency in a vault.

Bitcoin and Crypto are jsut numbers in the ether. They literally can’t comprehend it.

It needs to be physical, tangible, something you can hold and see

>> No.25680837

Been saying this for awhile. You can basically preach bitcoin as rebellion against the US currency. Currency with the faces of slave owners. Currency of THE MAN. "nigga did you know the white man take 4% of ya dolla a year?"

>> No.25680861

pay negresses with XLM every time they do an abortion

>> No.25680926

I once had to tutor a mulatto
>dad nig
>mom mudshark
>kid 82iq
>cant into quadratics
>12-3 math
>CANT into quadratics
>6 sessions
>Still cant into fucking QUADRATICS

>> No.25680980

Ooga booga bix nood

>> No.25681159

We must push for more diversity and equity in the computercoin industry, as this can obviously be retraced to colonialism and essentialist slaveownerist prejudice barring entry to African American Blacks Humans. This is white supremacy artificially lowering IQ by manipulating psychometric science and creating a nonequalist narrative of encephalic inferiority.

>> No.25681172

U got them new power pads yet?

>> No.25681186

colonialism so good. I amma tell the next person that asks my views are 'colonial'

>> No.25681209
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still a nigger, why don't you try to help white people?

>> No.25681272


>> No.25681298
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You're also obese. Just be glad that massa pumped some white seed into your line at some point, otherwise you'd be more inbred than the pedokikes.