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25608475 No.25608475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you 'make-it' will you tell your wife (or significant other) ? Or will you just pretend to to go work, but really rent a small office and play video games and troll 4chan all day?

>> No.25608584
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With ideas like this, there is no way that you don't make it.

>> No.25608609
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>> No.25608617

that's a man

>> No.25608638

why would i do that? of course i would tell her and spend time with her

what the hell is wrong with you? why marry someone in the first place if you don't want to spend time with her?

ffs you are NGMI

>> No.25608643

my wife is part of the team, we both make it together

>> No.25608662

>Marrying someone you hate

>> No.25608664


>> No.25608667

>When you 'make-it' will you tell your wife (or significant other)
No. I'd rather have my dick sucked by underaged prostitutes.

>> No.25608682

is that young gentleman in the picture okay? He looks frightened.

>> No.25608708

Thats were you lost the game, ngmi.

>> No.25608744
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Married anon here.
I never tell her about my gains, she just assumes I like to bury money in bitcoin as a normie husband might bury it in online poker or whatever.
Luckily when I reach 1 million I'll be able to surprise her with early retirement for us both.

>> No.25608753

That's a good idea, but you can just tell her the half truth, that you are managing your money for a living, investing.

>> No.25608758

For at least a year. But currently we are both working from home. I have been trying to mentally prepare for the day I make it. If I wake up and check my portfolio in the morning I may damn well collapse. I can't imagine actually being able to work that day. I imagine the absolute terror or the few days of transit into a normie bank into USD. Which is why I am contemplating going with a crypto interest account and never selling. Hopefully by then it will be clear which crypto interest accounts aren't rugpulls.

Also fyi, my normie sister just texted me saying "her bitcoin is doing well" we are reaching the normie fomo.

>> No.25608780

if you plan on havig kids then i would def have an office someplace. its best to lead by example and get up early and go to "work". Doesnt matter if your shit posting just need to look like you are not a piece of shit

>> No.25608833

Actual chads never get married, they don't need to, they have access to sex all the time

Finally, someone who gets it! Any city, country recommendations to get away with this? I only know about Phnom Penh to deflower some little girls, there's even one article about a mom selling her daughter and her daughter couldn't pee for about week LOL! The only answer I got from here is "any slavic shithole" but no specifics though

>> No.25608884

i did make it, we are multimillionaires in our 30s. Obviously dont get married to someone you cant fucking depend on

>> No.25608908

>having unlimited sex with degenerate whores leads to a fulfilling life

anon ....

>> No.25608959

There is still a 50% chance for divorce.

>> No.25608988

If I make it I'm making my wife move back to China "for safety reasons". Then going off and fucking every top tier whore on instagram I can.

>> No.25608999

Go have your fulfilled cuck husband life, get fucked by family court then retard

Women are property at best, but most of the time are just disposable, buy them virgin on countries where they have no rights, use them, dispose them, repeat

>> No.25609063

>he believes the 50% of all married couples get divorced
>he doesn't understand that figure doesn't account for people who marry and divorce multiple times

>> No.25609067

Kill yourself pedo

>> No.25609102

My wife has her own plan. She thinks she's going to make it with Amway. What do?

>> No.25609110
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yeah im gonna need the original pic op

>> No.25609144

>fucking prominent whores
if you were a true elite you'd make the switch to pristine cunny

>> No.25609176

literally the best idea ive ever fucking heard

>> No.25609202

this is true in the aggregate, but look at really who is getting divorced. But if you are concerned about this obviously dont marry someone if there is a hint she will run off. Lifes too short to deal with that bullshit

>> No.25609217 [DELETED] 

Nah, don't feel like it, always remember that us deflower little girls and THEY WILL NEVER FORGET IT <3

>> No.25609260

This is so true

>> No.25609271

It would be higher by accounting them, there are nearly 70% divorce quotes in some generations if you count them. Millenials are the most fucked of them all. Some sluts are in there mid 30s and are already in theire 3rd marriage. You have a roughly 50% change to get divorced by your wife if your wife is under 40.

>> No.25609285

Probably the second option. Or just keep stacking BOND forever, who knows

>> No.25609289
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>my wife is part of the team, we both make it together

>> No.25609300
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I’m poor as fuck so when I tell my wife I’m going to say honey check the bank account and dab in her face then buy a house in cash

>> No.25609303


>> No.25609319

I sincerely hope that you mean 3 million, two of which were lost in a boating accident and will remain known only to you.
>because twice divorced is like retard squared, not multiplied

>> No.25609321
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AYO, any of you white bois got cute sisters? I LOVE THE WHITE PUSSY.

>> No.25609329

How new are you and how low is your IQ?

>> No.25609343

I already made it when I married my wife, everything else is a bonus.

>> No.25609354

I live with my girlfriend and I have never told her about my crypto or gains. My plan is to buy an apartment without her knowing and rent it behind her back.

>> No.25609356

>3 liberinos were deposited into your account

>> No.25609359

Nah, I wouldn't tell her. w*men are terrible with finances and you just have nothing to gain from her knowing. Even if you didn't grant her control, she still might dig around in your safe or your computer files trying to get your private keys or something. And, god forbid, there's a divorce, she's gonna want to come after your stack too.

>> No.25609363

probably the least heterosexual thing I've seen all week

>> No.25609419

>Begging for roasties

Stay mad bro


>> No.25609480

Dangerous based my good sir

>> No.25609528

My wife and I are invested 50/50, we share our losses, we share our gains, as we share anything in life. Welcome to the real world incel.

>> No.25609529

its 50% of all marriages ending in divorce not 50% of people you fucking moron

>> No.25609556

>le games

>> No.25609573

Glad to hear you're happy mate. It just doesn't work for a lot of other peoples mind sets. Esepcially when they have no frame of reference for what a stable relationship can bring to their lives. That being said.
>You are a faggot

>> No.25609619

>there are nearly 70% divorce quotes in some generations if you count them
>in some generations
There are still members of the silent generation alive and early boomers who didnt went full retard.

>> No.25609643

No fucking bullshit.
That’s a genius idea. I honestly think it would be cheaper to rent an apartment in my area, but holy fucking shit. You have won a gold star today. Use it wisely fren.

>> No.25609653


>> No.25609657

Never tell her, it will only compromise her and make her succumb to temptation.

>> No.25609661
File: 32 KB, 634x594, 65E0960E-5A0F-4236-A640-CC6B977C985E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married anon here.

My wife told me to buy crypto in 2017.

This is how my morning went today.
>wife woke up at 4:30am and rode peloton
>after her work out she comes into the bedroom and wakes me up by sucking my dick first, then riding my dick.
>she just finished her period so it is safe to coom inside her
>quickly shower and take my turn on the peloton
>rush over to our 7:30am covid drive thru test with our dog
>blast music and discuss crypto as our stack is mooning
>get home, walk dog, and I go upstairs to work from home at my real estate firm analyst job
>shitpost on 4chan and read the news to disseminate info to brokers
>look at real estate deals and how the market is doing
>wife brings me breakfast of homemade Açaí and peppermint tea with my vitamins
>wife informs me she has to go over sexual harassment training with me as she has received multiple complaints regarding my behavior
>mfw I get to have role play sex later today with my thicc Asian executive waifu

Best part is my wife is Asian and makes 6 figures. Race mixing is degenerate lads, but not when I do it.

>> No.25609668

My wife already knows I'm going to make it. I tell her everything because I make the fucking rules. She knows I'll play video games all day if I want, and she is fine with it. Why would she not be fine with it when I've made her millions?....
I've also informed her that I may be getting a second wife at some point in time. She is aware of all of this.

>> No.25609681

One million isn’t enough, especially if you have kids buddy. It’s a nice landmark, but a million wouldn’t last my wife two kids and I but 10 years max.

>> No.25609693

ok. spooky. do you know me?

>> No.25609715
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I'm going to buy her a home she can design and decorate in the whitest gated community in the reddest state imaginable.

I will have an office where I can study philosophy, and make fun of poor people on /biz/.

Have a few kids. Teach them about racialism. Mathematics. Literature. The basics.

>> No.25609760

Better chance to make it with amway than say xrp.

>> No.25609831

You can easily live off a million, especially still working
>~100k for a house in a lcol area (rural)
>~20k / year living expenses for 40 years

>> No.25609924

>rush over to our 7:30am covid drive thru test
atleast the rest of your post was based

>> No.25610037

The dream congrats.

>> No.25610082

>just finished her period so it is safe to coom inside her

You need to be at least 18 to post here anon.

>> No.25610117

>Or will you just pretend to to go work, but really rent a small office and play video games and troll 4chan all day?
I never really thought about it but this is pretty genius.

>> No.25610353

>getting dick sucked
kek. wrong.

>> No.25610399

if you filter out only the first timers it's still 35% chance

and I'm remembering that fact from 10 years ago so by now it's probably 45%

>> No.25610794 [DELETED] 

$PHR PantsOnHeadRetarded is a yield farming NFT project with wrapping capabilities similar to REN and Aavegotchi. That is all. Read more in the Medium article.




Airdrops are given based on effort, go create publicity for the project. Below you can find a few links to telegrams and discords, there's plenty more crypto instagram facebook, twitter, free discord self-advertising channels to pick from.

Website coming soon.

We're aiming for a 1M marketcap current supply starting point before I launch on Uniswap
10% of the current supply will be airdropped.
5 effort-loving lucky investors get to buy tokens -50% cheaper with an exact amount of 2 ethereum per each person and also receive a limited edition pair of pants NFTs.
Presale will start once we get enough exposure and investors.

PHR planned tokenomics
Total supply - 20k tokens
10k presale+airdrop
6k for farming
4k for advertisement funds

>> No.25610795


>> No.25610813

Wtf is wrong with you cant you tell this fucker is trying to play the long game

>> No.25610840

nice larp anon

>> No.25610959

I live a nearly identical life except I'm a lawyer instead of a real-estate analyst, she's jewish instead of asian, she does orange theory instead of peloton, and she got into crypto in 2016 instead of 2017. We're out there and you're jealous. Sorry anon.

>> No.25610989

I just secretly buy shit loads of crypto without her knowing then tell her we're on a budget all month. I guess I'm fucked if divorce happens anyway as the lawyers will find it all going through accounts, but they're not getting my key I would rather throw it in the ocean I shit you not.

>> No.25610997

absolutely, BASED.

I'm so close to this lifestyle, accept I have a Caucasian GF who is a Psych NP ($$) who doesn't like when I say retard. I can deal with that.

>> No.25611032

Not OP, but another married Anon. Wife sucks my dick all the time. Don't marry a roastie and you won't have this problem.

>> No.25611088

Imagine being so cucked you have to pretend to have a job and lie to your wife about it.

>> No.25611094

you don't need to hate someone to pretend to work / play vidya all day. some people just value their private time more than others. me included.

>> No.25611098

My wife already knows. She sees the 6 figures and looks forward to the new house and car I'll give her all the while, she's satisfied by the job she has and says she won't bother retiring after we make it because that's what gives her purpose after being a wife and mother. You'd all do well to find someone similar. I believe you too can make it

>> No.25611100

Fake and gay

>> No.25611138

This but I'm into the arts so I would just make it a nice place to hedonistically make stuff. Get it setup up for recording/drawing/development ect.

>> No.25611185

no way this could go wrong

>> No.25611314

keyed volcel

>> No.25611465


Better yet. Rent it to yourself. Having your girl pay half the rent. You're legit enslaving your gf. What's the difference between her having to go out on her own to pay rent to some old boomer vs her loving caring bf?

>> No.25611507

Same. Mine saw my blockfolio balance and her eyes popped out of her head, but she says she likes her job.

>> No.25611515


Who touched you? The priest? Your uncle?

>> No.25611584

my sweetiepie is into crypto and she's hot

>> No.25611612

I need it for liability so I can go into my office. It’s pretty gay but, I like my job and the guys I work with so I’m happy to get tested. I just got back from vacation or else I wouldn’t bother.

>> No.25611657

How often do you have to do this?

>> No.25611687

>bringing happa kids into the world
>not continuing your blodline
yucky options desu

>> No.25611712

Calendar method you stupid nigger. Condoms and birth control pills are kike subversion. My wife must absorb my coom and receive the life giving essence it has.

>> No.25611823
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It’s real nigger

>> No.25611898

Just this once since I traveled.

>> No.25611948
File: 1.58 MB, 1535x2376, B60697B8-518E-4015-87FF-FA365B7DDE51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids and a house is better than a Lamborghini

>> No.25611968

Based, are you Catholic too? This method seems mostly pushed in pro-life/anti-birth control groups

>> No.25612004

I know, but I’ll self exile from the white ethnostate and start my own break off civilization on an island. I’ll offer my daughters to hopefully be re-assimilated back to the European side. At least the Asian admixture will raise the IQ.

>> No.25612018

>tfw my wife is jewish and her family has a trust set up so they are set forever
>making it on my own accord earns respect but i have zero worry about them trying to blow my stack
feels good brehs find yourselves a jewess froma good family

>> No.25612055

>marrying bugs even in larp

>> No.25612067

fair enough. some asian girls make my dick move too. I think the asian iq thing is mostly chinese propaganda though. browse a china rekt thread on /gif/ to see what i mean

>> No.25612129

Not this shit again

>> No.25612188

She right behind you reading this, isn’t she.

>> No.25612192
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Christian. The Catholic Church is fallen and cucked. I only have sex when I can coom inside. The rest of the month we are abstinate so I can raise my test and be more virile.

>> No.25612202

My wife works you nicel faggots.

>> No.25612259

same this is how it should women want real man to run shit you faggots

>> No.25612280


>> No.25612348

>renting during covid
Buy one in a college town and rent it to hot whores for blow jobs and ass fuckings.

>> No.25612354


>> No.25612361
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It was hard to dismiss her as a wife given how conservative and intelligent she is. She moved here to the states when we was 17 and did not go to college here, she just got certified and began working as an admin for a real estate company. She’s just now getting her bachelors degree after many years. She was spared the kike brainwashing and was a debt free tattoo-less virgin when I met her 6 years ago. I dated her for three months and proposed to her. We just eloped and told our family after, it was very nice. I highly recommend.

>> No.25612415

>Bug wife
>Talking to a woman about business strategy

This is the gayest LARP I've read all week.

>> No.25612435

Kill yourself, degenerate pedo

>> No.25612452

Mine has been giving me solid financial advice with almost zero knowledge for years. When to sell, when to buy, I give her a quick rundown of the situation, she things for 5 seconds and tells me the correct course of action.
I then do the complete opposite and get wrecked.
So yeah, mine probably thinks I'm 8 digits now. In fact I'm barely 6.

>> No.25612463

you cum guzzaling incel retard

>> No.25612469

>I'm a lawyer
Do you fear there maybe being a God, knowing you're basically guaranteed to go to hell if there is one?

>> No.25612554

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.25612654
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Asians are for fucking and chucking with a condom on after you've checked her drawers to make sure she's on birth control. You unironically fell for le asian wife xD, that's fucking cringe bro.

>> No.25612669

What are you holding?
>inb4 virginity

>> No.25612736
File: 135 KB, 846x1200, D188B48F-FC95-4568-BDF1-23BE67693949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol don’t care, I already made it. Feels good to be loved and cared for by my subservient self serving Asian waifu. I’m happy.

>> No.25612766

I don't blame you. I reject many things the corrupt leadership has done and the current pope, but I believe "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Either way, may God's blessing be with you and your family.

>> No.25612802

Difference is I don’t advocate for miscegenation. I recognize the problems it brings. I got married very young at 22 years old before I had a racial consciousness. It’s hard to find a wife anon, can you blame me?

>> No.25612838

i was feeling sympathetic for you but now you are posting basedjack bullshit. the most important thing you have in this world is your own people. if you undermine this sentiment you may as well be a jew. doesnt matter how conservative you and your wife are.

>> No.25612877
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Thank you Anon. May God forgive me for my sins.

>> No.25612950

True, which is why I plan to buy my own island in the pacific and self exile.

>> No.25612954

I love my gf but 100% I would get some me time if I make it. She already gives me plenty of time to myself when I need it but a wee office to sit and shitpost in as a millionaire? Count me in.