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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 1200x630, coinmetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25575222 No.25575222 [Reply] [Original]

>a token that has a fucking adjustable price floor
What the FUCK
Am I retarded, or shouldn't this be a WAY bigger deal on /biz/ than it is?
This XCM shit had a 1 cent price floor (i.e. the price literally couldn't go below that), now it has a 3 cent price floor, and I hear they're now about to make the floor even higher?
What's the catch here? I'm sure I'm missing something about how this really works, someone please explain
Do other tokens do this, and if so what are they?

>> No.25575284

Well the catch is this is fully illegal

>> No.25575340

Stop shilling your nigger coin here coinmetro nigger slavshit

>> No.25575391

>a token that has a fucking adjustable price floor
What if they adjust the floor down to 0?

>> No.25575406

But that's the thing, they say this is a regulation-compliant exchange
I could see Binance doing something like this if it's blatantly illegal, but these guys?

>> No.25575417

Why wouldn't they just let the market decide the price. Smells of desperation.

>> No.25575482

Agreed, it's unique. All I can think is because it's only traded on coin metro they can enforce it.
I presume if the price/book ever got near the floor (from people selling), coinmetro themselves would step in a buy unlimited xcm using their own funds.
Either way it's a good sign when they raise the floor. It shows they have cash / funds spare which they can effectively use to buy back xcm from peeps.

Also remember that when ever anyone trades, coinmetro buys xcm at market price off the book. Providing their trade volume continues to increase, they themselves can keep the price above the floor.

I know coinmetro gets a lot of shit on here, buts it's actually a fucking gem. Kevin is a god damn regulatory jedi and their exchange is growing exponentially organically. None of this wash trading bollocks or bots. Their trading volume is pure retail.

>> No.25575514

Kek literally bitconnect 2.0

>> No.25575547

If unclear, I mean coinmetro takes the trading fee, and uses it to market buy xcm

>> No.25575557

>All I can think is because it's only traded on coin metro they can enforce it.
But I see it's also traded on Uniswap according to cmc? What about that?

>> No.25575571

no catch, the token is only on one exchange, so they can put a price floor into the exchange, not the token, if you trade it on uniswap it can go below the floor.. but it wont.
>Am I retarded, or shouldn't this be a WAY bigger deal on /biz/ than it is?
you're right, its one of the coins that will do 25000% and you just found it

>> No.25575595

You've never used the exchange have you?

>> No.25575611

reminder these niggers are fudding LCX all day while their nigger exchange is an illegal ponzi

>> No.25575652

Arbitrage with uniswap keeps it tied to coinmetro's book

>> No.25575657

they don't and can't put liquidity on uniswap its just people that trade there

>> No.25575719

it's like a bakery putting whatever price it wants on the cookies it makes, no really

>> No.25575963
File: 37 KB, 832x369, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how the Coinmetro bond token works? Would it be worth it to invest like €1000 in it or would the upside be negligible? At 10% APY I would be looking at €200 profit, but the €1000 I invested would be gone, right? Is there a chance those growth token would be worth less than $1000? And what those the underlined sentence in pic related mean?

>> No.25576019

Sounds interesting
I still gotta do some research on this, though. The CEO seems intelligent from the clips I saw but he also has a very 'used car salesman' aura about him
Not calling him a scammer, maybe that's just how his personality comes across and he's actually legitimate

>> No.25576032

>fully illegal
>illegal ponzi

most desperate fud ever jfc

>> No.25576105

>I still gotta do some research on this, though

>> No.25576150

one guy once said he could sell ice to an eskimo
hes a good salesman and a better trader, if you listend to him on prq you would have gotten in at 0.009

>> No.25576273

2018 dead shitcoin

>> No.25576971

Thanks for the read

>> No.25577092

>Is there a chance those growth token would be worth less than $1000
hahahahah anon, if they succeed, there will be a chance for it to be worth $900k

>> No.25577124

what's the growth token? a share of the company or what?

>> No.25577842
File: 184 KB, 700x700, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing like bitconnect you fucking mong. When bitconnect is the subject of the fud you know pajeets are getting desperate.

>> No.25578043

Please someone answer these questions, I'm still hesitant to invest in it, but I will use your referral if I decide to do it.

>> No.25578130

Don't invest in the bond yet, wait for staking in March

>> No.25578139

eu chads sleeping right now, 3am almost
there was one anon who was really knowledgeable about the bond guess hes sleeping
you can ask the ceo directly on tg but i think he's also not available right now

>> No.25578288

XCM IS MOONIGN FRENS. Can anyone tell me why i have 2x the same amount of XCM in my wallet? before i only had it 1x

>> No.25578393
File: 26 KB, 246x390, 1607361721010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have some required reading to do on bonds.
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bond.asp and probably some links on how bond pricing works.

Basically, yes there is some risk. You can always wind up with the company going bust. But the bond token has value because it's going to pay interest out. It will probably be well priced as well considering interest rates at a whole are garbage. But the bond token is basically them saying you will get 10 percent apy and your initial back at the end of the term. That's why bonds, especially government bonds, are considered stable investments. Coinmetro gives you the option to convert it to equity (not uncommon), fiat I believe, or xcm. So that in itself can be worth it.

The risk of a private bond is this -- do you foresee the company either being unable to make good on the bond or going bust? Bonds are lower risk of course than equity but 10 percent return can be on the high end.

>> No.25578428

no, it's a utility token not a security

what you're saying is like saying subway cant decide the prices of its franchisers

>> No.25578553
File: 572 KB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25578856

If you feel it should be below the price floor, feel free to sell it down to sub 3ct on uniswap.

>> No.25578896

I'm away from my computer for a few days. Can someone screenshot all the LCX posts and I will add them to my "Coinmetro killers" folder when I get a chance.

>> No.25579073

today i showed a friend who had no idea about crypto the site of lcx as an example of a bad project, god bless lcx for helping out with my teachings, when he saw the napkin he said "wow why would i want to invest into something written on toilet paper"
had a nice kek

>> No.25580163
File: 138 KB, 751x351, 9id6hkdw0e421KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros dont die on me

>> No.25580217

dont Eskimos need ice to build their houses? Seems like itd be easy to make it rich selling ice to eskimos, theyre all about it