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25552617 No.25552617 [Reply] [Original]

>company invites you to an interview with no intention of hiring you

>> No.25552778

I think I’ve also done this 3x in the last week. Here’s the ironic part: I have no intentions of working at any of these places either.

>> No.25552839

>girls invites you somewhere with no intentions of having Sex

>> No.25552851
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Interviews are gay. Just give me the fucking job you dorks

>> No.25552932
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>group interview and the only other people are women and non white people
i should just walk straight out of these

>> No.25553051

just be sure to tell anyone you are a tranny and you want to do sex transition asap and you are back in pole position

>> No.25553156

unironically this. also:
>oof, at least there are two other white guys here
>one of them removes his hat and has blue hair
>the other one opens his mouth and is clearly a faggot
fml, ngmi. being white and 'normal' is no longer an advantage. how did it come to this? honestly started when we gave women the right to vote desu.

>> No.25553251

Corona is based because now you can larp on Zoom job interviews to be some elite high level individual by simply calling your friend with a nice Mercedes over before the interview is scheduled, you dress in a suit get a fresh haircut and take your laptop and sit in the back of the Mercedes with your friend driving you around and you pretend this is a completely normal scenario and surroundings being driven around as the interview is happening.
And once you start see the HR wagecuck start shooting shit with you after all the formal questions you just cut him off and ask if we can speed things up because you have things to do.
Boom, burger flipper job immediately accepted.

>> No.25553300

I hate that shit.

>waste my time driving two hours to the city in a nice suit
>turn on charm to 11
>they don't like my civil trial experience because it's not corporate mergers and large scale litigation
>they pat me on the back and give me complements
>they hire some blonde girl right out of law school because she's on the market and not engaged.

I despise these things, truly.

>> No.25553316

Do they give expenses/coffee? Go for the shit of it if so.

>> No.25553516


I work in IT and just found out one of my buddies has a second interview with Charles Schwab for a customer service position that trains you to become a financial analyst. He doesn't have a business degree, experience, or even a passing interest in finance. When do I rope?

>> No.25553558

the system is rigged against business degree fags

>> No.25553585
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i just applied to this exact fucking position. my uncle even works there and i had a reference. i was not hired because i didn't have any customer service experience. but it's an ENTRY LEVEL customer service job. it's fucking infuriating.

>> No.25553613

Fuck I’ve had very similar experiences

>> No.25553691

what stops you from dyeing your hair blue too? huh? you incels can only complain

>> No.25553801

I like the hair god gave me.

>> No.25553816

Should've just lied

>> No.25553847

I’m a first year attorney, how common is it for attorneys to switch legal fields?

>> No.25553872

Hahaha I keep doing this too! I apply to positions I don't even want. Then I get called to interview. One of them even offered me the position. FUCK wageslavery

>> No.25553988
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i did lie. extremely. said i had years of experience in a client/customer facing accounting firm. i also lied and said that i was an active follower in the stock market (really its crypto but they wanted to hear how i was with stocks).

>> No.25554008


Went to an interview once that I knew straight away I wouldn’t get.
In the waiting room was a 9/10 young ginger girl, black man in full Armani suit and was charming the shit out of the receptionist, some variant of shitskin, and an unknown thing that I wasn’t sure if male or female.
On the wall is a big poster about equality, diversity and equal opportunity.
Interviewers were 2 young men that eye fucked the young girl and a miserable ham beast with fucked up hair that clearly hates white men.

>> No.25554065


Ngl that's on you. Any low level position is "customer service," from fast food to grocery store job etc so pretty much everyone has that experience. Your parents should have made you get a part time job in HS so that when you got out you had 2 years of experience.

>> No.25554136


disregard what I said then. did they call your references?

>> No.25554206

So he gets to work a shit call center job while they dangle an entry level $50k a year analyst job over his head for a few years? Not sure why you'd be jealous of this unless.

>> No.25554394

>Quit my old job last summer. >Wasn't even looking for a new job, linkedin changed its algorithm and head hunters start filling my inbox.
>Pic the coolest company, say I want to interview.
>1 hr phone interview, 1.5 hr in person interview
>Hired two days later with a 50% increase from last job.
>19 person company, all white men except for one asian guy
>I'm the least educated person there, most have masters degree in physics

>> No.25554544

>got two phonecalls yesterday
>didn't pick up either

I don't know if it was jobs or what, I keep getting robocalls and places that call me for a job are always "yes remember that job you applied to 2 months ago". No, I don't remember and you shouldn't have put 'urgently hiring' online if you were gonna take 2 months.

>putting women in charge of hiring

The only times I've gotten hired are with male managers instead of female HR running the hiring. Men know when they need some fucking workers while women are born retarded and will just jangle aimlessly forever trying to find the 'right' fit.

>> No.25554604

Should have gone for the ginger.

>> No.25554621


One of my other buddies had the job a few years ago and apparently its a good job/work culture. He'd be making over 40k starting and working from home and would be getting paid to study for Series 7 etc. He lives in a very low COL area as well and he's young so 40k is very good.

I don't think I'd rather have his job since mine is super and has similar earnings potential in the long run but it just takes the piss. I applied to several entry level finance positions when I was applying to my current job and didn't hear back from anyone and this guy might stumble his way into a career. I'm happy for him though.

>> No.25554653

None of them check references, they just require it to filter weirdos (aka anon)

>> No.25554682


mine is super easy*

>> No.25554762

>go to interview
>clearly qualified/overqualified
>they suck my dick because I know 'so much' about what they do
>don't get the job anyway

What was honestly the point of college or anything in general? What a world.

>> No.25554763

Busy work and to give a show of good hiring practices

>> No.25555018



>> No.25555598

>White men shouldn't have to live like this...

>> No.25555710

Based and feministpilled

>> No.25555767

Well the interview needs to at least outwardly appear legit. The diversity hire, hot chick right out of college, or frat boy son of a manager should also feel like they had some competition, after all.

>> No.25555938

gotta meet the quota so it doesnt seem like they hate white people.

>> No.25556150

Interviews are fun as fuck. you have no obligations to these people (yet) and can negotiate your salary before even starting, if you get the job it boosts your confidence, and if you dont like what they say you can tell them to fuck off (i wouldnt recommend though).

You have the power. They need you.
If they dont pick you, no problem. You had fun and you can just go balls deep in the next interview all over again.

I hope this helps someone out.

>> No.25556315

So you say I still have a chance, Anon ?

>> No.25556378

This unironically

>> No.25556425

>and if you dont like what they say you can tell them to fuck off
that would be so rude

>> No.25556476

>You have the power. They need you.
Not always, sometimes you need a job more

>> No.25556525

i know. its better not to burn bridges, just decline politely. its just to illustrate the fact that you have the power to do so.

>> No.25556543

Being white and normal is an advantage when it comes to the trades. Lots of based homeowners are relieved when I show up to their house for an estimate and I am white. Lots of shitskin scammers in my line of work

>> No.25556617

>interviewer asks you to bring Tim Hortons to the interview

>> No.25556782

I don't get these business owners. If I owned a business, I'd exclusively employ white guys, filling the diversity quota with people who wouldn't actually do anything and would know that they are only there because I am forced to employ them.

>> No.25556857
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>interview right after some tests that wiped out 75% of applicants
>answer their questions and talk a bit about myself
>"alright anon, wait behind the door please"
>10 minutes go by
>panic settles in
>interviewer opens door
>"yeah well, not great but not bad either! anyways you got the job"

the tests were actually the hardest part
is it really that bad in the US?

>> No.25556899
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>still in first big boy job after graduating college in 2015
>making 60K working for huge insurance company (I'm in a low cost of living area so I'm pretty comfy with this income)
>back in February and early March had several interviews with a competitor for a similar position
>they actually reached out to me, felt nice to be sought out for a change instead of filling out applications
>starting pay was 105K, that's baseline salary I don't work a commission job
>it was also fully remote with a couple visits per year to the main office a few states away so I wouldn't have to move to some pozzed city where that massive raise doesn't translate to a better quality of life than my current situation
>they loved me and said I had to do one more interview in April but it was just a formality and after that they would extend an offer
>enter China Flu
>"Sorry anon but due to the lockdowns we have a company-wide hiring freeze"
At least my current job is safe and stable, but fuck it pisses me off knowing I could be making nearly double what I am now doing pretty much the same thing. Thanks Xi.

>> No.25556914

That's actually a lot of companies. White men and women make choices. Everyone else has dead-end no-thought jobs.

>> No.25556977

>Thanks Xi
Thank your state politicians. They are the ones that shut the economy down. There are states that never had a lockdown.

>> No.25557143

>Boom, burger flipper job immediately accepted.

>> No.25557165

Don’t think about getting a job, but getting proven skills, don’t learn anything unless there a chance to prove you know it. Look for roles where you can develop current skills.

>> No.25557266

before I became a freelancer, I was preparing for interviews for jobs I wanted by going to interviews for jobs I did not want. best way to improve interview skills.

>> No.25557418

There's the issue right there. Women shouldn't make decisions.

>> No.25557419

Any company that wants lucrative government contracts has to meet diversity quotas or else the government won't award you contracts. HR is full of liberal shitheads and dumbass roasties and minorities with a chip on their shoulder so that's another way white men are filtered out while darkies and mystery genders advance through the system. Also, letting employees know they are just a diversity hire is begging for a discrimination lawsuit.
Right, they shut the economy down as a reaction to the China Virus. Besides, both my employer and the company I interviewed with have a nationwide presence. Every single day I work with colleagues in at least a dozen different states. It's irrelevant if some states didn't have a lockdown because enough did that it affected the entire company for both my employer and the potential employer that interviewed me.

That said, I think hiring freezes (my current employer did it too) were understandable at the time they were enacted but now we've seen that we aren't losing money so we can hire again. Insurance is pandemic-proof. My company as a whole and my department both significantly exceeded our 2020 financial goals, which were set in 2019 before the coof. We're going to start hiring again shortly and I'm on the lookout for openings with competitors.

>> No.25557761

"guys it's a matter of getting fucked or doing the fucking. Now you can go and let some faggot politician, who's never worked a day in his life, tell you to be afraid of the sky falling when you sure as shit know this faggot was the one getting pushed into lockers throughout his highschool career, or you can tell him to get fucked and make some money while everyone else is bending over to get fucked like the little faggots they are. Now, are you a faggot?"

>> No.25557807

>literally most qualified and experienced person in my career field possibly in human history
>unbelievable resume
>unbelievably expansive skill set
>can also train other people to do it
>speak multiple languages
>have multiple degrees
>get lowballed by faggot HR and harassed by recruiters that think I'm going to give them a fucking % of my salary
>deal with constant spam and requests for FREE consultation
>set my price per hour
>get bitch tears
>contact their company president
>get my fucking fee
>everyone makes money
>shut the fuck up peasants

>> No.25557985

this happened to me before, did a weird as fuck interview with at&t a few years ago. I was in this small ass room in the back around all 3 managers, they were just drilling me with questions. Felt so uncomfortable during that interview, and it went on for over 30 minutes. After all that bull shit they still didn’t give me the job. It all worked out though, got a much better paying job afterward.

>> No.25558379
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Niggers invite you to the hood with no intention of robbing you

>> No.25559129


>> No.25559517
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>> No.25559601

This is easy.

Lie all the way through with your inflated, made-up credentials, get them excited by feeding them exactly what they want to hear, and then, before walking out, tell them you've decided their enterprise is is probably not worth your time, and tell them you will consider any offers they might make and you'll get back to them after a week of interviewing at (insert their competitors here).

>> No.25559670

Imagine wasting precious time and gas to fail

>> No.25559774

Are you a black football coach?

>> No.25559898

>Entire company is pajeets except for the one white bitch who hired them all

>> No.25559974
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>check off the interview
>show your social worker
>coast on unemployment for a few more weeks

>> No.25560178

One time I got an interview offer like 3 months after applying and had already moved to a new city to take a different position. I gave him attitude like "why would I even want to talk to you after you ghosted for so long" and they ended up grovelling and begging for me to talk to them.

>> No.25560317

I miss working at small places like this because they're a lot of fun, but usually the health insurance they offer is abysmal

>> No.25560600

Businesses in the US love putting customer service ahead of hiring people that actually know what they're doing. You end up with people that will shoot the shit with you while they "work", but then whatever thing you asked for will be completely wrong and you'll have to come back to fix it, or try going to a different business where another "friendly" person fucks up. As much as people here hate migrant workers, if it wasn't for them actually knowing what to do in a given situation this whole country would have collapsed by now

>> No.25560644
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I got laid off yesterday, prob going to get unemployment soon. I need to find a job but fuck man I want to just sell drugs or start a online shop or something fuck!

>> No.25561450

group interviews are literally always scams