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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25543696 No.25543696 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a poorfag, can't really afford to lose more than 6.5k USD... should I just put it all into BTC?

I can buy maybe a bit more if there's a major dip mid-month like some expect, but otherwise all I can do is hold and at least I got something right?

>> No.25543741
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buy an already dipped coin. or look into it. idk mayne all crypto assets are unstable.

>> No.25543750

Pick and choose anon

>> No.25543780
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constellation $dag our only hope against the chinease menace.

>> No.25543894

This is the year BTC truly soars anons, I know what the wise investment is here don't try to tempt me with your meme coins

I'm just lamenting that I can't drop way more of my savings into this without my boomer parents freaking out

>> No.25543918

70% BTC
20% ETH
10% 2-3 Solid ETH projects including at least 1 DeFi

>> No.25543961

with that low of an amount Id unironically go all in on GRT. 10x guaranteed if you dont have paper hands

>> No.25543985
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>> No.25544005

>20% shitcoin that costs $100 in fees per transaction

>> No.25544030

Why even tell your parents? Not a good move.

>> No.25544044

Stay poor, bitch.
Only when it pumps.

>> No.25544132

I have a pretty good relationship with them, but I don't have the time to spend educating them on why bitcoin isn't just "electronic money that the russians and chinese can hack into"

>> No.25544226

Whatever you buy put 15% into Monero. Privacy coins actually have a use and will pin their value to the sector as a whole.

>> No.25544227

Is there really people without 5 figure portfolio atleast in 2021, you had 12 years. You only need 4 btc for that