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File: 30 KB, 696x449, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25543274 No.25543274 [Reply] [Original]

$40 EOY.

>> No.25543519
File: 20 KB, 698x239, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek biggest cope coin. look at these delusional price predictions....FROM TWO YEARS AGO

>> No.25543557
File: 26 KB, 633x330, asstoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25543570

BAT is the new XRP.

>> No.25543572
File: 4 KB, 294x87, lol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25543601
File: 25 KB, 669x261, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25543630
File: 21 KB, 692x225, lol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$846 what the fuck

>> No.25543631
File: 97 KB, 1252x720, pndtoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't this already outed as a discord pnd coin?

>> No.25543654
File: 3 KB, 274x80, lol4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25543687
File: 13 KB, 353x216, lol5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a great one EOY 2020 LOL

>> No.25543703

Like I said, as deluded as XRP schizos with their $2k EOY spam.
I don't use that gay discord shit, so I don't know.
$40 EOY. Get in before the switch gets flipped.
LOL. $0.2 stable coin forever.

>> No.25543728
File: 55 KB, 699x324, lol6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really think im going to read all this shit you r*dditor?

>> No.25543760

> browser is shit
> ads got exploited numerous times
> regular users see 3 ads then 5 months nothing, then all of a sudden 20 ads in a day
> kyc to claim funds
> they shat on the guys that forked them

>> No.25543790

What's your price prediction by EOY? $0?

>> No.25543883

>Like I said, as deluded as XRP schizos with their $2k EOY spam.

who? im showing you posts by bat lovers just like you from years ago who just knew in their heart of hearts adoption is just 6 months away.

nothing. ever. changes.


>> No.25543943

imb4 epic themis! inb4 80mil publisher!! inb4 youtube killer!!! epic google takedown this is such an epic crypto buy buy buy!!! rob is joining brave buy token now!! epic qr code!! wahoooo lets get the CEO to tweet about covid and masks yippee!!!

>> No.25544008

lol we crashed this thread with no survivors. seeing OG batties get their predictions BTFO'd killed it. bat saturday!! thot bro!! jennie!!!

>> No.25544139

Why are you so angry?
It's just money.

>> No.25544159

BAT is shit, really. And Apple put the last nail on it's coffin with the privacy rule.

>> No.25544170

>can't post anymore fundamentals about bat to refute claims so resorts to peace talks
its cool bro. hope brendan sees your efforts

>> No.25544215

Okay, fine. Then BAT is dead, happy now?

>> No.25544257

Locked (cringe) post my dude

>> No.25544323

$40 EOY.

>> No.25544345

You unironically said that last year

>> No.25544419

To be honest, it is killed by the team by 0 bat development for more than a fucking year. I was a big bat fan for 2months ago, then they pushed the dashboard to q1, again(not the first 1 delay), and they blame everything to covid was a big redflag for me and sold all god bless my hindsight! But at least we have speedreaders and a bunch of useless shit in the browser, yay!

>> No.25544487

I did and I was wrong.
I heard Brave is starving for money despite monthly ad buys, is that true?

>> No.25544528
File: 48 KB, 577x585, 1608863691469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I sold my 160k bat stack for eth a month back

>> No.25544670

You dodged a bullet. BAT went down like a bitch, only XRP got rekt harder.

>> No.25544925

Are you a bat shill or hater ?

>> No.25545037 [DELETED] 

Im saging this thread. The quadposter has an agenda. Pretty creepy and autistic desu

>> No.25545064

>14 posts by this id

theres two people in this thread. Sage

>> No.25545081

This. Can't tell if op likes or hates bat.

>> No.25545189

There is a strong hate for Bat by a couple of fags. Good browser, no movement on token price but these fucker hate it like it’s their disgusted father when they were caught sucking dicks.

>> No.25545260

Why do they hate it

>> No.25545881

Thread absolutely demolished lol

>> No.25546013

i've been using this browser for years you faggot and all i can say is it is fucking broken

why do you fags want to associate your browsing history with kyc? because you are faggots

for 3 dollars a month in ad revenue? you must be shitting in your own eyes, ears, nose and mouth fucking pajeet idiots

>> No.25546377


>> No.25546392

Absolute shit show in here kek

>> No.25546454


>> No.25546507

>tokenized system for buying ads
>you have to KYC to withdraw $4 of browser ad tokens

>> No.25546562

Fuck you all.

I'm staying strong with my hand. Bat will prevail

>> No.25546748

Try holding for 3 years new friend :)

Remember - You're here forever.

>> No.25546775

2-3$ max, 5-10$ 2022, 1000-10000$ 2025, regardless of where BTC goes.

>> No.25546785

This shitcoin is dead

>> No.25547093

Straight into my cringe compilation

>> No.25548121

Wow, this thread is still alive?
Absolutely bullish for BAT.

Get in or stay poor forever.