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25468154 No.25468154 [Reply] [Original]

Any poorfags in here? So sick of seeing these retards get rich off imaginary coins. I have like 13kish after busting my ass and I put a 3k in stocks and made a whopping $244.

>> No.25468193

kek gl with you 40% per year gains. you also haven't been rugpulled by russians and pajeets so there is that.

>> No.25468196

You will never have enough. Even when you have 1 mil there will be some faggot on here that made 2 mil.

>> No.25468394

This is why she left you for chad. No balls.

>> No.25468910

A lot of stocks do 200-400% in a month and there’s options

>> No.25469015

How old are you?

>> No.25469071

I have 14k
Didnt work for it though, just threw government money in btc and eth
I am poor though at least

>> No.25469102

If we're retards, and you're so clever, why are you buying shitty stocks? Clown

>> No.25469126

Lmfao fag

>> No.25469344

if you have 13k why are you only investing 3k?

>> No.25469416

Nice try crypto-shill.

>> No.25469421

nah, if i had 1 mil i would definitly have enough since i can sto pworking and just need a smaal house to live for the rest of my live, i dont even want any vacations.

>> No.25469439


>> No.25469523

Yeah I’m up to over 6 k with this pump. 100 thousand RSR 1.6 Ethereum 3,000 PNK and 42 Link. Couldn’t be happier

>> No.25469575
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you’ll make it. Just avoid the shit mindset. I was a college poorfag and my friends made fun of me for putting a few hundred in link, a thousand in eth, and never selling after the crash (which they panic sold near bottom). Dollar cost average into investments you think have long term value avoid market emotions, actually research what stocks/cryptos you like. Rome wasn’t built in a day by crying 20/30 somethings on a basket weaving forum. Cut corners, live at home to save 10-20k you can invest, think long term not short (index funds, dividend king stocks, eth staking, chainlink is still cheap). I myself work 2 jobs, live at home, and may be able to partially retire before 30 if all goes well.

>tl:dr rome wasn’t built in a day, diversify, avoid shitcoins, and work hard. You CAN MAKE IT I know because I WAS YOU

>> No.25469581

Options will leave you poor and depressed. Go ahead and spend this year buying options. When the year's over, you will have made less than just buying a top-10 non-xrp coin and holding.

I'm not saying this to discourage you, some people have to get it out of their system. Go on then, go and beat the house anon. Best of luck to you.

>> No.25469623

>crypto is bad
>options is good

>> No.25469695

Crypto is retarded it’s Indian shills and I’m not reading a bunch of useless shit all day

>> No.25469747

Yes to the people in the world that are non autistic. Crypto is literally for autists you all prove this.

>> No.25469828

Just buy bitcoin retard. Ignore other shit.

>> No.25469890

Look up "investment firm bitcoin purchase" on Google and select the news tab. Then tell me it's autists. We're in a pump. Autists are making money. You're going to stay poor because you have the mindset of a poor person. In 6 month I hope you can at least lay the blame on yourself if you're unhappy in your financial state, but I also hope you make the right decisions now.

>> No.25469927

Lol i made 15k throwing my pocket change from robinhood into ltc this weekend

>> No.25469931

the board has been flooded by bragging to be honest

>> No.25469953


>> No.25469970

pocket change? what kind of dividends are you pulling? I’m trying to set up a good passive growth folio there now :)

>> No.25469980

People turned 500 into 1 million in a year with Tesla options. That’s better then bitcoin in half the time

>> No.25469986

I cant believe I used to be like this

>> No.25470036

Okay go and do it then. Fucking retard.

>> No.25470047

That is a lottery ticket trade

>> No.25470065

poorfag here. made about 400 in the last few weeks off imaginary coins. maybe you should try it

>> No.25470127

Options are WAY more risky than just buying BTC or ETH

>> No.25470249

I missed btc

>> No.25470294
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>> No.25470378

get off this board ugly poorfag. stop shitting up the catalog with your whiny bullshit.

>> No.25470389


unironically just try this. TSLA could conceivably do a 4x this year as well, and at worst you lose like 30% I think. Put a loseable chunk on a TSLA buy and HODL for a year kek

>> No.25470474

>13k could have easily been turned into 100k+ by now if he went into crypto
>instead he fucks around with boomer stocks

your own fault really

>> No.25470506

btc was 3.8k in March you retard. You could have owned multiple

>> No.25470516
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Hello anons
The poorfag who was asking for advice a couple weeks ago has now come to realization that I can sell some things to gain some small start, though I am by advice given now looking to invest.
Between my rifle, and some other valueables, I can get these sold quickly (high demand) and end up with 3k to turn into more money.
Quite frankly I would really like to just live with breathing room, able to make atleast 1k~ a month from home, that along with my farm work would pay my lifestyle and still supply my son with what he needs.

I've cut out all of my vices and bad spending habits, so from here on out I will be saving as much as I can.

My question really, as a poorfag with little net worth, and nothing but learning to do, do I look towards stocks or crypto if I want to start making some money within the next 3~ months?
Thank you anons.

>> No.25470568

>Hello anons
>The poorfag who was asking for advice a couple weeks ago has now come to realization that I can sell some things to gain some small start, though I am by advice given now looking to invest.
>Between my rifle, and some other valueables, I can get these sold quickly (high demand) and end up with 3k to turn into more money.
>Quite frankly I would really like to just live with breathing room, able to make atleast 1k~ a month from home, that along with my farm work would pay my lifestyle and still supply my son with what he needs.
>I've cut out all of my vices and bad spending habits, so from here on out I will be saving as much as I can.
>My question really, as a poorfag with little net worth, and nothing but learning to do, do I look towards stocks or crypto if I want to start making some money within the next 3~ months?
>Thank you anons.

excuse my niggerdom I meant to make a new thread.

>> No.25470588
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>bottom of huge fucking bullrun
>I missed it guys, I'm not gonna make it
Have some daughters so i can buy them from you.

>> No.25470607

29 Years old, $130k networth

Feeling super fucking poor, rent is 2k a month and I basically cant do shit without blowing my life savings apart from maybe get something nice to eat every now and then

fuck this time line, went to University and studied STEM for 5 years and I cant even buy a house - this economy is circling the toilet

>> No.25470615

you can't stop working on 1mil, that will be worth nothing in 20 years and you will be poor again except now with no recent work experience

>> No.25470680

about the same. you should feel good though, most people in our position are like 20k+ in debt

>> No.25470723

cope harder