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25434035 No.25434035 [Reply] [Original]

short and simple boys, how do i 'hypothetically' launder about 10-15k euro into my bank account in an eu country without having to pay taxes for it? i do not have any other income on paper at the moment.

>> No.25434057

Just put it in and dont say anything.

>> No.25434101

Just put it in your bank account

>> No.25434141

Just pay your taxes

>> No.25434148

yeah no it doesn't work like that, my country's tax department are worse than the jews and will catch you if you put in any unregistered money over 10k

>> No.25434167

Put it in a bit at a time.

>> No.25434174

Where is this money being held right now?

I swear im not a glowie.

>> No.25434221

and have them house immigrants and work on climate change bs projects on my money? no thanks

>> No.25434223

Sell it for cash and then use that cash for day to day living expense

>> No.25434232

You forgotten to ask about his city of residence and district. Goddamit Mark.

>> No.25434254

in cash,

>> No.25434298

sell shit over the internet with fake customers

>> No.25434303

Use cash as much as possible, deposit the money on a need by basis, or buy visa gift cards when you have to use a CC.

>> No.25434374

Then slowly put 1k in every month and spend the rest over time on food etc

>> No.25434398

Don't do that lmao, then it's going to look like you have a job and they'll question you.

>> No.25434427


>> No.25434432

In what shit country does that happen?

>> No.25434512


>> No.25434577


>> No.25434588

Just putting in money in your bank account isn't even taxable retard. You pay taxes on profit.

>> No.25434590

laundering money means it's usually taxed in some way
if you have no income, depending on your country's laws you could give the cash to your parents/siblings (if they have an income) and they could give small monthly transfers to your account if you live in a country where direct relatives can gift within the family tax free and if it ever comes up you can claim they gave you allowance / helped you out

>> No.25434603

just buy crypto debit card

>> No.25434663

which one have you tested?

>> No.25434698


Not OP, but in the same boat. This is great for the occasional splurge of spending. But I'm looking to cash out for a house.

How do Crypto > House with minimal Tax (UK)

>> No.25434726

just talk to an accountant instead of 4 pajeets and a paki on an anime forum

>> No.25434767

Talk to an accountant, make sure he's Jewish.

>> No.25434768

You need crypto loicense

>> No.25434781

revolut, put half each time 2 days

>> No.25434842


Thank you for making me see the light, why did I think Basket Weavers would know the first thing about UK Tax Laws

>> No.25434919
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Nein Anon, the German Finanzamt will fuck you in the ass no matter how often you launder that money in n' out.
The fact is they know you already with your KYC reported to them that you deposited fiat currency into a crypto exchange, pulling fiat off higher than paid in will catch their attention even if you put it onto another exchange they still know you put money into cryptosphere and pull out more than it.
Enjoy paying sandnigggers hartz 4, fking germanfag. I hate also being a germanfag but i hope my greencard application will be accepted in may

>> No.25434979

im not a german fag and its not in crypto its cash money that was not earned in a, lets say, taxable manner

>> No.25435026

Generally laundering money requires paying taxes on it to make it appear from a legitimate source.

why are you asking for help doing something you don't want to do? You want the opposite of laundering. Some way to sneak money in tax-free? It's one or the other. Either you pay taxes on it and it's laundered or you don't pay taxes and it's not.

>> No.25435042

I’m sorry dear sir but we are genuine peruvian alchemists here. Please check your privilege.

>> No.25435049

omg nobody cares about 10k pussy

>> No.25435064

yes i just need to have the money on my bank account but i don't want the jews to catch me and pay them

>> No.25435068

>step 1: post this thread on the internet
>step 2: get raped by tax evasion laws after the gubmint sees this thread

>> No.25435069

>how do i 'hypothetically' launder about 10-15k euro into my bank account in an eu country without having to pay taxes for it?
You're a fucking idiot. The whole point of laundering money is to pay taxes on it.

>> No.25435072

saddly I don't have this problem, but if I had I would keep it in crypto till I would have so much to move out to better country to handle this

bitcoin after bullrun or now (depending how fat your balls are)
2024 halving bullrun cashout

someone tell me if maybe this is better way than getting cucked over 15k by faggot government

>> No.25435083

>How do Crypto > House
in a hypothetical example, one would buy a plot legally, and then pay for all the building materials and workers in cash

>> No.25435106

yeah, that's not possible.

there are thousands of possible agencies that can audit your bank account with a simple subpoena and a handful that don't even need that.

you can EITHER pay taxes on it OR not put it in your bank account. Choose one.

>> No.25435147

Do you have cash or crypto? If crypto sell it for cash.
If cash, go buy a burner phone and a handful of sims. List used car parts or some random shit on classifieds (you dont actually need them), send a bunch of messages from the burner sims asking to meetup and buy etc. Offers in cash, different amounts, different message styles etc you need variety. Depending on your countries tax laws any cash sales under 10k may be exempt. If not at least you have a 'legitimate' source of the income now.

>> No.25435162

just keep it in cash
fuck niggers and subrscire to pewdiepie

>> No.25435166

shut the fuck up retard you know nothing. i know a lot of people that have been involved in the same organization i have obtained this money through and they have been jewed for only depositing only 10k. being caught would also be quite bad for the organization i am involved in and could possibly lead to it falling apart or getting into legal problems

>> No.25435193



In any western world country in year 2021, AML rules state that a financial institution sends info to customs & tax authorities about any transaction exceeding 10000 $/€.
Regardless whether it's taxable or not, it's the taxpayer's responsibility to explain what that money is all about when, not if, tax authority noses in on it to see why this has not been declared as taxable income.

Op asked how to hide money. My advice is not to bother. Really, trying to outwit a government instituition with decades or centuries of experience fighting exactly the kind of shit you're trying to pull just to hold gray money in yout bank account is really not worth it.

You WILL get busted. And you WILL be financially ass-raped as punishment while being in a EU country might coincidentally save you from literal ass-raping in prison system.

If you insist on trying it, use a professional accountant instead to do it by the book. If you think paying money for accountant is too much for the money you're trying to pull, you don't have enough money to bother with this shit in the first place.

>> No.25435318

wtf i thought criminals were the bad guys

next you'll tell me the good guys lost ww2

>> No.25435336

Are you the guy that was posting in the thread about legal tax avoidance using "magic circle", or whatever the fuck that meme shit was, a week ago? Autistically read through tax laws in a bunch of countries?

>> No.25435340

Fewer and fewer places accepting cash my man.

>> No.25435360

buy monero

>> No.25435392

that's not neccesarily the problem, i just want a way to deposit it into my investing account without that government noticing its untaxed money

>> No.25435396

Can also go find a shady scrap metal recycler (most of them are lel) and give them a couple hundred cash to write up invoices of transactions. You can then take your cash to the bank and you have the transaction records from a registered business.

>> No.25435442

It's still illegally obtained money so no they're not the bad guys, it's just to keep the tax man from noticing all the other criminal shit you're doing.

For only 5 figures of fiat currency, it's literally just cheaper to keep it in cash and use it for petty purchases. It's only when you get up to like 6-7 figures that it's worth laundering so you can buy flashy property like cars or real estate. Bu 15k? Shit dude just pay in cash for shit and don't brag about it, easiest thing in the world.

>> No.25435470

Apply for welfare, then use your illegitimate proceeds to fund your lifestyle while the gibs accumulate in your account.

>> No.25435542

Launder it through reserve list mtg cards you fucking idiots

>> No.25435570


No. I've just read through my own country's tax guidelines for crypto trading and select bits of tax law sanctions for evasion multiple times over the years. And held chainlink through august 2020 because I didn't want to fucking bother myself with taxes this year.

>> No.25435689
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>0-15k euro into my bank account in an eu country
Unironically make a business legal entity in the US and set up a bank account and have the cash sent there in America or send bills to yourself to make it look like revenue. Incidentally when Obama fucked over European banks like the Swiss for privacy, he required them all to report on Americans. But he didnt require America to report on non Americans. Basically he made the US a tax haven for offshore companies. You can deposit your money in the US and they wont report it to eu authorities.

>> No.25435826

Best idea so far, but it would be taxed which defeats the purpose