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25338110 No.25338110 [Reply] [Original]

Any conservative predictions for xmr 2021 if bitcoin 100k+?

>> No.25338128

conservative would be 600-1k.

>> No.25338158

If atomic swaps become a thing there will no longer be reason for BTC. $2m+

>> No.25338213

Ive heard of atomic swaps being said alot but what is exactly is this? I understand it would make btc to xmr included but im also wondering how long it will take them to develop the feature. Im only holding around $1k xmr, i am pretty poor so thats alot for me lol.

>> No.25338582


>> No.25338614

i'm selling my stack, the BTC chart looks fucking awful

>> No.25338639

lmfao selling at the bottom, based biztard
i got in last night.

>> No.25338695

it broke 2 yr support yesterday. I held for a day to see if it could push back up above 0.006 but this is my limit. I'll buy back after it drops another 25+%

>> No.25338760

whereabouts did this break 2k support? price is doing just fine. i give a fuck about the btc conversion.

>> No.25338800

2 year*

>> No.25338880
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0.006 was a pretty key level. I'll probably wait until its oversold on the weekly to buy back

>> No.25339003

If it can't outperform buttcoin then it's doing badly anon. This is coming from someone that has 1000+ XMR and praying we don't break 5k sats

>> No.25339067

i understand why its bad i was just being stubborn, starting to thinking of selling lmfao i just dont know where i can exchange it at

>> No.25339097

also jesus those are some fat bags man, please be careful. im scared to lose my 5 lmao

>> No.25339208

when did you buy in? I'm pretty salty I bought 0.5 btc worth at 0.068 and held through that pump to end up down a good chunk in sats. I don't care about dollar ratio so I want to cut my losses before they get too deep

>> No.25339395

Bought them for 7 BTC a year and a half ago. It seemed like the perfect sat stablecoin until the bull market came. I still have 21+ BTC so it's not like it's the end all be all for me

>> No.25339434

Are you guys fucking serious? I understand if you hold no btc but keep your xmr, it's the best hedge you're ever going to find.

>> No.25339481

$1k xmr
$500 eth
$100 btc atm

>> No.25339678

3-8k USD.
This is coming from someone that has 10000+ XMR

This will have to do with the current BTC-Boomers realising the limits of BTC. Most of them are still high on their initial BTC purchases having learned about it in March / April when they had time at home.
Check out Michael Saylors journey:
"I was stuck at home and suddenly forced to research all these things I had only heard about...first on the list was Bitcoin...I went down the rabbit hole of trying to understand all these concepts I was only familiar with on a surface level like expansion of money supply"

In a few months they will realize the limits of BTC + get greedy and start one of the biggest shitcoin bullruns we have ever seen. Only this time the pumping shitcoins will all have a serious look to them appealing to boomers (as opposed to the Zoomer/Millennial targeted shitcoins of 2017). After a few months it will become clear that most of the coins are garbage at which point quality alts will pump. In a way boomers are no different than us, only that most of /biz/has already been trough what they are going to experience.

Right now BTC is in full vampire mode but it will not stay like that forever. However, this can go on for quite some time as we have seen in 2017.

The sequence doesn't need to be as I described and some things will even happen in parallel (but with varying intensity)

XMR will do extremely well in all of this.

>> No.25339751

if bitcoin hit 100k some glowy nigger will hack top 10 wallets with quantum cpu and drop it down to 0.01$

>> No.25339768

holy shit bro how do you have a bag like that? making me wish i could get more of it lol. seriously though monero hitting 8k would change my life, that would be sick

>> No.25339916

Just noticed I didn't even write anything about XMR specific but I'm on my phone and it's like 8am here and I need to catch some sleep.
Just by the correlations alone it is clear that XMR moves different from most Alts (on key dates, so you can not just take some price movement and calculate correlation coefficient) also its more Bitcoin than even Bitcoin so if you want to buy BTC you actually need to buy Monero.

Let's not even get into adoption, distribution and coin economics.
Imho when it comes to best overall monetary crypto XMR is boss.

>> No.25340173

while I'm mining monero, and thats cool, I'm a little trepidatious about monero
the deep state and establishment has shown their hand bigtime in the last few years. they don't like competition
frankly, trump has had them singularly focused on him, to all of our benefit
but if trump is gone, they are going to be embolden and on a tear to make up for lost time
a lot of us saw things as they are now back in 2014-6, but aside from the taste of mt gox still in our mouths, regulation and banishment of crypto was also a serious threat. a lot of people would be seriously rich right now if it wasn't for serious doubt caused by a potential government banishment. russia had just banned bitcoin, and a lot of chinese were using it to exfiltrate wealth.

monero, more than any other, might be vulnerable to that sort of thing. (((the establishment))) really doesn't like that things like cryptography and crypto assets are impervious to technical and legal attacks. they want a back door in everything, even if it means destroying that thing. I don't put it past (((them))).

I only have like 20ish XMR. I'd like to get to about 200, but that's at the upper limit of what I can afford. but if I were to lose that because XMR lost its value, that would be a major financial setback for me.

>> No.25340259

We haven't seen anything yet.

The event that will cause a run on monetary clcoins will be an exogenous shock from outside of crypto. Organic demand might also play a big role but the thing that brings monster escape velocity will come from outside.
It is also quite hard to say how high price will go. Could be $1.5k, could be $10k.
Things will move slowly first and then very very fast.

>> No.25340322

I hope so my friend.

>> No.25340375

>This is coming from someone that has 10000+ XMR
Based. 10000- here checking in.

>> No.25340447

>3-8k USD
It's got to get a lot easier to buy XMR for that to happen
I have to buy USDC or some other stable coin on binance.us, move it over to kraken, and then buy XMR.
Normies can't handle that.
I can barely handle that. Yeah I'm a noob but boomers are worse.
3-8k is going to require that joe boomer be able to login to coinbase and buy XMR with a credit card.
this is one of the biggest obstacles to XMR adoption

>> No.25340458

>legal attacks
Good luck with legal attacks on XMR. No company, no real founders, no ICOs etc.
Just a simple good coin.

Ripple on the other hand has like 1000x the attack surface for that. XRP even now has our delisting FUD that once was thought to be exclusively reserved for XMR.

>> No.25340540

Hence the atomic swaps being a big deal

>> No.25340686

can't you buy directly on kraken?

>> No.25340745

>wire transfer fiat to kraken
>buy btc
>exchange btc for xmr
It's not exactly direct but works OK

>> No.25340765

Kraken even has XMR Euro and USD pairs.

>> No.25340877

>can't you buy directly on kraken?
if course you can buy directly on kraken
but with binance.us, you can use ACH
with kraken you have to wire funds. its not insurmountable, but its more tedious than ACH.

>> No.25341424

I know this might rustle some jimmies and is off topic, but I trust the Monero community:

What other cryptos do you have?
I have 2k dot, which has been on a tear this week,
Anyone have any insight?

>> No.25341838


>Ive heard of atomic swaps being said alot but what is exactly is this? I understand it would make btc to xmr included but im also wondering how long it will take them to develop the feature.

Atomic swaps basically = P2P crypto exchange with zero counterparty risk. This means you no longer need centralized exchanges to trade BTC <--> XMR, you "connect" directly with somebody wanting to swap and the protocol does the rest, there is no chance of either party getting scammed.

In other words, no middleman = no fees, no AML/KYC, no fear of being delisted. This will be revolutionary for both BTC and XMR, since being able to seamlessly utilize XMR's God-Tier privacy functions renders all other BTC mixers instantly redundant.

Best part is, in order for BTC whales to utilize this superior mixing service an absolute FUCKLOAD of Monero will be required, the demand alone should send the price skyrocketing, at which point FOMO kicks in and off to the moon we go.

Project Farcaster, the codename for this particular endeavor, is scheduled to be operational by Q4 2021. You can read more here:


>> No.25341995


>It's got to get a lot easier to buy XMR for that to happen
>I have to buy USDC or some other stable coin on binance.us, move it over to kraken, and then buy XMR.
>Normies can't handle that.

Atomic swaps will be integrated in future wallets making them pretty much idiot-proof.

So as long as you can buy BTC you can instantly swap them for XMR with 0 fees or regulatory bullshit.

>> No.25342192

>The event that will cause a run on monetary clcoins will be an exogenous shock from outside of crypto.

Some high-profile kidnapping or extortion case where XMR is specifically demanded would do wonders, you'd have millions of n00bs around the world suddenly asking themselves "Wait, why demand XMR instead of BTC? Isn't BTC, like, the only crypto that matters? Hmmmm......"

>> No.25342314

Hello my Russian friend, you need 0xMonero.

>> No.25342382

plz shut up

>> No.25342385

kill yourself

>> No.25342841


Ben Chode

>> No.25343437

this. It's written on their website.

>> No.25343497

That's already happened a few times. Normies don't ask themselves questions and (((mainstream media))) won't be putting much focus on XMR.

>> No.25343787


Those were low-profile cases e.g. Attackers Demand $7.5 Million in Monero after Hacking Argentine Telco

I'm talking like some famous celebrity's daughter being kidnapped, sending the news media into a frenzy.

>> No.25343882
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